Minor board reorganization and Songcrafters' philosophy/direction.

Started by 64Guitars, June 15, 2011, 08:11:30 PM


ok drunk tank for the silly posts guys you all know where it is.
i would like to point out that just because people have posted irreverent posts does not mean they do not care about this site, in fact i know them to be deadly serious abbout it, i get lots of pms to that effect.

anyway here is the road to the drunk tank you can let of steam in there but dont get serious.

whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Sai:  I could understand your anger if the off-topic posts were meant to mock you in some way. However, I don't think that's the case. It was just a moment of silliness (perhaps fueled by giggle juice) that gained momentum and grew to a couple of pages. We've seen this happen many times in other topics and I never suspected they were aimed at anyone in particular. I don't think this is any different. Please give everyone the benefit of the doubt and forget about it.

I haven't read your post yet because I want to give it proper consideration and I've been sidetracked with other topics. But I will read it and reply sometime today.

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Saijinn Maas

Yeah, I know what I said... but ORH sent me a link to his post here. So I HAD to come back to answer it. He tricked me!  ;D

Quote from: oldcambazolahead on June 23, 2011, 04:45:43 AMdoing some brainstorming, so let me run with my thoughts here.

in the past two days i posted a couple of tracks in backing board jams for folk to add to. barebones stuff 1 made by myself and another made by myself and another member.

this made me think. i back up most of my songs, so it wouldn't be too difficult to post unfinished versions, uno versions minus vocals, lead guitar et all.

no im not suggesting we do this instead of posting backing tracks specifically created for guitarists to practice over but as an addition.

i use the micro br to record and it would be very easy for me and certainly other mbr users to make a mix of a song, minus all the afforementioned, to let members play over, it might bring more people over to the backers section, and also it might lead to reinterpretations of members songs that take them in a completely different direction and maybe even turn them into new songs.

just a thought.

If a member posts a self made backer, and another member plays over it, is that a collaboration? I think these types of posts were posted under collabs in the past.


but what i am suggesting is that as many people who want to  use them can over and over again. i have posted a finished song in the backers thread minus my vocal, with the idea that folk use it just like a backer. as many people as want to over and over.
am i making sense , my mastery of the english language is not as cothingummy as 64's.

here is what i mean

whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Yes, it's definitely a collab. But what makes it slightly different from a regular collab is that we could build a library of these member-made backers in a separate board and people who like playing over backing tracks could use these instead of using backing tracks recorded by unknown professional musicians. Then nearly all of my concerns about backing tracks would not apply and the finished recording could be posted in the DIY board since it's all performed by members.

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Boss BR-864
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Saijinn Maas

Quote from: oldcambazolahead on June 23, 2011, 10:48:36 AMbut what i am suggesting is that as many people who want to  use them can over and over again. i have posted a finished song in the backers thread minus my vocal, with the idea that folk use it just like a backer. as many people as want to over and over.
am i making sense , my mastery of the english language is not as cothingummy as 64's.

here is what i mean


No no... Your English is fine ;) I just meant that I think the few times this was done before (Henny's Life of a Bubble) it had gotten posted in collabs. ... nevermind... just checked and it was Originals.

I think it is a good idea though. I would never expect other members here to cut into their time just to make backers for a few people though. I can see why it might spur it on a bit more. And the added benefit of not having to worry if someone is using an illegal backing track. :)


im not talking about making backers, im talking about using existing songs made by members here, then removing the lead guitar and vox and the like from them and let folk play over them, im sure not every member would want to do that with their tunes, i know i can be a bit precious about my music, but the way i see it, those songs are  done and ive moved  onto doing the next one, so whatever folk wanna do with it do it.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


When I am working on a song I always stop and make a mp3 after a certain spot, and it is very much like a backer at this point, drums, bass, rhythm guitars, keys, just no vocals or lead guitar stuff.  I have often thought that those would make great backers.  Likewise if I am working on a cover I do this too.  I do this so I can practice my singing and leads over it without the stress of feeling like I am recording, just free-form, let it flow naturally, see what comes.  It would be really cool to have a spot where we could post these, where it is easy to find.  Then anyone can grab them and jam over them, or put a new vocal over it, or whatever.  I love this idea. I have a bunch of these mps's on my computer as we speak.  

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Saijinn Maas

I am sure that even if someone is being "precious" with their music, as you say, I am sure they could part with a couple. If a halfway decent amount of us put in a couple, it would be quite a sizeable library of "backers".


i have posted three in the last few days, tonyw i think is gonna do something with one but not much interest shown on theother two. but i have about a dozen with me on a memory stick that i could post. fingers crossed that some interest might be shown and i'll post some more.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann