Minor board reorganization and Songcrafters' philosophy/direction.

Started by 64Guitars, June 15, 2011, 08:11:30 PM

Tony W

Collabbing and hot tubbing Right Mark?

Looking forward to your visit..

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Quote from: Tony W on June 18, 2011, 07:52:15 PMCollabbing and hot tubbing Right Mark?

Looking forward to your visit..

You bet! Looking forward to it. I'll be the pretty one no doubt...
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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Quote from: 64Guitars on June 18, 2011, 01:37:20 PM
Quote from: OsCKilO on June 18, 2011, 01:19:11 PMAnd the next festival should be Acoustic Justin Bieber covers!

That will get us recognition from today's listeners!

I assume you're kidding, but I think JustInfest might actually be a lot of fun. It's kind of like Ted's idea for RescueFest except we'd be agreeing to cover one particular artist. I don't think I've ever heard him before so I have no idea what his music sounds like, but I'm familiar with his reputation as a no-talent teeny-bopper idol. It might be fun to take one of his songs and try to make it into something good.
Like you I had not heard any of his stuff  :(.... so I checked out half a dosen of his videos on youtube.. :-[... I had more than enough afte two, but I kept looking for ONE song without the use of a pitch-correction effect  :-\.... my ears started bleeding after the 4th song ... I even found a live performance where he started with just an acousic and "his" voice :o .... I would have kept looking, but some men in white coats where knocking frantically on my door so I had to run ....

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Oh well ........

Tangled Wires

Quote from: 64Guitars on June 18, 2011, 04:30:18 PMAnd, as Tony said, that ship has sailed anyway. So I'm now inclined to leave the Backing Track Jams board as it is and create a separate board for bands. Would that be any better for you than the idea of the General board? I could also create a jukebox to showcase our bands. It would work like the current Latest Songs jukebox except that it would only include songs from the Bands board. Every time a new song got posted in the Bands board, it would automatically be added to the jukebox. What do you think?

That's a pretty sound idea 64G, and thanks for your detailed response. I suppose my main concern was that, as we all know, the backing tracks board gets very little traffic, and in turn it could mean that a General Board suffered in the same way because the backing tracks would be part of this. I have nothing against people using backing tracks, although they do not appeal to me, as they serve as a great learning tool, but I do think that they are an entirely different animal to a fully constructed and performed song (whether it be performed soley or in part by members of this site).

I like the idea of the seperate board, as I would hope that there are a number of bands established for some time on this site now, that people are familiar with and enjoy to listen to, which would hopefully guarantee that a board of this nature was generate a good degree of interest, and as you say, may increase their exposure.

As you have quite rightly said, any restructuring doesn't have to be permanent, and could be changed if it appeared not to be working

Boss Micro BR

Saijinn Maas

Quote from: Bluesberry on June 18, 2011, 07:22:28 PM
Quote from: Saijinn Maas on June 18, 2011, 10:13:33 AMUsing the same criteria that has been pushed back to me, if the distinct goal of "most" of the members here, was to produce music only with other members, the collab section would be the MOST active. Given that it is not, it is safe to assume that that is NOT the primary focus of "most of the members" here as we are being led to believe.
Hu? whats that you say?  Are you suggesting that original songs and cover songs performed by members in collaboration with other members is not a primary focus of this site?  And for evidence of this theory you point to the lack of activity in the collab section.  Are you being serious, I can't tell?  Look around at the Originals and Covers sections, look at how many songs posted there are collabs bewteen members here.  I am only guessing, but I will say there are a lot of songs posted on here are collaborations between members................a whole lot of songs................that looks like a site focus to me.  The collab thing happens organically, via PM's, E-mail, banter in thread posts.  It does not only happen in the confines of the collab thread.  This site is a hot-bed of member collaborations on original music and covers.  You seriously don't notice that?  What the heck do you think the focus of this site is?  You seem to be suggesting that there is a deep conspiracy going on, while the outward aims of the site are original music/covers and collaborations on original music/covers between members, but really, deep down there is the real focus of this site, a dark and sinister plot to overthrow all world governments and install a one world wide government........yeah, thats it, that is the real goal of this site....to usher in the New World Order........and the Admin team is secretly working for the shadow government to bring about this evil plot..............and we have been fooling ourselves all this time..............it is not really about making original music in collaboration with each other.............but world wide domination...........................it all sounds a little out there to me....................but at least we know the real purpose of this site.......................There's only one thing we can do to thwart the plot of these albino shape-shifting lizard BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  More cowbell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really, Dave? Nice! Way to ignore the most important part of the post and jump on the most irrelevant. And here I thought you were actually interested in discussion. I am not even mad anymore... But I am still compelled to continue. I am a glutton for punishment I guess. :/


Since your collab "info" is not actually based on anything, it doesn't change anything. Even so, we will say you are right, and hopefully you will see why you just helped to prove my point.

    1.   64g said that the DIY boards would be the exception.  Anyone with half a brain, or who would just take a real moment to think about it, knows that most of the regular posters will fall into this category.

    2.   If Tributes are moved to Covers and  Lyrics are moved to Collaborations (in order to use the lyrics you do have to collab with someone) that leaves only Backing Track Jams and Member Bands to comprise the General Board. BT and Bands??? A known scarcely used board combined with the sudden uninvited members?

    3.   While it was assumed that the Backers would benefit from the additional traffic of the bands, there was  still one missing factor.

    4.   The DIY Boards that were supposed to be the exception, are now the rule. With the most active posters on songcrafters, now in the DIY Boards, and given the comments from members saying they only have time for one board regularly, this is an easy conclusion.

    5.   And since it doesn't take a genius to see that with the majority of regulars in the DIY boards, it stands to reason that it was fully understood that the General Boards were going to get the short end of the stick... yet again. Before you even try to dispute this, please remember we already know that the BT boards are all but dead, and that the band post made up only one post out of 38 post on the first page of the Original Boards.

    6.   So now we are told that they were trying to "help" the backers. By putting it in a board you know will not be the main board for most of the members? How is that helping? Once the Bands realize that they just went from a well populated board to an afterthought board, some might leave, some will complain, others will make due and wonder why they lost out all because their band consist of members who do not belong to songcrafters.

    7.   Now it is being noted that the ungrateful backer lovers have questioned the powers that be. How dare you! I shall remove my "help" then you ungrateful whelps!

    8.   But, it is worth noting that from the beginning, comments were made making sure everyone knew exactly what the powers that be thought of those who do not qualify for the DIY Boards. I am not making that up. Re-read the comments. 

    9.   On top of everything, out of nowhere we are being told that the majority of the board prefers that the focus of the site be on "member only originals, covers, and collabs".

    10.   Stupify! Wha??? Originals and Original Collabs, in general, I can understand... Since when did member only anything come into the picture?

    11.   Questions were asked, and reasons for dispute were given... questions were ignored, reasons were dismissed without comment.

Now, you tell me... How should I feel when people I respect are being told that what their efforts are worthless? That because their goal does not match that of the vocal few, they are less than. Practice sessions and karaoke? Was that really necessary?

Must we berate others just so that we can feel good about ourselves? Do you feel better knowing that the people who only worked, no more than, a couple of hours on their project, will no longer be push your project off the front page? This was stated by the way, yet you act like I am making it up as part of some conspiracy? Way to divert!

I know this is lost. The powers that be never had any intention of having a discussion. This was a memo. It really is too bad because some of the other admin have posted much more informative and respectful posts since this thread started. It is a shame that not everyone is past that pretentious teenage mentality of bullying others.

I just thought of what all of this reminds me of... This place is becoming more and more like Ultimate-Guitar! Arguments about what constitutes "real" music, which posts were more valid than others, where someone had a right to post in the hardcore forum if they felt your song was screamo. Those were the days. Bunch of pricks over on that site. Now I remember why I left.


QuoteNice! Way to ignore the most important part of the post and jump on the most irrelevant. And here I thought you were actually interested in discussion.
I don't even know what is the most important part and what is the irrelevant anymore............It is all just turning into a blur of words, this whole thread.  I thought the most important part was the discussion about what we felt was and should be the focus and philosophy for this site.  You made a post where you "proved" that members collabing together was not a focus of this site, which seemed totally ridiculous to me.  I just couldn't let that statement go without a counter argument, because, as you can see from my response, I think that collabing with members is one of the most rewarding and important thing we do around here.  It is a huge reason why I keep coming on here every day, to hear collabs between members.  It is one of the top focus for this site.  How does my response show that i am not interested in discussion, I was infact discussing a point that you made that i disagreed with.  Isn't that having a discussion about the focus and philosophy for this site.  For sure there are other things that we all do on this site, but for me getting involved in collaboration is hugely rewarding and one of my top reasons for loving this site.  In fact, it is one of the best sites on the internet for this kind of activity, the interaction between members is really strong here.  Thats my opinion.  One of the first things that attracted me to this site was seeing all the collaboration activity that was happening on a regular basis, and so I joined in on the fun and haven't looked back.  It is a hugely important thing we do on this site, how can anyone say otherwise.

I'll state it again, so it is clear, this is my position on this discussion, I believe that collaborations between members making original music and interesting covers is one of the most important things we do on this site, and is one of the main reasons that I remain an active member.  I can't say what other people think, but I would go out on a limb here and say that a lot of other members feel the same way.  Is this not all part of the ongoing discussion here.

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Quote from: launched on June 18, 2011, 07:49:10 PMLong live collaborations, that's what this site is about!
long live songcrafters..........in whatever configuration the Admin team chooses.............we will all still be here collabing with each other in a mad frenzy of musical mayhem.............

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
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Quote from: Bluesberry on June 19, 2011, 08:23:55 AM
Quote from: launched on June 18, 2011, 07:49:10 PMLong live collaborations, that's what this site is about!
long live songcrafters..........in whatever configuration the Admin team chooses.............we will all still be here collabing with each other in a mad frenzy of musical mayhem.............

Amen to that.
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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Question to 64g

How hard would it be, on the Forum drop down menu, to add a master list? Ie where it says post your work, to just click that and have all the topics listed in one master forum? Is that still a database issue?
And is it possible to increase the number of posts displayed per page? I know on Amazon etc they have options you can click.
thank you much

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This topic is about the proposed minor reorganisation of the Post Your Work boards and the philosophy/direction/focus of Songcrafters. We welcome further ideas on that topic, but it's time to put a stop to any further discussion of the merits of backing tracks here. It's not relevant to this topic.

Sai: You're obviously very angry with me. I don't know what I've said that upset you but I'm sorry if you feel offended. I mean no disrespect to you or any other member of Songcrafters. I suggest that you take a week or two to calm down, then if you still feel the need to champion the use of backing tracks, start a new topic on that subject. Please don't post any further comments here in this topic based on your enthusiam for backing tracks. It's not helping and it's derailing the topic we're trying to discuss here.

Everyone: No more discussion of the merits of backing tracks here. If you must discuss it, do so in a new topic.

Thank you.

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