I'm trying to Justifing why I got the Zoom R16.

Started by visiblemember, June 02, 2011, 05:24:12 AM


Wow, if they include ToneLoad, I'll purchase it in a NY second (especially if the BR series editors can be used).

UPDATE: I've been looking at the brochure, and from what I can tell, one can import .mpg and .wav files as backing tracks; I doubt if it will loop.  This is the same capability as the EBand JS-8.  So it doesn't look encouraging for the toneload (hope I'm wrong).  If not, I'll be doomed to my BR-800 (sigh)...

But you're right; the video does say standard midi files.......

UPDATE: The BR-80 (and the BR-800?) uses the SPIRIT Audio engine (or so I understand from a link on the internet), which does support MIDI playback....

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-900
Boss BR-600
V-Studio 20
Boss BR-80