At The Edge of The Abyss – mr2kewl Original

Started by mr2kewl, April 03, 2011, 08:40:33 AM


At The Edge of The Abyss
a recent personal event had me facing a decision that left me with the feeling of being at the edge of an abyss.

had to vent through my music.
"Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted" Bill Laswell         "Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny" Frank Zappa

wandering aimlessly around as: Mr2Kewl - The Kewl Trio - Mr2Kewl Quartet and The Total Chaos Orchestra


Atmospheric music again, mr2! You have panned all the instruments very well! I hear the music from all directions :) .

Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Feels like I'm sitting in front of an orchestra as they are preparing for a big show.

Or watching a movie/play, as something dramatic is unfolding.

Brilliant, mr2Kewl
Boss BR-600

Do you know I always find your music so atmospheric and serene I can't yet tell if you are going through any mental anguish. I hope not, but music is good for the soul............Willie
Boss BR-800


Puts me in mind of sitting in a smoke filled university halls room in circa 1986 listening to Hawkwind and King Crimson.  Which is a very good thing.  And when I say 'smoke'...

Love the subliminal bass
Overdrive - Distortion - Hyperactivity
Yesterdays shatter, tomorrows don't matter


shameful bump!!!

thanks for the compliments.

my musical integrity was severly challenged by a person who claims to be a musician and it left me thinking that maybe this is something i'm not even supposed to be doing.

but, i look at it this way, if my music doesn't cause anyone to go home in a bodybag, i'm going to just endure the folks that say they're musicians.

BTW - it was nobody here or over at the Cool-Lab that caused my feelings of doubt.

"Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted" Bill Laswell         "Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny" Frank Zappa

wandering aimlessly around as: Mr2Kewl - The Kewl Trio - Mr2Kewl Quartet and The Total Chaos Orchestra


Mr 2 Kewl... I think this is a very inspirational piece. As far as the Ney Sayers.... I've run into plenty of them througout the years. Keep on rockin man... don't let anyone ever get your head thinking that you have no business making music. As long as you are happy... that is all that matters. Everyones a critic when it comes to music... most of the time I find critics are being shallow minded and couldn't recognize art if Picasso himself slapped them in the face with a paint brush. BTW this piece could go as a movie backer of some sort (AS IS). It's crazy whacky and filled with suspense. I loved it.
Tascam DP-02

Tony W

I think it's safe to say that you beat to your own drum. I admire that you don't conform to a norm, and do exactly what you want to do musically. your arrangements always have a vastness to them, and that's pretty kewl in my book.

As far as anyone stifling your creativity or desire to express yourself.... That's pathetic. Nobody has the right to say that, and if they are under the impression that they do.... well they can go suck a shit covered

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


I think this is one of your best recorded and played peices yet man.  This is so wonderful it is beyond the normal range of critique.  You are in King Crimson territory here, no fooling around.  This is an extremly creative and inpired peice of music.  Your timing is wonderful here.  You go tell that person to go back to their Nickleback and leave you alone to make your deep and serious heartfelt music.  I for one am a fan.  Keep on rocking.  I really think you are onto something with this current sound.  Deadly.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Definately has the Bill Bruford feeling on the drums.  You nailed these drums, great job.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand