This is a "devilish waltz" in 5/4 !!
Three acoustic guitars (one ibanez classic, one EKO 12-string and a Morgan 6-string)
One electric bass (Ibanez)
Rhythm done with drumsticks on various objects (mostly bed, guitar, thighs and monkeys).
One normal :D voice
One subnormal ::) voice
The Devil drives a Volvo
The Devil drives a Volvo
and wears a flannel shirt
if you get too close
you'll probably get hurt
what'you gonna do by that
are you gonna wear a pointed hat
are you gonna get a Swedish car
get yourself a black cat?
You can go to Hell in Norway
and meet miss world by chance
if you've got the guts
you ask her for a dance
what'you gonna do then
get yourself a feather pen
start to write a new book
wring the neck on a hen?
You can go for tea in Boston
and make some new friends there
they'll throw you a party
say that you're a smarty
what'you gonna do by it
do you think your their new hit
will you think it all through
what's it's gonna do to you
You can look for wolves in London
and bond with them in Times Square
If you get them close
and get out of their noses
maybe you can have a
fascinating year and
get rid of your fear of
the canine species while you're there
... go for peace in Delhi
and buy an electric car
you can shave your hair off
work with Mr. Smirnoff
you can eat the carrots
leave alone the rabbits
get rid of your fat
and get yourself another cat
you can move up to Vancouver
and meet a pretty girl there
you can grow your hair back
get rid of the two cats
then you can go figure
skating on a new tour
Canada forgotten soon
Panama's the new cure
The devil drives a Cooper
and wears a new black suit
if you get too close you'll probably get hair
in most unwanted places
recognise the faces
of the man in black?
I'm not talking of Blackmore
Wicked off timing song and how you cram all those lyrics in there. Thats awesome Geir!
Ringing the neck on a hen?..haha Henwrench?? He wants to keel you! LOL
Great tune Geir!
Love the grumblings in the background....LOL
This is very different!
I like it.
This rules, bro!! Love the Volvo theme ;D
And the 5/4.... Brilliant!!
Love it!!!
this is hell:
this is miss universe from Hell:
there's hope:
This is utterly superb Geir! It's outrageously catchy!
This is one Hell of a wrong song!
Awesome G-man!
you bin licking frogs
Charming stuff Geir! Love that bg growl...and a Vancouver verse...excellent sillyness!...A little bit Robyn Hitchcock, a little bit Jazz Butcher...great style and arrangement!
Fun, silly song ~ cool !! Light hearted style! The day the devil drives a Volvo, hell will freeze over...
Brilliant Geir
Funny but very well executed. Excellent production and fun to listen to.
Masterful mix.
Well Done, Sir.
Right from the title you had me intrigued…
Great original sound……
How the Hell do you make all that sound melodic
Loved every second
Excellent! I really liked the 5/4, the "subnormal" vocals, and the slide guitar in the end. Oh! And the title of course.
I'm fairly new to the forum, and I haven't got the courage to start listening to the originals. Yours is a great introduction.
I'm going to take a deep breath, and check your playlist today. If I get fired I'll let you know!
Amazing lyrics! Most folks can't even write lyrics like this in their own langauge! A totally bizarre song, but with the Geir stamp of quality all over it. Great stuff.
p.s. As well as driving a Volvo, I have a feeling that the Devil does his shopping in Ikea... lol
p.p.s. If anyone overheard you doing those strange demonic noises, they might get pretty scared. I guess that's the beauty of having a cabin to go to!
Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!!! Absolutely fantastic and right up my alley.... Love it!!!
For the love of God man, where the hell did this come from. It is so far out of my left mirror that it is huge, like the images appear larger in the left mirror or something equally psychedelic like that. I feel all weird just listening to this one. Brilliant is right, left mirror brilliant.
Holy Amanita Muscaria, Batman!
Wonderfully off-kilter...this one's great for psychedelic breakfast! ;D
Thanx guys for the open-mindedness and generosity that you show on my weird little experiments too !!! I wish I'd had time to practice a bit before recording this, but I guess the obvious foreign accent just adds a bit to the madness of the song ;D
Quote from: oldrottenhead on May 27, 2010, 05:42:32 PMyou bin licking frogs
i bin !!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D D; ;D ;D D; ;D
Quote from: Greeny on May 28, 2010, 06:08:08 AMp.s. As well as driving a Volvo, I have a feeling that the Devil does his shopping in Ikea... lol
This song was actually recorded with rechargeable batteries from Ikea in the microBR .... does that make me the .... ... .......... .... .. (
Quotep.p.s. If anyone overheard you doing those strange demonic noises, they might get pretty scared. I guess that's the beauty of having a cabin to go to!
luckily it was raining and rather cold when I recorded and not many people on the nearest cabins .. .. it was however the last vocals I was able to do that day ;D
Crazy, crazy, crazy, but I loved it.
A very Geir-ish original, so inventive and great fun. I love all the percussion stuff and the bass sounds really nice as well. It all hangs together well and sound so cool when the slide comes in. And the subnormal vox are spot on - we should have a Geir day when everyone has to talk in that tone all day long.
And people say my stuff can be wierd. This tops it all. Brilliant. I've tried odd timings in pieces I've written. Sort of makes things lumpy but nice.
Love it - but haven't got a clue what it's about - if indeed it is about anything. And who cares anyway. Pics are good too.
Oh yes, great song and production. Willie
Geez - Did the Beatles and Jethro Tull have a baby and name it Geir?
This is so cool Geir. I love your musical experiments man. You are a true artist.
That slide guitar wins it over for me.
Sorry for not getting around to this one sooner.
I love the stutter of the 5/4 and the slide stuff is great. Sometimes it is hard to be interesting and good at the same time but you nailed it.
This is brilliant I really like the stuff you put up - which part of Norway are you from?
Ha! You not only pre-empted Zappa Fest with this but you have bested him too!
You've got the artistry to come up with this and then the technical savy to pull it off. Fantastic!
A great fun Listen!!!!
Enjoying this one with my Hot cup of Coffee!!
Brilliantly crazy!
Genius Geir....this song is fantastic.
I wouldn't know where to start in coming up with something like this.
Those background good is that!!
Thank you so much for your kind feedback good people !!!
Quote from: trev on June 12, 2010, 04:27:06 AMThis is brilliant I really like the stuff you put up - which part of Norway are you from?
Thanx Trev I really enjoy your stuff too. You sure have some serious talent!!
I'm from Porsgrunn, a small town about 170 km south-west of Oslo. It's in Telemark county. My cabin is only 20 km from where I live and this and many of my songs are written and recorded there.
What a fun song, Geir! Love the story - well written.
The minimalistic music fits perfectly. And what can I say about the voices...
Just great!
Sounds fantastic!!!
Sliding guitar was superb and I love 5/4, amazing production.
Such an original!!!
I love this on every level!
musically, the 5/4 is wonderfully inventive and off-kilter
the lyrics are wonderfully witty, and the vocal delivery is perfect for it
it's all great--- love it!!!!!!!!!!!
Great stuff Geir, I'll never get this out of my head.
i used to drive a volvo.
340glt. .2ltr
Great car. . .
I fell for it Geir - nothing wrong with bump-bait. And nothing wrong with this 5/4 gem which I'd missed up till now. Great song!
I don't turn into the devil when I drive the wife's mini Cooper - but I do look a bit silly. I'm not small and I'm too old to look anything other than a sad old boy!
Interesting use of 5/4. Sounds like something Zappa would've done. Nice work!'
:) John B.
Love it Geir dont know how you managed that timing but it works well with the song song and adds a quirky feel to it , EKO 12 string OMG !!! long time since i have heard that brand mentioned .
way cool post man!
very fun.
I haven't had a chance to listen to stuff in a while... Got a few minutes... so I scrolled down the Originals page, saw this title, saw who it was by, and popped in...
This is just crazily good :D
Can't figure out how it came about or what made you do it... but I'm glad you did... and that someone else bumped it so I could see it.
Excellent stuff :)
very true all volvo drivers are devils. they certainly rule the road!!!!!!
do you drive one Geir?
This has a bit of a Syd Barrett vibe??
lovely ditty
Thanx for all the kind feedback.
This was recorded as the last of 5 or 6 songs I made during a break I had last spring, and it just sorta came outa nowhere. The title came from me watching the first of the "Twilight" movies (yeah .. I know) where one of the vamires drives a volvo.
Myself, I drive a Toyota (from today, just picked up my 2002 RAV4 a few hours ago). Maybe my next car will be a Volvo .... if I just get evil enough ;D
And the lovely Mona Grudt was Miss Universe 1990, and she was from Hell ..... in Norway!
This kind of brilliance needs to shine once in a while.......OTD BUMO. Listen to this.....just listen to this...listen to it......I mean, wow.....
Is there another version of this? I thought I new it but never heard this & this so F$%#@ng good brother. I'm loosing my mind, the grunting, the droning quality the 5/4....I so love 5/4! You are the bomb my brother....the BOMB! Huge fan here!
Rock On!
Quote from: Hook on May 27, 2014, 06:36:40 AMIs there another version of this?
Indeed there is. I rerecorded this with a completely different arrangement and my brother on "bucket" drums :D
You can find it here:
... oh .. yeah .. that time he drove a Cooper ;)
Otd bump. Still unbelievably cool.
Rock on!
I can't believe that I haven't commented on this one.
Batshit crazy.
Need to catch up Geir..