A song i composed over easter weekend . have always like the classic country
music and some modern. influences . are kenny rodger.s eddy rabbit .john denver
etc...when i first started on songcrafter s i said that i am versatile. as u may have
noticed. and now i present u with this new song. and for those 2 i am collaborating
with here i still am working on them. and hope to comment more on other songs later
so hope ulike this ...as ii love rock there is so much on here. and great rock . i thought
i would slow things down a bit. so enjoy . and please comment many thansk NEIL....
Very beautiful melody, Neil!! Well written song. Everything is in balance. Especially, I love that steel guitar and piano. You really can write a country song! Like this a lot!!
That's nice and mellow. One lyric that pops in my head that may fit the melody is "When the sun goes down, I close my eyes", "When the sun goes down, <insert other events here>"
wow another great tune man,
your like the $20 dollar bill behind a car...
anyone who picks this up will be run over by your awesomeness
yeah i said it.....awesome ness!
great post
Hi Neil, I played in a country band for quite a number of years, I would have been more than happy to have had this song in our repertoire. Great Melody. Willie
Very nice country tune here. I'm no expert on this musical style but this seems to tick the boxes and has a great melody and nice dynamics in the arrangement. Nice sounds as well - did you play the steel guitar? If that's a keyboard/synth sound, it sounds really good to me!
Nice song man... It was good enough to make me want to drink beer and come up with some country lyrics to go with it.
Nice, nice, nice...lovin' the pedal steel...great melody...finish it please! :)
Hi Neil,
nice SOng, great songwriting, nice Turnaround :)
Would be nice with vocals.
a nice chilled piece great post neil.
I went back a listened to this after I heard the collab version, Nice mellow tune and great piano sound, you should bring up the music more in the mix it gets kind of lost behind the vcals in the final version, Great song Neil.
Nice song Neil. This is very well composed. I loved that steel guitar as well. Well done.
OTD Bump,
Missed this one first time around Neil,
Nice one Pal...