And I will continue to post every attempt in this thread.........
It is a journey to rid myself of nerves and shame!!!!!
A journey to think F*ck it and flow with the next step of my music......
I have done the recording and playing part, in the comfort of my own home......
Now it is time to Try and do it in a more pressured environment......
I like a challenge!!!!
I will not stop until I get this right!
Posts to follow!
Many, Many Posts!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm NOT Going to stop!
And If you Have An early open Mic night Train wreck..... POST IT HERE!!!!!!!!
We all gotta start somewhere!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on October 19, 2009, 06:27:42 PM
Open Mic's are fun. Don't sweat 'em.
My first one was years ago (1991), at a place in Denver called "Paris on the Platte. (" (There's a reference to it in Walking to Africa (
I did all originals, I think. (You may find that original songs are kind of rare at some open mic venues.) When I was done, and old guy came up to me and said, "Stay pissed off, man!" I guess I came off as angry. He meant it as a compliment.
In retrospect, I should have been more pleased that someone was paying attention at all. Don't be surprised if nobody seems to be listening. They might not be.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 19, 2009, 06:41:05 PM
Stand by... More To come.... Lol!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Wiley on October 19, 2009, 06:41:23 PM
I have been in front of a mic so many times. But I remember my first. A man came up and pinched me on the knee while I was on stage. (only 17) I was horrified. My knees actually shook. And now look at me. LOL who cares. Let it rip Osky you will be wonderful.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 19, 2009, 06:45:27 PM
Remember this...
And This....
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on October 19, 2009, 06:53:36 PM
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Pine on October 19, 2009, 06:58:44 PM
Have fun with it Bob Dylan said..."it's Life and Life only" 8)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 19, 2009, 07:03:43 PM
This was the practice run......
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 19, 2009, 07:09:37 PM
Under the Hot Lights..... (The venue had new ones installed.... But the time I was on stage wasn't long enough to get warmed up.... Lol!!! ;D)
And the Chatter of the crowd...
The Tracks turned into this....
Lessons Learnd...
Have fun intead of trying to Perform.....
Practice is needed..... But you need to F*ck up on stage before you can do better...
Never listen to the wife when she say's do a cover that you were not expecting!!!!!!!
(4) Never let Anyone close you be at the first performance on stage..... Unless you want the extra pressure...
(5) Lesson Learned..... There is Always next time......
(6) If you want a drink to calm your nerves ....HAVE ONE!!!!
I didn't!!!!!!!!
I could feel my legs shaking!!!!!!
And In my day job I deal with things a lot more dangerous than a mic and Guitar!!!!
Never underestimate the OPEN MIC NIGHT when it comes to turning you into a jelly fish!!!!!!!
But am Fore warned now!
I will Be going Back!!!!!!!
I am on a mission now!!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 19, 2009, 07:20:21 PM
Todays Lesson!!!!
Next time I will be Fighting him!!!!
Sounds Almost Biblical.....
Well Unill Next time......
And I'll be cooking up an easier and more upbeat song.....
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Bluesberry on October 19, 2009, 07:23:40 PM
Go T-man Go, you are an inspiration to me with this.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 19, 2009, 07:42:44 PM
I learned that You don't need to sing at the top of you voice with this one...
The mic does all the work.....
Just need to keep cool and remember your lyrics!!!! LOl!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on October 19, 2009, 07:46:11 PM
Got off to a rough start, but a good recovery.
Your lessons learned were spot on.
I used to have a beer, a Coke, and piss before I went on--in that order.
Having the lyrics in front of you is not too amateurish for an open mic performance--because nothing is too amateurish for an open mic performance.
Thanks for sharing. I'll try to remember to record my next open-mic performance.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 19, 2009, 08:02:10 PM
I needed a Piss!!!
Now I have gone this far without a sheet , I'm gonna try and stay without it......
Seems to be the "Edge" at the nights....
Plus it is an excuse to F*ck up a bit more....
Night number two next monday.......
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tony W on October 19, 2009, 08:25:57 PM
I performed live about a month ago. If I didn't have a partner on stage with me it would have been unbearable. I'm not Giered (geared) for it. I didn't even look at the crowd. I stared at his fret hand, because I could not hear myself in the monitor. Good thing everyone else was drunk, and I wish I were too.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: 64Guitars on October 19, 2009, 08:26:46 PM
Isn't it amazing how nervous we can get when playing in front of an audience? And it's incredible the effect that your nerves can have on your body. Despite this, I think you did really well. The recording turned out good, and the audience seemed to enjoy it.
The number of times I've played in front of an audience I could probably count on one hand. But one thing I learned is that, when you make a mistake you have to keep going, even if it means improvising for a bit until you get back on track. If you stop after each mistake, you just draw the audience's attention to something that they probably wouldn't have noticed anyway. One time, I was playing at a junior high school dance with my band. I started playing the guitar intro to "Stairway to Heaven" and suddenly realised that I was lost. So I went straight into a sort of Ritchie Blackmore style improvisation for a bar or two then back to the Stairway intro for another try. Buggered it up again and went into some more improvisation. Did this three or four times, then finally remembered how Stairway went and did it right. Unfortunately, just before I got it right, our drummer said into his microphone "Come on guy!!!", making it obvious that I was having trouble. If he hadn't opened his big mouth, I'm sure that most of the audience would have thought that was just the way we played it. This was in the seventies and half the kids in the audience had probably never heard the song. I could have strangled our drummer!
Then there was the time I was taking piano lessons (in my twenties) and my teacher wanted each of his students to perform a song in front of the rest of the students. I didn't want to do it but he insisted. So, we all gathered in this church and took turns performing. I played a jazzed-up version of Stevie Wonder's "You Are the Sunshine of My Life". As soon as I started, my right foot started shaking in an uncontrollable spasm and I could not operate the piano's pedals. So I had to struggle through the song as best I could without any pedal work. It was one of the most terrifying experiences I can remember in my life! My foot had never done that before, nor since. And I couldn't make it do that if I tried. It was a completely involuntary spasm brought on by nerves. Like I said above, it's incredible the effect that your nerves can have on your body.
Hang in there, Tharek. I'm sure your next live performance will go much better. And before long, you'll feel more relaxed in front of an audience.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: launched on October 19, 2009, 09:06:26 PM
That was great, T!! You are off to a wonderful start. And I also see that you had lots of fun as well, which is the most important thing! You are the kind of guy that knows how to win a crowd, bro, so get back on the horse and ride!
Meanwhile I'll get back to my 20 bit two channel audience...
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Diego Ayala on October 19, 2009, 09:17:47 PM
T that is awesome! I tell you that it does not matter how many times I have played live, I am always with a bad case of the butterflies - and the first 5 minutes is when I have to get use to the adrenaline jolt => so I will usualy play something to warm up - 1 to 2 warm up songs! I love the "live" feeling, and funny, most times that I know I have made a blunder - not very many people know about it - and as long as you can keep the momentum going then people may think - man, that was cool!
It has been easier for me to play with a band, but totaly enjoy playing solo. Need to keep tapping into Jim H for more lyrics to my songs --- it seems people enjoy music more with words than just instrumentals...
Way to go, and enjoy the adrenaline jolt, and have fun! There are times I cannot sleep after a performance!
Take care!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 19, 2009, 09:25:13 PM
Where have you been!!!!! Lol!
First time I've felt nerves in around 8 years!!!!!
It is a rush!!! And a strange feeling...... :P
Makes you feel Human!
I wanna put myself through it again to see if I react the same!
Been wondering why I was stunned at points.....
I think I have to get out of MBR/recording mode ....
The first "mess up" I hear and I think.... "Hold on.... Stop there"....
I'm Gonna Post Less recordings for a while, and live on this thread....
Posting Practice and Live Performances Only (Collabs Excluded... will go on main board ;D)......
I Will get this right......!
When I do...... I'm Back on the Main Board.........
A state of mind, created by exposure to failure... Or the application of careful planning coupled with vicarious living.....
Think thats right....Lol! ;D
Diego.....! Thanks bro!
There was a trio on after me.....
I think I will get Terry an Kai upfor the next one!
But solo is addictive!!!!!
I want to get it right!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Satchwood on October 19, 2009, 11:05:15 PM
Alright mr T !!!! Great job - you've got a cast iron set to pick such serious songs to do on your first open mic - wow !!! Great job - stick with it man - this is fun stuff and what music is for - live audience - so cool man - can't wait to hear more!!! Go T Go !!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: SteveB on October 20, 2009, 12:51:21 AM
OKO - Am in a rush and so have no time to read the thread or listen to your uploads at the moment, but PLEASE, remove the word 'SHAME'!!! You have NOTHING to be ahamed about. Embarrassed, possibly, but shame, never. Open Mikes have (usually) something in common with this Forum: people are supportive, it's their turn next!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Oldrottenhead on October 20, 2009, 02:38:41 AM
bravo bravo
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on October 20, 2009, 03:47:42 AM
Wow T !!! This was great !!
I think for a first performance, and a solo one nonetheless, this was really good !! I can hear the nerves in your voice, but it's not overpowering you, you manage to stay in key, and don't get lost when you have those few misses in the start. You will most certainly feel more comfortable on stage very soon, you have what it takes!!!!!
About lessons learned.....
No (4), I could have told you that, but I didn't. Sorry :P . I just wanted Liz to hear your performance too :D.
No (6), NO !! One drink won't be enough, and two is one too many! 8)
Thanks for sharing this journey with us T !!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 20, 2009, 04:45:51 AM
Thanks Guys!
I'm gonna try the next one without a Drink again.......
There was an AMAZING spanish band on after me...
See here:-
The Guitarist (Pedro) was Awesome and the Singer was Superb!!!!!!
Their tip was to drink as much as you feel, and have fun on stage.... They topped up a lot on stage....
Their performance was on par with, if not better than their recordings!!!!!
Check them out! They were Inpirational! They should be famous!!!!
And thanks G for the Tips before the night....
You were Very Right about "Not stopping"..... Once you do...Thats it.... Lol
I'll remember next time......
I really enjoyed myself!!!!
Bring on next time!!!! :)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on October 20, 2009, 05:35:49 AM
Hope you don't mind Tharek, but I took the liberty of processing your recording a bit, selecting out your own song and amplifying it a bit (was so low in your post). I think it's a lovely performance!!
this is
Osckilo's fist and really GOOD live performance
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: The Reverend 48 on October 20, 2009, 05:36:23 AM
Thanks Geir ..It is very very good...... T I have just enjoyed reading about your journey I think you underestimate what a massive challenge you have just conquered A big well done! I have enjoyed watching grow musically over the last few months and sharing your unique style Live is the right logical step.... Onwards and upwards I look forward to the Stadium tour! I bet your stage show would be awesome!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Flash Harry on October 20, 2009, 05:47:26 AM
It's a difficult thing. A guitar and a voice. Bravo.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 20, 2009, 06:16:34 AM
When I joined the site in march, I would never have dreamed about making this much music, Let alone singing on stage......
It is all thanks to you guys on the forum!
Gonna try something different for the next one.... Hmmmm.....
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on October 20, 2009, 06:24:20 AM
QuoteGonna try something different for the next one.... Hmmmm.....
That's one of the many reasons we love ya T
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: tony on October 20, 2009, 06:25:42 AM
I just listened in. Well done, you have more guts than me. My first time up on stage was sitting in with a friend who had a solo gig in a pub. Not a musician's haunt. Beer and a shot and not a full set of teeth in the place. I was awful. I stunk and I made every mistake I could apart from falling over. But when it was over I went back again the next week and I was better. I still stunk but not as much. But I had fun that time.
You didn't stink, I would have enjoyed sitting having a beer and listening to you so you have no excuse not to go back.
Well done, you've got it so have fun with it.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: SenhorLampada on October 20, 2009, 06:30:43 AM
Nice performance! :)
Seems everywhere there are lot of open mics! It's not exactly a tradition here in Brazil, though :(
Oh... For those who wanna drink some booze, take care! I've seen friends ruining a performance because they drank too much! The singer started mumbling and facing backwards to the crowd! :D
Cheers!!! Love the post, T!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Diego Ayala on October 20, 2009, 06:43:47 AM
Just got done listening to earthcake and like their music very much - heavy bass, which suits my ears quite well!
Since I have play many venues from Churches to fund raisers, in bars to open gigs - there is no one sure thing that will work - the best thing is to practice your entire performance, may that be 1 -2 songs or 1 - 4 sets of say 10 songs/set - sometimes I'll play the most complicated/fastest song first to get the jitters under control - or the songs I know best and have performed numerous times. New to me is singing so this is something that I am still a bit aprehensive to do live.
The largest performance I have ever played @ was infront of about 5,000 people and we were opening for a band by the name of "Blue County", and that 1st song i was so pumped w/ adrenaline, i bet you i would have been able to fly... but by the time the first bra came flying towards us = the show was on...
Have fun, and best of all, share your musical feelings with the audience.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: guitarron on October 20, 2009, 07:06:29 AM
Bravo T You survived it- I used to have stage fright-it was absolutely gripping The spandex would be a nice added touch-don't forget the platform shoes
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tangled Wires on October 20, 2009, 10:05:12 AM
I thought it was a very good performance Tharek, and I acutally quite liked the moments where you forgot the words, it was quite charming!
You will only improve, and if you are this good at a first attempt then i hate to think how brilliant you are going to be after a few more of these once you gain in confidence.
Playing guitar live is a nerve racking experience and singing as well just compounds that, but I though you playing was great and your voice sounded really smooth.
I have to date, only played live on my own and just playing instrumental guitar, and the first time I was sat down with the guitar, and my leg was shaking so much that it was a wonder that the guitar remained still enough for me to play it!!
We (Tangled Wires) were thinking of playing an open mic night ourselves at some point in the near future, and if we sound half as good as you when we do, I will be made up!!
Well done!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Vanncad on October 20, 2009, 10:45:38 AM
T - That was awesome and thanks for sharing the music, your feelings and the journey with us. That was an incredibly brave thing to do and never underestimate that.
You can hear your nervousness at the beginning, but as the song goes on, you seem to be getting more comfortable and it truly does sound very good. I've seen many accomplished musicians forget words, etc. I even saw CSNY start a tune in the wrong key, stop about 8 bars in, have a conference about it, and then carry on (no pun intended) like nothing happened. It's all part of the experience.
If you are nervous - that's good, it means you care If you are scared - that's good, it means you are alive If you screw up - that's good, it means the next time people will notice how much you've improved
You have planted the seed my friend. Have some fun and let it grow.
I remember my first "big" performance.
It was at my highschool. I couldn't eat for 3 days leading up to it. We got set up onstage behind the curtain. We started with "Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi. I started the guitar intro and when they opened that curtain, there were about 1000 screaming kids staring at me.
It was an intense experience, but we nailed it and I soon learned that if you are in a band in high school, and can imitate the popular bands of the day - the world is your oyster. It changed my life forever.
I still can't eat before I play, and I'm scared sh*tless for the first few tunes every time I play in front of a crowd (which hasn't happened for a very long time).
T- Maybe someday a kid will be playing one of your songs on a stage in a highschool and it will change his or her life forever.
Thanks again for the post, and stiring up some great memories.
- Vann
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on October 20, 2009, 12:21:33 PM
It was at my highschool. I couldn't eat for 3 days leading up to it. We got set up onstage behind the curtain. We started with "Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi. I started the guitar intro and when they opened that curtain, there were about 1000 screaming kids staring at me.
Boy, that brings back a memory:
1981. High School talent show.
Quote from: TedWhen the curtain began rising, I counted off the beat (way too fast), Tom hit his snare, and we were off. I felt exhilaration unlike any I'd ever had before or since. Maybe skydiving comes close. That rumble you hear sounded awfully good onstage. ... In the end, however, we lost the grand prize to someone lip-syncing to a sped-up disco song and dancing like an idiot. Not that I'm bitter or anything.
Here is the performance, converted to digital from a low-quality cassette that sat in a box for 25 years.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tony W on October 20, 2009, 01:45:40 PM
Ironically I had the jitters on my first 3 posts on here. I couldn't sleep, I probably had 150 views before I got the second post. I was nervous, scared, you name it.
I stayed up all night waiting for you GMT people to wake up and post! I would get to work, and check the thread every fifteen minutes like clock work, waiting to get at least 5 replies.
Now a live show? It isn't in my immediate future, I can't even handle an electronic show!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Jim1970 on October 20, 2009, 07:23:38 PM
Love this Post!!
I would probably have a nervous Breakdown on stage!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Davo on October 21, 2009, 06:15:42 PM
A few drinks never hurt, neither do a few jokes! My local venue has a bar next door, so we go get drizzy as a skizzy then stagger over. Its always fun-and the poetry is much better after you are drunk.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Wiley on October 22, 2009, 08:04:54 PM
Oh Oskie, I have been watching this and waiting to see what would happen. You were so fun. You played them wonderfully. It is not all about singing and playing, It is about working with the audience. God I wish you were in our little shedd, I wish all of you were there.This was just so romantic!! YES I said romantic. I dont' know why you were afraid. You sound great.!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Davo on October 23, 2009, 12:01:03 AM
Ted the recordings not great but clearly they are digging it! Very cool.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 23, 2009, 05:41:48 PM
Thank you!!!!
All I could think of was singing to the wife........ She was there....Lol..! :D
Not so much afriad...... More nervouse about How I would be taken... By family first..... Then the audience...
It was her (The wife's) song and she was there....!!!!! :o
I didn't think she would come! But she did!!! And it made my Night!!!! ;D Made it harder... ;) But it made my night! ;D
I think the performance reflected this........
I was very tuned into what she was saying..... :) Hence the REM cover..... :-\
I get shy singing in front of people that know me.......... Dont know why........
I have made a point of going out this week and playing to total strangers in bars...
I was O.K when I did...... I.M.O ( Or in the Nato phonetic alphabet ..."OSCAR- KILO")
Hopefully I can do it again this monday...... But better.....
This week was a shock.....
I'll see what happens in two days time.....
I'll Tell the Wife that I have to pretend she is not there....
That is what I did this week at the Bars.....
And I'm Gonna try and write a new song this week end as well....... To play with a lyrics sheet.........
Open Mic Rules!!!!!!!!
Thank you Guys!!!!!
And Ted!!!!!
That was a Most Awesome Performence!!!!!!
When I was that age...... Well........ It wound not even be a thought in my mind yto perform like that!!!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 23, 2009, 05:46:59 PM
And Vann!!!
Your stlye is amazing!!!!!!!
How do you get so confident!!!!!!!!!!!???????!?!?!?!?!?
Your skill and Talent must help a great deal...... But hey!!!!! You are awesome bro!!!!!
The Mrs (E.M.O) is a Bon Jovi Groupie...... Your show would have blown her away!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: 64Guitars on October 23, 2009, 06:57:26 PM
Is that where you got the name Osckilo from? Cool! 8)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 23, 2009, 07:09:04 PM
I was hoping no one would pick up on that........
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Wiley on October 23, 2009, 07:15:18 PM
Your not as tough as you think you are!!! The first time hubby saw me was on stage. lOL He was drunk, I was singing, and you know he told me this just a few months ago. He said he told his friends he was going to get in that girls pants. LOL , guess what he did. Only it was a few years later. Took him that long. LOL So hubby had always known me playing, so it doesn't bother me when he is there. But I am glad your wife was their and I am certain she had to have loved the fact that you did her song. How brave of you!!.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Vanncad on October 23, 2009, 08:31:26 PM
Thanks T.
QuoteHow do you get so confident!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?
I am more willing to take risks and make mistakes now that I have gotten older
Like ORH says I'm "Still Learnin'".
That's why your journey is so amazing to me.
Keep it up!
- Vann
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Blooby on October 24, 2009, 04:02:25 AM
T, kudos to facing a fear/anxiety.
Isn't it strange how time becomes elastic on stage?
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: SE on October 24, 2009, 04:38:54 AM
Well done and well performed getting over that frist hurdle is so important. the last time I did anything live was at 25th wedding I wrote them a tune I think it,s on here somewhere, well anyway I was scared to say the least and I was so relieved when I had finished.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: SenhorLampada on October 25, 2009, 09:42:03 PM
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ferryman_1957 on October 26, 2009, 03:10:47 AM
Been following this one from afar and just had the chance to listen to Geir's remastered version. Tharek, you did really well and I continue to be amazed at how far you have progressed. Keep doing more and you will continue to grow as a musician and a performer.
It's been great to read everyone else's experiences as well (Ted, I loved that live gig!). For me, playing live has been a major part of my musical journey - all I ever wanted to do since I was about 12 was to play guitar in a band. Played my first gig at about 14, since then it's been hundreds of gigs from a few people in crappy venues to some quite big places and big crowds. I just love performing and being on stage, no nerves ever, just the adrenalin rush beforehand.
Obviously I failed in my attempt to make it in the music business and rarely play live now. However, I am lucky enough to have a job that involves making business presentations to audiences from 5-10 people right up to 5000+. And although it's "serious" stuff, you have to approach it like a live performance and the buzz is nearly (but not quite) the same.
Keep gigging!
Nigel (sadly a bit of a show off)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: launched on October 26, 2009, 10:43:15 PM
Hey guys - Here is T's second time in front of the crowd. I think it sounds great and he definitely wins everyone over again. The file's a little big (20mb) so I'm serving it for him.
I'll take this opportunity to give my review:
First of all, I wish I was there - Sounded like a great place to be at. A bunch of jolly, friendly people. I think Tharek came off to a great start with this one - The first song "White Flag" was played beautifully with full confidence. Especially considering it was only his second time around.
The next numbers "We Can" and the forum classic "TOTM" :D were well received, and brought a good response from the crowd. T had a tough time with TOTM, a couple of hiccups here and there, but he kept at it and finished - Proud of you, bro!
And then the Spanish number - A great job!! A finger picking beauty!!
All in all I wish I had been there (Would have been a long swim, though!!)
Sweeeeeeeeeet!!!! You the man, T!!!
(Hope the link works)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tony W on October 26, 2009, 10:45:47 PM
Now that was a marked improvement Tharek! You won the crowd for sure. You have an incredible amount of charm. Way to do your thing Tharek! A couple of stumbles halfway through, but the crowd really enjoyed it, and you seemed to be ok with it. You didn't fold. Well you did a little bit, but kept going. I'm proud of you T. The Spanish number to finish it off was perfect.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on October 27, 2009, 02:21:27 AM
BRAVO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on October 27, 2009, 03:03:30 AM
With this rate of improvement I can't imagine where you'd end !!
Listening to this all morning !!
Man I wish I'd been there!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Redler on October 27, 2009, 05:40:43 AM
A deep bow from me!
I haven't noticed this thread before, because I haven't visited much on the general discussion...
A man, a guitar and first gig! Wow! I would have been so shaky that I couldn't step on the stage. In my life, I have made just two gigs, 'just' 25 years ago ;D. And it is a big difference to play bass and sing backing vocals in a punk band than be alone on the stage!
I was very shaky before those gigs, especially the first one. Our guitarist/lead singer was very experienced performer and he encouraged me. Afterwards everything went well and the second time was much easier. After gigs it felt so good. The second one was recorded and I remember the quality was also good. Naturally, that tape is lost. Little by little, after those gigs I quit all music making and playing, when started it again a couple years ago.
Go on T, and remeber we are on your side!
ps. "We Can" is a very beautiful song...
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: SdC on October 27, 2009, 06:02:06 AM
Congratulations T., these are life-changing experiences. I did a couple of recitals in my early teens on classical guitar at the music school (for parents and peers). Nerve wrecking. Later, a bit of popular music. The big turning point for controlling my nerves was to go out busking when I was about 18/19. Playing for hours for people who may or may not be interested, it really teaches a lot. Like which songs are interesting to the average joe (and bring in the big $$$). Since then I haven't suffered from shame or insecurity about my guitar playing; singing is another matter...
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Pine on October 27, 2009, 06:15:46 AM
I don't mind being a recluse...i can go out just by clicking on your show T! I enjoyed this...i love the coffeehouse/solo gigs. Nowhere to hide. It is the peak of courage and sharing. You did well and should be proud of it. You are one fine player too. I haven't done one of these in 2 years now...but after hearing this, i just may give it another go. Thanks for sharing your "journey".
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: danieldesete on October 27, 2009, 07:19:05 AM
Congratulations Tharek, this is real music... something you will never buy on a CD. "this one you might not like"... Thanks for sharing Daniel
PS is this recorded stereo, the sound is good ? What's the trick ?
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Bluesberry on October 27, 2009, 07:59:20 AM
Awsome stuff, go T-man go, you rock man.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: lg on October 27, 2009, 08:52:20 AM
Great songs and well played T! I wish I had been there. It sounds like you really entertained the audience. Bravo
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on October 27, 2009, 01:58:26 PM
Your stage banter sounds nervous, but your playing and singing sounds very confident. Another great leap forward.
Incidentally: Your professional avatar led me to believe that you were already in a band that confidently performed regularly.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tangled Wires on October 27, 2009, 02:34:47 PM
Superb performance Tharek, I think I would like to nominate "We Can" as a forum classic as well.
A huge improvement on a an already impressive first performance...I can sense a greater confidence in your playing and singing this time.
TOTM is such a top song also, minor hiccups or not!
Great banter with the crowd, you really connected so well with them.
Looking forward to the next one already
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Wiley on October 27, 2009, 08:04:51 PM
;D ;D ;D ;D I knew you could do it!!! :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Vanncad on October 28, 2009, 10:21:41 AM
Amazing T - A noted improvement in confidence!
Sounds like it was fun night.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Oldrottenhead on October 28, 2009, 10:32:04 AM
i thought i had commented on the second show, i'm sure i did via the pm thingy. anyway what can i say, you continue to astound me, love you bro,
maybe one day i'll make it "dan sowf" and see if you'll have me on backing vox.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 28, 2009, 10:39:32 AM
Thanks Guys!!!!!!!
And Thanks Mark for Posting!!
I really enjoyed Myself this time!
Mic'd up the classical.......
Was hard to keep the bottom end from being too bassy.....
All the Advice you guys had Given me paid off!
A couple of nights before the Open mic, I went out with my guitar... Ended up playing to some people in a beer garden..... Did wonders for my insecurities!
It has been Great seeing all of your stories about your Live performances!
A few of them came to mind whilst I was up there..... Strange where your mind wonders! Lol
With TOTM I just thought "This don't sound like it Should do" half way through..... Missed G's Backing Vox.... But It was fun to do....!
I think I'm Gonna Get myself a Classical that I can Plug in....... Will be easier to play without thinking about Mic Possition....
Thanks Again Guys!
I'll have something different for you next week!
Peace and Thanks!!!!
The OSCKILO thing has fizzled out a bit and the other guys are not on the Music Vibe at the moment...
So it is just me for now....
When we first started I though we were gonna be doing the open mic thing together.....
Maybe one day.....
Or Jim!!!!! Would Love To!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Satchwood on October 28, 2009, 12:19:13 PM
Fantastic Mr T - your the music-man-live !!!
I would luv to go to your next open-mic - sounds great and I bet a lot of fun !!!
Your advancing really fast bro !!! A Big Congratulations - thanks for sharing !!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Pine on October 28, 2009, 12:55:23 PM
Way to go T...carpe diem!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Flash Harry on October 29, 2009, 11:34:55 AM
I managed to listen to this again T after chatting to you. This time undisturbed. Its great. The whole package is entertaining, the banter and the playing. The music is special stuff and it enthralls me. Don't stop now that you've started.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ferryman_1957 on October 29, 2009, 01:34:43 PM
Great stuff Tharek. There is no place to hide when you do solo fingerpicked stuff like that, so you really made it hard on yourself for your first gigs. A big improvement over the previous one, you are clearly getting to like this! Keep on going my friend.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on October 30, 2009, 04:52:16 PM
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 30, 2009, 09:24:44 PM
An Amazing Performance Aca!!!!
Finger Picking is superb!!!
Great Voice as Always!!!
And G!!!
You Must be a very Proud man!!!
Awesome Talent in your Family Bro!!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: launched on October 30, 2009, 10:35:23 PM
ACA - Sweeeeet live performance! Dad's proud!!! He tells us all the time!!! Heck, I'm proud!! We're all proud of you!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Rickocaster on October 30, 2009, 11:19:19 PM
T - thanks for sharing your journey with the rest of us. I really think you have the stuff to make a good solo act - something I have never attempted to do myself. Your musical ideas are great, you have good performance skills, and I sensed a great projection of sincerity which connected with the audience.
Wish there was space for me to share my horror stories of screw ups I've made in live performances with bands. We've all had 'em and w'ell have more. I applaud your "full steam ahead" perspective. You've found the one really cares about your mistakes if they like what you do and who you are. It's what makes live music magic.
You should keep doing the journal and recording your performances. Someday when you hit the big time it would be a fascinating book or movie!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 30, 2009, 11:43:51 PM
Thank you Rick....
You have No Idea How Much your comments mean to me....
And thanks everyone who is following this thread for the interest!
God willing, I make a better performance for you the next time!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Diego Ayala on October 31, 2009, 06:21:29 AM
T => yes you can come back next week, and the following week! Just listened to your 2nd performance, and it is great that you're going back...
Next Saturday I'll be dragging my guitars to an open mic night, and will try two of the songs that Jim H has put words to them - so this will be a firts for me since these are songs I've always performed live as instrumentals ---
? = did you use your microBR to record your performance? If yes, how did you do it?
Did you have 1 mic to the guitar port and 1 mic to the mic port? Or did you run everything via a PA and then piped it to the recorder all into 1 tract?
Take Care!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on October 31, 2009, 11:38:43 AM
Sony ECM-DS70P Electret Condenser Stereo Microphone... It drains the batteries though....(Plug in power needs to be on)
I have seen Greeny Plug his MBR into the Mixing desk... That would work better for the recording...
You will be great on saturday! Your voice is awesome!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: SE on October 31, 2009, 05:52:23 PM
Just listened to your second gig, it,s all a learning curve and your learning quickly enjoyed it very much.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Oldrottenhead on November 01, 2009, 02:28:55 AM
QuoteNext Saturday I'll be dragging my guitars to an open mic night, and will try two of the songs that Jim H has put words to them - so this will be a firts for me since these are songs I've always performed live as instrumentals ---
this i must hear
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Greeny (No longer active) on November 01, 2009, 12:42:06 PM
Nice one, T! This is a great thread. I hope to see you performing one of these days. Although I have to say I felt extra pressure to perform well when Nigel, Kai and yourself came to watch me! You have the talent, so all you need to do is hone it in a live setting...
My top-tips for open mics (having done a few... lol)...
1. Never play an un-rehearsed song
2. Watch your speed... nerves can make you rush through a song too quickly
3. Leave a good gap between songs
4. Be yourself and be modest... it's not Wembley Stadium! (I've seen many people forget this!!!!!)
5. Playing live will eventually make your song choice easier... you'll know which ones are fun to play and which ones come across well. Or - like me - you may start writing songs that you know will sound good in a live setting.
It's a great thing to do... I'm really happy you're on this mission!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on November 02, 2009, 09:09:26 PM
Sony ECM-DS70P Electret Condenser Stereo Microphone... It drains the batteries though....(Plug in power needs to be on)
How much time did you get out of the batteries with that mic running off of plug-in power?
I have a gig coming up later this month that I might want to record. Do you suppose I could get an hour of battery life using that mic?
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: launched on November 02, 2009, 10:51:04 PM
Here it is!! Performance number three!! I tried to get it posted sooner, but I had tech difficulties.
This is my favorite one so far. I think Tharek is more relaxed and the playing/singing reflects upon this. And the special collab surprise is very nice!!
The recording was a little lopsided with not much sound on one channel, so I elected to fix it. If there are any technical defects present, I am truly responsible. Did the best I could. There is some white noise, but the performance truly supercedes that.
I would like to say: "Great job, T!!!!" A great performance!!!
Love it!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Redler on November 02, 2009, 11:24:41 PM
Wow, this was a very good performance. I heard relaxed Tharek playing and singing. Third gig and how much T-man has improved from the first one!! You clearly enjoy live performances more and more. Nice!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tony W on November 02, 2009, 11:56:16 PM
T, you are getting so much more comfortable on stage. The only suggestions I would make would be to change up your first song now. If there are regulars, they know what you'll be doing. I think you're using it as an ice breaker and gaining a level of comfort because the next two songs were spectacular.
You're banter didn't sound nervous at all this time. You sounded like you were meant to be on stage my friend.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Davo on November 03, 2009, 02:00:18 AM
Sony ECM-DS70P Electret Condenser Stereo Microphone... It drains the batteries though....(Plug in power needs to be on)
How much time did you get out of the batteries with that mic running off of plug-in power?
I have a gig coming up later this month that I might want to record. Do you suppose I could get an hour of battery life using that mic?
Id get around 2-3 hours.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Oldrottenhead on November 03, 2009, 02:10:41 AM
great stuff again t.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on November 03, 2009, 07:51:43 AM
Brilliant T!!!
You're clearly getting more confident, and your singing is just wonderful!! Your voice is really good and this performance shows that. Loke Tony said : you are meant to be on stage.
Looking forward to the next one !
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on November 03, 2009, 09:05:48 AM
You're improving in quantum leaps!
That new song reminded me of Sympathy for the Devil a bit, which made me want to hear you sing it. Then I was trying to imagine you also doing Paint it Black.
When's the next performance?
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Greeny (No longer active) on November 03, 2009, 10:07:50 AM
That's a great recording. There's something about the song that reminds me of 'The Windmills of Your Mind'... same kind of quiet poignance. You're working the vocal very well... it's understated and sincere, which I'd far rather have than pointless acrobatics. And your playing, needless to say, is beautiful. I can hear the confidence coming along very nicely. Way to go. This is fab.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tangled Wires on November 03, 2009, 02:06:46 PM
You voice sounded great T, but for me your playing stole the show here, a huge improvement on already impressive previous performances. Can't wait to hear the next installament!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on November 03, 2009, 06:44:06 PM
Thanks For cleaning up the recording Mark Bro!!
I Plugged the MBR into a wall socket this time. Position was a bit funny. I used batteries the last time and they just lasted the 15 minutes it took for my set, using the condenser Mic....
Thanks for the comments Guys!!!!!!!!
I wanted to perform some different songs this time, but I have a tickly cough at the moment.... Was Gonna do "Say it Proud". When I tried it when I got home from work, I kept coughing at the chorus....
So I wrote a new one about an hour before I got to the open mic....
"On the fence"..... Third song on the recording.
I met another performer whilst waiting for the night to start.
He mixes Latin guitar with rock.. Cool Performer!!! Check out his stuff!
We Played the song in the beer garden 30 minutes before kickoff and agreed to have an Off the Cuff Collaboration during my set...
I have never Played Guitar with anyone else, Let alone on stage....
A first for me..... On many levels...
Was a Fun experience !!!!!!!!
I really enjoyed myself!
Lessons from this occasion:-
1) Stop Apologising for playing songs.... Some of the other performers told me not to... Lol
2) If you are playing a classical, move your Cigarettes and Mobile phone from your trouser pockets.... It get's really distracting trying to balance the guitar on them during the songs... Lol
3) Beware of burping on stage.... had to stifle one during the first song...Lol!
4) Have Fun!!!! Random Collaborations and off the cuff songs are really fun to do!
5) There were flashing lights this time..... They get distracting, but seem to help you keep rhythm.... A good and bad thing... Just keep going though...
A big thanks to David Roca for helping out with the random Last song!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Davo on November 03, 2009, 08:07:08 PM
Oskillo looks like a cool place for an open mic!
Well done.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Rickocaster on November 03, 2009, 09:35:20 PM
Oh my gosh, T, I went back and compared your first gig to this most recent one, and it's like night and day! You are really becoming a pro! There's a big difference in the audience reaction, too. With the most recent performance, you can tell they're listening intently and connecting with your music. The applause just sounds very heartfelt.
I am really enjoying this journey!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on November 04, 2009, 09:58:00 AM
I noticed that too. It's completely unnecessary unless you get so nervous that you vomit all over the front row. If that's the case, definitely apologize. Otherwise, the people who attend an open mic night are ready for anything--and I'm guessing that your stuff stands above the typical fare.
I'll be on bass accompanying a friend in a couple of weeks. Folky stuff; all covers. The set will be an hour long--the longest performance I've had in more than a decade. And paid too! I'll probably get $20 for it. (Let's see... Eight hours learning the songs, five hours of rehearsals, and a one hour performance... [calculating] That's $1.48 per hour. I'll be a professional musician!)
My friend is where you were before your first performance--stops in the middle of songs if he makes a mistake, etc. I'd rather be accompanying a seasoned pro like you.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Vanncad on November 04, 2009, 10:38:40 AM
Wow T!
You've come a looooooong way in a short time.
I'd put this performance on par with anything I have ever heard live.
Really good performance man! You've got me missing "playing live".
Great performance and really great songs!
- Vann
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on November 07, 2009, 05:53:38 PM
Thanks Guys!!!
I'll have a new song for ya on monday....Hopefully... As long as this Cough is gone...
I'd Play a Gig for a $1.48...... Lol!
Cant Wait to listen to the recording!
Thank you again Bro!!!! I think the audience fell asleep.....Lol
Go For it Bro!!!! I'd pay to see you live!
Oh Yeah.....
I recorded the Last song on the set Properly today....
First time I Performed a song live first, then recorded it....
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on November 07, 2009, 06:27:44 PM
WOW T !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just beautiful ,,,,..... and man you're voice is just getting better and better ... this is absolutely stunning !!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Bluesberry on November 07, 2009, 07:33:36 PM
Just incredible, this is a real good song, real good.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Pine on November 08, 2009, 07:17:07 AM
Well done T...very well done. Cool song with a great flowing feel. Live gigs make home recording easier somehow...
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on November 10, 2009, 06:52:25 PM
This is the 4th Open Mic.....
Recorded it Via the Mixing deck this time....
The Host Pressed record half way through the first song....
And the Mic Drooped so I had to change the way I was sininging, rather than stop the song and adjust it...
Lucky for me that another performer came up and fixed the mic... Armando:- Check him out... He is Awesome!!! When he is famous, I will be able to say "He fixed my mic".....
After the Droopy Mic fiasco I had Fun!!
Another Random Collab at the end with a very Talented Guitarist named John...
There was a Jam session after as well, with a violin....
I have a recording which I will post somehow.....
This is the last version of this set I will post... When I come up with some new stuff, I'll post again......
Thanks for listening, and for all the advice and support!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Wiley on November 10, 2009, 07:48:42 PM
Sounds like way to much fun!! I admire you for your adventure into the unknown. Hang in there it just gets better!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tony W on November 11, 2009, 11:17:20 AM
After that first song (droopy mic) your performance was strong, your vocals were even stronger. You are letting go and sounding better each time. You're my HERO!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on November 11, 2009, 11:52:10 AM
I had to have some quality time before I sat down with this one!! So finally ...
It's obvious you're getting more confident for each performance. A strong performance, and great songs !!! Your voice has a warmth and passion that really captures me! your guitarplaying is imaginative and yet loose enough to make the songs very special. Looking forward to your next one allready !
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: launched on November 11, 2009, 12:26:49 PM
Wow, I fully agree with Geir - You sound like you've been doing it forever now!
Great job, bud - The best is yet to come!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Oldrottenhead on November 11, 2009, 12:52:34 PM
i am now officially addicted to this thread, its like waiting for the next episode of your fave tv programme and each episode is better that the last. great playing great recording and sounds like you connecting with the audience too. cannea wait till next week.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ferryman_1957 on November 12, 2009, 01:40:21 AM
Great stuff Tharek, you are improvinng and growing all the time. And sounds like you are starting to really have fun as well!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Diego Ayala on November 12, 2009, 05:15:35 AM
Excellent Tharek! Things are sure smoothing out!!!
I was trying to download, but everytime i pushed the button to download my mp3 player would open and would not let me save it...
When you have some time => e-mail me the file!
Oh, was going to ask you = i imagine you have 1 gig memory card - while you're playing live => for how long could you record under a continual basis?
Thanks T for sharing your live performances...
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: 64Guitars on November 12, 2009, 07:47:48 AM
Instead of clicking the download button with the left mouse button, click it with the right mouse button. This will produce a context menu. From this menu, select "Save Link As" if using Firefox, or "Save Target As" if using Internet Explorer.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on November 12, 2009, 10:48:44 AM
Good sound off the board. No apologies. Thanks for continuing to share this journey.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Diego Ayala on November 12, 2009, 12:34:26 PM
Instead of clicking the download button with the left mouse button, click it with the right mouse button. This will produce a context menu. From this menu, select "Save Link As" if using Firefox, or "Save Target As" if using Internet Explorer.
Cool! it worked very slick => BIG file i think it was about 15.7 megs
Thanks a bunch!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on November 12, 2009, 05:42:32 PM
Thanks guys!!!!
On the memory card.......
I use the one that came with the MBR... Lasts about one hour in stereo... Maybe more...
Others error-out....
I used a 1Gig card to record a 3 hr jam session once....
Converting it to MP3 on the MBR would take a week!!
Stick the MBR into the line in on Your computer, and record the play back (With your mastering effect on) in Audacity...
The MP3 conversion is 1000 times quicker!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Rickocaster on November 14, 2009, 06:10:46 PM
Just had my first chance to listen to your latest performance. I agree with the other compliments you have received. You just get better and better. I can tell you are becoming more confident with each performance and it is reflected in your performance and in the audience response.
I must say that I have never, ever felt the desire to be a solo performer or do an open mic night, but you have really inspired me. I'm sitting here now, worn out after doing 2 solid days of outdoor gigs and wonder how long I can keep up with a young man's game. Maybe a relaxed, acoustic, solo coffee house thing would be a next step. Observing you "man up" and stretch yourself is making me think I could do it myself.
Well done!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on November 18, 2009, 08:04:51 PM
Thanks Rick!!!!!!
Knowing your Songs, I think that they would be a real Treat during an Open Mic Night!! Go for it Bro!
2 Days of Gigs!!!! Wow!!! I'd Love to do the Band thing....
We had a Jam after the last Open Mic, with Three Guitars and a Violin... It Was sooooo Much Fun!!!
I had to miss this weeks performance, due to work and family commitments (and a distinct lack of Beer Money .... Lol)..... It Felt like a cross between missing a date and a session down the gym.... :(
I have to say thank you Rick. I used to be shy of writing songs about what I Believe in....Listening to your Music has let me do it at long last.....
This was my Latest (With the Kind Help of Mr Ayala!!! His Guitars really make the song!!!)....
Awesome song! Very inspiring. Check your YouTube inbox. I'll send you a message there.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: launched on November 23, 2009, 09:40:00 PM
Hey, everybody - I got another one! Installment number 5. There were a few technical difficulties, like half the set not getting recorded, but the playing and sound quality were great. Tharek used his reso guitar this time (By accident), and it put out a fine sound.
A couple of hiccups on the last song because somebody misplaced the lyric sheet, but overall I thought it was a strong performance with superfine vocals and playing!! Sweeeeeeeet!!!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Gritter on November 24, 2009, 12:10:30 PM
This sounds great!
A fine performance Tharek. The songs really shine.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on November 24, 2009, 12:21:22 PM
Ahh the importance of the lyrics sheet :) ... but aside from that A GREAT performance Tharek! I hope you try this song again, it's a wonderful song and I would really like to hear a complete live performance of it!.
The sound is great on this recording too.
Gonna have another listen now !!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on November 24, 2009, 12:57:18 PM
Thanks Guys!!
It's a shame the recording starts half way through....
And I couldn't find the lyrics sheet.....
It was the first time I used the reso on stage as well..... When I took it out the bag, it went out of tune due to the temperature...
To many new factors to think of......
All lessons for next monday....
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: upsetminded on November 24, 2009, 02:06:52 PM
Sorry I am late joining in but this story ends like most of the early posts. Many years ago my highschool band reunited at a local bar (called up to do an old song). 3 MAJOR problems: 1. We went on cold no practice and hadn't played together in 4 years 2. Bass player was just a fan of our music never played our songs 3. I was under the influence of some really good (or bad) LSD
Final product we all ended up playing different versions of our signature song.
End Result: No one at the bar noticed or cared. :)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on November 24, 2009, 03:39:11 PM
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tangled Wires on November 24, 2009, 03:48:08 PM
Sounding great T, you are oozing class here and your confidence is so noticably gaining with each performance, and your vocal is sounding so strong.
Really enjoying hearing your progress here!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Flash Harry on November 24, 2009, 06:56:15 PM
Just finished the night shift. What do you need to help you unwind?
This guy.
So good my friend. So good.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: SteveG on December 02, 2009, 11:56:56 AM
Wow. I don't think it has ever taken me so long to work through a thread :D Well worth it tho, you sound great mate, and getting better and more confident every time. My live experiences were 30 years back, I had 3 other guys there for moral support, and I still bricked it every time. I did enter a talent contest at a holliday camp a few years back, got ratassed and tried a fancy picking folk toon, I will leave the rest to your imagination....
Stick at it mate, sounds like you and the audience are having a lot of fun. And do play through the mistakes, half of them aint gonna notice, half aint gonna care. Any who do are dicks anyway so why worry?
Oh, just remembered playing bass backing my daughter with a drumtrack ... that time I was more scared than she was, embarrassing ;D
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ferryman_1957 on December 03, 2009, 01:40:21 AM
Getting better all the time Tharek. This sounds much more powerful and confident. Well done!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on December 05, 2009, 06:41:36 AM
Thanks Guys!!!!!!
Here is a cover that I am going to use during the nights..
Oasis By Osckilo - The Importance of Being Idle
I'm Having trouble remembering the words at the moment, so this was a practice run...
Until Monday
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Diego Ayala on December 05, 2009, 08:17:20 AM
Totaly awesome T!!! Man, your voice is truly coming through!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: launched on December 08, 2009, 06:56:22 PM
Hey Everybody!!! (In the voice of Harry Caray).
I have the pleasure of posting another gem. An impromptu jam session with folk guitarists and violinists. I have no clue who was playing what.
But I do know that this is 35 minutes of pure, unadulterated love!!
Here it is:
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on December 08, 2009, 07:07:37 PM
I Play the Classical Guitar in this.... And Open up .....
I Had fun Playing with these Guys!! In the Pub After the open mic...
Tess is on Violin.. :- Mike on Steal String.... Dan on another Steal String...
Can't plan for this kind of thing....
Recorded on the MBR onboard mic....
Remind me not to Sing without a mic during this kind of thing.... Lol
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on December 09, 2009, 03:26:17 PM
I enjoyed the percussion on this. Somebody was banging on furniture or tapping the floor, and it added a lot to the overall feel.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tangled Wires on December 09, 2009, 03:36:50 PM
Wow, that was superb!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Satchwood on December 09, 2009, 07:25:30 PM
You just keep getting better and better T !!! This is great - and very entertaining to listen to!!! Your confidence must be growing strong - this gotta be alot of fun as well..........just keep knocking them down and bringing in the acolades!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on December 10, 2009, 01:56:03 AM
So glad you posted that jam Tharek!!
It's so good to hear you playing with those guys and making music and having fun!! You really sound good for a jam and that violin sure adds another dimention. Would be really cool to have her play on one of your future musical masterpieces !!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Oldrottenhead on December 10, 2009, 07:25:57 AM
man wish i was there to howl like a wolf.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tony W on December 13, 2009, 01:08:06 AM
wow T. awesome jam. looking forward to mondsy's open mic
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on December 18, 2009, 06:44:57 PM
A first for me in terms of being recorded playing.....
I get attacked by My Mic............. Lol....
14 mins if you can spare it.....
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tangled Wires on December 19, 2009, 04:09:44 AM
Great to see you in action Tharek, you looked really comfortable performing and every song was killer!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Redler on December 19, 2009, 10:15:52 AM
Wow, Tharek! What a great performance! You are a real pro nowadays and as andrew mentioned it is nice to see you playing and singing. I want to see more!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Oldrottenhead on December 19, 2009, 11:46:36 AM
i'm blown away t, stunning fmgwabp braw doesnt begin to describe how good that video was.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ferryman_1957 on December 19, 2009, 01:48:49 PM
Tharek this is great but I'm going to be a bit critical, I hope you don't mind, I hope it will help your performances. But it's got nothing to do with the music, which is great. Your guitar playing is self assured and spot on, your songs are sensitive and delicate and your voice comes across really well. You have really come on tremendously, so I think you now need to focus on your performance a bit, and by that I mean the bits in between songs. You sound too hesitant and apologetic, and there's no need - your music speaks for itself. "Is the guitar in tune...? " "What shall I do...?" "I think I know the words to it...." - if you say stuff like that it just makes the audience feel awkward because they sense you are uncomfortable. You may not believe it, but people in audience want you to succeed and they want you to be "in control". As soon as you start showing signs of nerves, it makes them edgy and embarrassed. If you can't hear the guitar is out of tune, then neither can they. If you are playing originals, they don't know the words, so who cares if you forget them, they will never know.
So next time you play, think a little bit about what you are going to say between the songs and have it prepared. Be very clear about what songs you are going to play and announce them clearly. And don't be afraid of keeping quiet - if you need to tune up or fit a capo and you can't think of something clever to say, say nothing. The audiencce will not mind at all. But most people think they have to fill all the silences with something, anything! And don't apologise - there really is no need. I would love to hear a little bit of what your songs are about or what inspired you to write them - they are really good, so just a few words of introduction will help the audience get into the song. It also makes a nice clean start for the piece.
Your playing is great, I didn;t hear one bum note in all that delicate finger picking. So no need to apologise for anything, you are really good. Be confident in your ability and practise those in between song bits and I think you will grow in confidence even more.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Satchwood on December 19, 2009, 02:03:34 PM
Great stuff T!!! And great words of advice Nigel!!! Oh, and don't forget to change hats between songs ;)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tony W on December 19, 2009, 03:48:09 PM
Did somebody mention "don't apologize" again in this thread? I should count how many times it's been repeated. I'll take another opportunity to drive the point home!
Tharek, you are fantastic, You can play to peoples senses, and turn them into putty in your hands. Develop that. Great advice from Nigel. Work on it.
It was my pleasure to host by the way, I loved the challenge. A completely new experience for me.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: on December 19, 2009, 06:24:59 PM
What a cool journey unfolding, thanks for sharing. I applaud your courage. And, you're good too! And what a post from Ferryman. Just flicking that switch in your head to the *Yes, the audience wants me to do well* position is an *aha light-bulb moment kind of thing for me
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Gritter on December 19, 2009, 06:33:17 PM
Awesome performance my friend!!!! Thanks for sharing.
It's a Journey for me.... Before I was on that night, a Guy that performs there regular borrowed my Guitar for his set.....
On his second song he said "Do you mind if I tune this to Open G...?"
Who would I be to refuse...... LOL!!!!!
I Thought "NOOOO!!!!" but agreed......
Tuning up on stage is a Pain..... And Throws you out a bit.....
Lesson For next time I Guess.....
And Banter....... I never thought of it as something I should think about, But it REALLY is!!!!! I Guess the equivilant would be the wrapping paper on a present.....
Thanks Nigel and Gritter for the Tips ......It is a real Eye opener.....
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on December 20, 2009, 07:07:20 PM
It's great to see you in motion. I agree with Nigel's advice. Lots of people (including me) have suggested that you stop apologizing--that's what not to say. But what great advice: Plan for what you will say as well what you want to project to the audience: "I am awesome and you will love this." If you project that, your playing and singing will certainly confirm the expectation.
Now for a little relevant threadjacking:
A few weeks ago I played bass for a friend at a live performance. He hadn't been performing at open mics, or in any public venue for years. He tried to pull off a one-hour set. It was a minor debacle. He was nervous, his playing was clumsy, his banter was awkward (although he never apologized that I can recall). Every song we did ran into trouble. He even stopped in the middle of one long song and moved his capo when he realized it was one fret off. But it was clear to me from my seat as one of his sidemen that the audience wanted him to succeed. They clapped after we limped to the end of every song. They really wanted him to relax and pull off the performance of which he was clearly capable.
If my friend had honed his set three songs at a time in front of open mic audiences--as you are doing--the whole event would have been completely different.
And for the finale, he let the lead guitarist--a seasoned pro--sing the vocals.
(I recorded this with the Micro BR with one of those possibly-counterfeit Sony mics. The right and left channel sounded totally different. I tried to tweak it with Audacity.)
Peaceful Easy Feeling
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on December 20, 2009, 07:35:03 PM
This Sounds Great Ted!!!!
Bass is Killer!!!!!!!!!
And the vocals are something Special!!!!!
Awesome!!!!!!! Would have Been a Great set by the sound of this!!!!!!!
I Will stop saying sorry!!!!! I promise!!!!!!!
Once again ..... Great performance Ted!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Rata-tat-tat on December 20, 2009, 11:55:45 PM
Hey man... thanks for posting your journey. I have to say I've learned something on this thread. I too am guilty of saying "Sorry". As a matter of fact... I just did it last weekend during a performance and I lost my voice. My bandmates were there to help out; however, I still ended up apologizing after the song was over. My intentions were good; however, after reading this thread... I guess I never thought of the way an apology might come off during a live performance. I agree with everyone here. You are very musically talented... and should never have to appologize... even if you do make a mistake. Not everyone has the intestinal fortitude to get up in front of a group of strangers or even freinds for that matter to expose themselves musically. It's a true bearing of the soul... and you my friend deliver songs from that place most people are afraid to go. You put some heart into your playing and it shows. Me and the boys like to refer to soul bearing experience as... "Throwing Some Stank" on it. Spoken like a true rocker eh... LOL Anyhow... thanks for the post keep on doin what you do. I'll stay tuned in.
V/R Tod
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on December 23, 2009, 06:23:40 AM
Thanks Bro!!! It Means a Lot to me!! ;D
You Should Post some of your Live stuff on this thread!
" Stank" ..... Cool!!!!!!!!!!! Lol
This weeks Open Mic was a Xmas get together....
Started Late..... The 1" of snow (I know....) Brought London to a stand still...
Everyone was very late.....
I Got there First and had a fair Few Guiness before we started.....
Tony Has Kindly Updated the Open Mic Video........
And edited it to Just Show my efforts in the areas I needed to improve on from last week...
So you Dont Have to sit threw the Entire performance to reach this weeks Subject....
The Video is at the top of the page and replaces last weeks.....
Peace Guys
And Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
a Hat Just for you!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: T.C. Elliott on December 23, 2009, 06:44:27 AM
I'm gonna endorse what Nigel said. I have played out quite a bit in a cover band over the years and am now putting a band back together for the first time in a while. If I had to sing in front of people I'd be just as guilty of some of this as most. Maybe even more so. But I read this blog and it really is spot on.
You can read the whole thing here: Showcase Guidelines (
The pertinent parts are copied here. This blog is by Eric Beall who is an instructor at Berklee Music's online (and I guess real life) campus.
We are not simply in the music business. This is the entertainment business. Musicians do not simply compete with other musicians for opportunities and an audience. Music competes with television, movies, sports, video games, social networking, a dinner out, and anything else that fills the average person's time when not at work. If your musical performance is not more fun, or more interesting, or more emotionally satisfying than those other things, you will not be successful. Eventually, friends will get tired of coming out of a sense of duty. You will need to entertain them. Here's four tips as to how:
1. Ponder your pacing. Every form of entertainment, from movies to theater to sports is focused on grabbing an audience's attention, holding it by raising the tension and the intensity, then releasing it at the end with a big climax. How then does a songwriter offer up three ballads in a row? When you think of the time and effort that goes into editing a feature film, how can a band get onstage and think to work out the set list on the spot? Broadway shows spend weeks in previews, just trying to fix those few moments where the energy lags. Any performer should put that same amount of thought into his or her set list, to grab hold of the crowd and not let go.
2. Practice at home. If you can't play your guitar without looking at the frets, or the piano without looking at the keys, or remember the words or the chords to your song, there is a very simple solution available, and it works for everyone. Sit alone in your room and do it over and over again until you can do it perfectly. No one watches John Mayer or Alicia Keys and wonders if they might hit a wrong note. This is because at some point in their existence, they spent hour after hour learning to do what they do. There are no shortcuts and no excuses. Practice. In private.
3. Don't speak, unless or until you have something to say. If you have a funny story, or a witty aside, or feel like saying something outrageous, by all means speak up. But remember, if you are awkward and uncomfortable and prone to mumbling things that can barely elicit a titter of laughter from a group of your friends, it's very easy to hide it. Just don't say anything. Know your set list, move immediately from one song to the next, and let the music speak for itself. No one ever complained that Bob Dylan didn't speak onstage. There's a power in silence. Use it.
4. Compete. Put any two great performers together, whether it's Billy Joel and Elton John, or Tina Turner and Mick Jagger, or Jay-Z and Kanye, and you'll get a war. An entertaining war, but a battle nonetheless. Great performers take the stage as if they own it, are sure that they're the best band or artist on the bill, and will not stop until they have won the audience over. No audience has an obligation to listen attentively, or give you a chance to express your feelings. You have to grab the opportunity and make believers out of people. The music business is not a self-help group or an open forum for all interested parties. It's a jungle, with thousands of aspiring artists fighting desperately to cut through the clutter and reach an audience. Superstars understand that it is a world of "kill or be killed". You have to be ready to compete.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on December 23, 2009, 07:05:17 AM
Thanks Piggy Bro!!!!!!!!!
That is Awesome Advice!!!!!
Gonna have a Read on the link.....
The Compete section hits home....
I Had to Follow a comedy act on Monday..... They were Awesome!!!!! An Elvis Impersonator singing rage against the machine!
My stuff is very Different to Comedy Tunes.....
I had to Pull "White Christmas" out from nowhere.... Lol
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tony W on December 23, 2009, 07:18:29 AM
not too damn bad of quality for a cell phone recording Tharek!
The banter was much better than anything previous to this performance.
The white christmas bit had me rolling.
We muslims want peace.... and guinness! priceless
I enjoyed the banter, I never felt awkward for you, I recommend that you tune with the capo off, or at least on the right fret from now on though!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on December 23, 2009, 07:36:34 AM
Oh yeah....
Forgot to say.....
The Guy I was Talking to in the Vid... Dave.... Is Gonna Play with me next week...
A friend of the Family and Awesome Guitarist!!!
Osckilo has two people in it again!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Oldrottenhead on December 23, 2009, 09:46:40 AM
im never gonna get up in front of an audience pigfarmer jr, but that was fascinating advice, i have made a mental note in case i ever change my mind. t loved the banter. i thought you where sing white christmas with a scottish accent lol.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on December 23, 2009, 10:05:10 AM
Whoever wrote that hasn't been to my monthly song circle.
Tharek's banter--particularly his references to his religion--had me wondering how that would have gone over on this side of the Atlantic. Had it been in some parts of the country (such as Washington DC, where I lived for 10 years) I would have thought it nice that he could feel so comfortable with the audience. Had it been in other parts of the country (perhaps in Arizona, where I live now) I would have felt uneasy wondering whether he'd just invited harassment from a local bigot.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on December 23, 2009, 10:25:14 AM
I Hear Ya ted......
London is very Diverse.......
But the only way to combat Bigots and discrimination is through education and Exposure...
They often find that the object of their Hatred is something which did not warrant the bad feeling...
Thats a great pic of you sleeping perfectly between then 2 gals drinking pints. I love gals that drink pints ;D
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Tony W on October 19, 2010, 01:10:06 PM
This simply can't be right, it's been a year? Holy shit, time flies.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on October 19, 2010, 02:05:59 PM
You are a hero Mr. T !!!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Flash Harry on October 20, 2010, 02:56:33 PM
Ha ha!
Bugger, I wish I'd been there.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Jim1970 on October 28, 2010, 11:08:56 AM
VERY, Very!!! COOL!!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Bluesberry on November 03, 2010, 05:23:39 PM
I really enjoy checking this one from time to time
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on January 30, 2011, 07:06:38 PM
****Shared umongst soncrafters only******
Strange night tonight....
I have been running an "Open mic" for the Past year with a friend (Sophie...)...
I get a chance to play sometimes..... Most of what I do is warm up for the artists we book...
In the town we run the gig (Islington ... An "Arsenal" town), we had a load of football supporters in from Huddersfield... (who had lost to Arsenal today 2-1)...
We didn't have many acts.. four including me.....
In the 4 was a man I think is a great performer... Someone I aspire to be like... (PM me and I shall show you his awesomeness)...
The crowd didn't warm to anyone... The performers were being heckled and it was a real bad atmosphere for an artist... Even the ones that I consider to be awesome...(I Name no names as I don't want them to google this and feel bad..)
The acts ran out..
There was a break as a performer didn't turn up..
I filled for an hour... Played "Crown of dust" as an opener then a few others...
The Huddersfield crowd actually liked my music....
The thing is... I didn't give them what they wanted... They shouted "give us something happy!" to the other artists....
I said when I got on stage "It aint gonna be happy... But I'll play it up beat.."
The hour went by fine.. "Sad" (as in not happy) songs.. as always... But with a degree of indifference to the circumstance that brought them about....As the songs were intended to be played.
The Huddersfield crowd liked it...
So much so they heckled other performers to get me back on....
This didn't make me happy... It made me sad that talented people can be subjected to abuse when they bare their soul on stage...
It wasn't my best set... But still... They liked it...
I made some friends tonight in the crowd but learned one thing...
You gotta be yourself... No Loving Yourself... No Expecting a crowd to be happy... No Pretence that "YOU ARE AN ARTIST..." and "THE CROWD IS PRIVILEDGED TO LISTEN..."
The experienced performer that I admire told me today "These pubs make you wanna do it more..."
I consider myself very fortunate that I went down well.... I remain confused and heard the best set I ever heard to a Hostile crowd from a man that they didn't like, but I consider the cream of the crop...
Northerners (The English Kind) remain the MOST HONSEST people in the world in my mind... If they don't like it.... They WILL tell you... It is the sort of people you want to like your music!
It reminded me of playing in Saddlesworth and Upper mill in Yorkshire... Awesome people... Honest... and So Friendly.... Big Fuckers as well!!!
Great night for me.... Thankful to the "Tough crowd"....
But I am sorry to the other talented performers that got a hard time...
Live eh..?
Here is a recording of C.O.D that was recorded on a previous night (Thanks G for creating the MP3 for me..)... It was pretty much the same as tonight...
Nothing Special...
But it got me through an equally hard night....
I'll never understand this game...
Peace all...
Strange business this music stuff...
T (OsCKilO)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on January 30, 2011, 07:14:25 PM
I Think the question is...
"What is Happy...?"
"What is upbeat...?"
Is it Just something (a performance) which takes the listener away when they are listening? and it doesn't need to be any genre..." ???
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Bluesberry on January 30, 2011, 07:35:43 PM
I think people confuse "Happy" with "Emotional". This performance of yours, C.O.D., I can see why it went over well, damn man it is dripping with emotion and dynamics, it is a window onto a soul and in that it feels like something real. I believe this is what people want, and respond to. You could be the most polished performer out there, but if you are not projecting your self, your feelings, your emotions, your truth, then nobody else can connect with it. Thats what I think anyway. It is not really about "happy" or "sad" songs, more about real emotion that connects the performer with the listener. Thats always my experience listening to live music anyway. Great job on that song Tharek, you are getting very good man.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on January 30, 2011, 08:40:30 PM
One Thing people wanted was covers....
Thing is....
I don't do covers...
Don't know any....
Hard enough time remembering my own lyrics...
LOL! :)
But who would I cover...?
Got by with my own.... But people like something they know.....
I haven't had to do covers yet...
Should I Start?
For me it would be as hard as writing a song from scratch as I don't know any really..
Did an Oaisis cover here once, but it aint something I connected with...
What would I be suited to?
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Ted on January 30, 2011, 10:52:41 PM
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Geir on January 31, 2011, 03:30:02 AM
yeah !! Why play other peoples music when you can get them to listen to your own !! Just keep on playing your own wonderful stuff Tharek !!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Greeny (No longer active) on January 31, 2011, 07:13:20 AM
It's a weird thing that (most) open mic audiences are generally more receptive to covers. It's unfair on singer-songwriters who need an audience for their original work, and in my opinion, it takes a lot more nerve to play original songs. I'm so bored of the same covers being rolled out though - I've heard 'Brown Eyed Girl' being murdered far too many times.
I tend not to play covers - that's because I don't necessarily think they're one of my strengths. It should be up to the musician and not the audience though. I do have a couple up my sleeve though for emergencies, lol. 'Ziggy Stardust', 'Fire and Rain', & 'Heart of Gold' are favourites. It's quite nice to slip a cover in if you're doing longer sets - i.e. 5+ songs, but if it's a '3 song' open mic, I don't recall ever doing a cover.
You have incredible original material and style - if an audience doesn't respond, it's their problem not yours. Just be true to yourself. A good audience will know when you are, and you'll get the respect for it you deserve.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Gritter on January 31, 2011, 08:57:56 AM
Do some Black Eyed Peas covers...people really like that group! ;)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Gnasty on January 31, 2011, 03:01:56 PM
Them Black eyed peas need to be canned IMO! When they play the superbowl, i`ll be hitting mute and just looking at Fergie! ;D
Anyways Tharek, Id have to say doing a couple covers is okay but do them Tharek style. That way you will get the best of both worlds in you liking the way you play that song and the crowd will like you too. But other than that. I don`t find your songs sad. I find them motivational and like BB said emotional. Something a lot of singers lack. I `ve seen so called simgers and musicians who have egos doing cover songs ??? It makes me sick and a better reason to make my own music and share like you do.
You are doing fine my friend and you are still young. You have a lot of great years ahead. Don`t sweat the small stuff and always remember their will always be dickheads who think they know everything judging you. Just give `em a slap!
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: SdC on February 01, 2011, 04:26:14 AM
Hahaha, at least even T should be able to remember those lyrics: "Gotta get-get, gotta get-get Gotta get-get, gotta g-g-g-get-get-get, get-get Boom boom boom, gotta get-get Boom boom boom, gotta"
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Oldrottenhead on February 01, 2011, 05:03:37 AM
gaun yersel tharek, i saw the game and huddersfield where very unlucky in the game, so i can imagine how tough a crowd they would have been to play to.
yer a star.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on February 01, 2011, 05:11:41 PM
Fuck covers.......
Thanks for the ball enhancing comments brothers!
If northerners like the music then it must be ok..... ;D ;D ;D
The one thing I learned is that it takes Honesty...
Dont be Shy... Let the music flow on by.... (My first ever Cat Stevens Quote!!! :))
I Explained the songs on the night... Told them that some would be Wanky and soft stuff (Slanted)....
Some Angry... >:((Crown of dust)..
Some Acceptant but defiant... :-\(In a Day)...
Some whimsical.. ::) (Your light)
But the stage banter it prepared people for it... in a way acceptable to "Jock Culture" (Jock as in He-man ...Not Jock Scottish... Jimbo... ;D)
Screw covers... If they don't like it... They don't have to...
But I must not be arrogant about it though.....
Anyway.... Back to Cat..
This is the first time this song has made sense to me....
Time for a cat interlude...
(I'm sure I sound like a tosser posting it... But hey.. Great tune...)
It was just strange that I went down better than people I admire....
I just feel like they were cheated....
A good friend told me that there is no "Ego" in music...
I Try to live by that...
Done me well so far..
That night reinforced it to an extent........
Would I have gone down as well If I "C*nted" them (The other artists ) off.........?
I don't think I would have....
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Gritter on February 01, 2011, 05:39:26 PM
Do covers if you want to but don't feel you have to. Having said that here's a list over covers you could do:
Cat's In The Cradle The Year of The Cat Stray Cat Strut Stray Cat Blues Cat People (Putting Out Fire With Gasoline) What's New Pussy Cat? The Cat Came Back Can Your Pussy Do The Dog?
....okay F*ck covers.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: OsCKilO on February 01, 2011, 05:51:43 PM
Cat's In The Cradle The Year of The Cat Stray Cat Strut Stray Cat Blues Cat People (Putting Out Fire With Gasoline) What's New Pussy Cat? The Cat Came Back Can Your Pussy Do The Dog?
Cat's In The Cradle The Year of The Cat Stray Cat Strut Stray Cat Blues Cat People (Putting Out Fire With Gasoline) What's New Pussy Cat? The Cat Came Back Can Your Pussy Do The Dog?
....okay F*ck covers.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha...Sandy you kill me with your wacky sense of're just keep it real man, keeping it real.
Cat songs hu, how about:
The Cat Came Back I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat Cat People (Putting Out Fire) Cat Scratch Fever Honky Cat Lucifer Sam I'm Too Sexy (for my cat)
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: T.C. Elliott on March 22, 2013, 10:07:17 AM
Thanks for this Osckilo. I did an open mic night like six years ago, or maybe eight now. And it sucked for a variety of reasons. But just this past Tuesday I did what really feels like the first one. I didn't do nearly as bad as I could have. Five originals, four went off okay, the last one was a train wreck but I stuck with it and made it through. Even after years of being in a band as a guitarist, being solo in front of people and actually singing where they can hear is still nerve wrenching.
I took the time to listen to your first open mic and read up on your journey. Thanks for sharing. It was good to read even a few years later.
Title: Re: Osckilo's Live performence journey..........
Post by: Hilary on November 03, 2013, 05:55:51 AM
I've dipped into this and found it really interesting. The things I've learnt along the way . . .
Oh, have faith in yourself and your songs and commit 100% Look at the audience and try and tailor the act accordingly It's never going to be perfect, deal with it