When I wrote the music, I don't know how I felt..... A bit of all those I think...
This is called "Dark and Light"
Tharek and Geir
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: mike on September 28, 2009, 06:05:02 PM
Great track. Has a seventies Roy Harperish sound (?). The panning is excellent. Creates a really full soundscape with that rich guitar. Colours you can hear sort of thing. Nice work again.
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: launched on September 28, 2009, 06:05:20 PM
Very good guys!! Has a nice airy feel to it.
Cascading - That's the term I was looking for!!
Supercool 8)
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: OsCKilO on September 28, 2009, 06:14:05 PM
Thanks Guys!!!!!
And Thank you for the Awesome Vox and Lyric G!!!!!!!!
Here is a version with your vox brought up a bit....
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Bluesberry on September 28, 2009, 07:09:22 PM
Flipping beauty guys. Great song for an after work project. I hear the Roy Harper thing, late 60's british folk, maybe Pentagle, Bert Jansch, stuff like that. Deep and mysterious sounding for sure.
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Davo on September 28, 2009, 11:59:19 PM
Very interesting-and a cool mood to this song.
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Geir on September 29, 2009, 12:48:50 AM
One of those songs written after a post from T with some cool music. I just went for a walk around midnight, with the yoga stereo-mic clipped to my collar.... stream-of-thought lyrics recorded outdoors .... some effects added to the vox .....
mixed and mastered on my way home and sent to T
here's the lyrics
Dark and Light The snake is on it's feet again I've seen it's shadow once before it ain't a pretty sight I don't wanna see it no more ooooh the moon is on it's rise the moon is on it's rise dogs are howling cats running ... running to hide a desert storm is burning burning my skin it dries out every tears I have within there is no river ... no ocean in sight the farmer's burning down the barns to get some light there's cold water everywhere the sun won't heat it up the people despair
but when the sun rise and shines it's light people's hope coming back bright light fill their eyes hope is back
sun is shining bringing back hope sun is shining bring back hope bring back hope bring back hope
when the sun rise and shines it's light people get back their hope
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Tony W on September 29, 2009, 06:49:18 AM
killer song. I'm amazed at how easy this appears to be for you guys. Its sounds so effortless and beautiful.
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Oldrottenhead on September 29, 2009, 06:55:03 AM
magic and mystical
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Satchwood on September 29, 2009, 01:20:25 PM
Great job on this T-riffic collab guys !!! cool flowin jaggly acoustic guitar music with some cool lyrics and vox !!! i like it !!!
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: guitarron on September 29, 2009, 02:47:19 PM
Working on Marks but Can't get the Sandels right..... ;)
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Wiley on September 29, 2009, 06:17:50 PM
Great song and the avitars are so cool!!. You guys do seem to be able to just turn them out left and right. You make it sound so easy.!! Again awesome. P.j.
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: BossMicroBRew on September 29, 2009, 10:52:57 PM
PRE MI UM! Geir and Osckilo...whallop of a good one here. Dang cool acoustic sound; the vocal mix a real treat.
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Redler on September 30, 2009, 03:06:19 AM
A fine song again Geir and Tharek! I like this kind of mystical music. I listened it by phones and panning sounded great. I downloaded it in my mp3 player. 12 string gtr sounds good.
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Tangled Wires on September 30, 2009, 07:13:02 AM
This song is a real grower, gets better with every listen. Love the sound of that strummed guitar, and Geirs vocal is immense!!
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Greeny (No longer active) on September 30, 2009, 04:44:53 PM
Love the driving, kinda celtic jangle to this. Fantastic lyrics, vocals and playing, guys. It's Psychedelic Folk to my ears, and I like the sound of it very much. A cracking collab.
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: piljoe on October 01, 2009, 08:46:33 AM
Great Stuff!!
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: tafka on October 01, 2009, 11:55:15 AM
one helluva great song guys. top notch production too
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: OsCKilO on October 01, 2009, 03:52:16 PM
Thanks Guys!!!
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Diego Ayala on October 03, 2009, 07:31:52 AM
Yeah! Love the tune!!!!! Just got done downloading it to listen to it while I type this post... Just checked the weather and is snowing pretty darn good (still) - good thing. Once Tammy heads out to work (sleeping right now) I'll crank my br unit and see if can add some percussion to this song, all the while hoping that it will keep snowing --- the sun will not come out untill past 9:00 am - if it keeps snowing I wont have to go to work = yeah! Great collab!
I know exactly what you mean about taming that sound on the 12 - soooo many strings vibrating - especialy with alternate tunnings...............
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: OsCKilO on October 03, 2009, 07:47:03 AM
Wow D!!!!!!
Thanks for the offer of percussion!!!!
I hope it keeps snowing!!!
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)w/ abit of percussion Ayala
Post by: Diego Ayala on October 04, 2009, 07:31:05 AM
Here is a bit of percusion with it - hope it adds to the mood... as I kept listening to the song kept tapping the beat on my legs and thought to add a bit of percussion,
Tried to post mp3 here but not working...
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Flash Harry on October 04, 2009, 07:49:00 AM
Magic jangly 12 string with Geirs Scandanavian magic vox.
Brilliant guys!
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Vanncad on October 04, 2009, 08:21:11 AM
Great tune guys! Geir's voice sounds amazing and like other's have already said, the guitar eally fits this tune. Is it in an opening tuning?
Sounds great regardless. I don't know how you guys do it - but keep it up!
- Vann
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: OsCKilO on October 04, 2009, 12:07:27 PM
Thanks guys!
It's DADGAD tuning.........
First time I've tried it on a twelve string......
I kinda like it.......
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: SteveG on October 04, 2009, 02:03:19 PM
Great colab guys, and a fine song
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Vanncad on October 04, 2009, 06:17:39 PM
QuoteIt's DADGAD tuning.........
That's a pretty cool tuning.
Check out "Treetop Flyer" from Stephen Stills for a great DADGAD tune.
Title: Re: Dark and Light (by Geir and Osckilo)
Post by: Blooby on October 04, 2009, 06:33:44 PM