Trying out the Behringer Bass pedal - £27 from Amazon - sounds pretty good.
Using a few new pedals and the Behringer FX2000 rack and the Eventide H9
A bit of fun.
Very atmospheric.
I like the tumbling effect on this.
Nice bass work as well.
A nice use of various effects.
A relaxing tune and a great performance.
I like Behringer products. Some I love.
That FXrack sounds fun... I had one that I got used as a throw in for some other stuff I liked better and only started using it later and then it just went nuts... it was cool though.
I have a few of those inexpensive Behringer pedals too... I can take them or leave them but they do work well.
your piece here is tasty licious! Got it looping so I can properly digest.
KM described this as tumbling... I think that is a good description of the feel. Also I could hear room for vocals on this too... but not at all necessary either.
The bass does sound real nice.. and those pulses are cool AF.
You know I dig stuff like this...The drums hit just right for me too.
I do think there would be room for one of ripping solos on here too... also not necessary... or you could use this as an intro as is... then add vocals and a lead and make this 7:00.... that would so work too...
glad you decided to record...
Sounds wonderful, even if I am listening on my phone speaker. The bass is gorgeous in particular.
It's putting into my mind the bleak opening scene of a drama where we're flying over a landscape ruined by the ravages of war in a helicopter or maybe drone
excellent to hear you press the red button Bruno love the bass warm and delicious
I definitely hear the shoegaze influence, the less noisey and more space-rock sounding kind like the band Slowdive. That slap bass is cool and the keys are very tasty. Great atmosphere!
very nice cool instrumental mate. that bass is cooking!
Great vibes with this. Well put together and presented with all the effects. Smooth listen! 8)
Oh yeah - such a cool instrumental and nicely produced.
What an excellent atmospheric gem of a track. I haven't written a lyric in a year...hmm
Rock on brother!
Love this, Bruno. Great to hear a tune from you mate. We need more!
Quote from: Hook on March 24, 2025, 07:01:28 AMWhat an excellent atmospheric gem of a track. I haven't written a lyric in a year...hmm
Rock on brother!
good idea!
Absolutely mesmerizing and relaxing. Could be therapeutic in certain settings.
:) John B
Firstly, thanks for all the kind reviews and comments. I've always set myself a 3 to 1 ratio on my own comments. I haven't posted for a while, so lurked and dipped in now and then. However, I've a little catching up to do - and everyone has up'd their game, so much great music to listen to and review. Its going to take me a little time, but I'm on the case.
Re the shoegazing thing, I've collected quite a few of these style of pedals probably since covid. Not a month goes by when another new box arrives and I think, what on earth have I ordered now. I've currently got a JHS Crayon on order, it in its 3rd month of waiting now! They build them to order. I dont mind the wait, as it stops me ordering more :-)
Quote from: Hook on March 24, 2025, 07:01:28 AMWhat an excellent atmospheric gem of a track. I haven't written a lyric in a year...hmm
Rock on brother!
Hey Brother - go for it. We've not done a collab in a while!
With a title like that i thought it must be ODH. But perhaps he's changed his shoes? Or socks at least.
What i'm hearing reminds me of swimming underneath the ice while making bubbles from both ends... All in the tune of platypuses playing with their tails.
Cinematic, aquatic. That's my short take on this.
And that JHS Crayon is a fun pedal for sure. You're gonna like it.