Post Your Work => Cover Songs => Topic started by: Jean Pierre on March 22, 2025, 12:43:58 PM

Title: FATHER AND SON Cat (Yussuf Islam) Stevens cover JP
Post by: Jean Pierre on March 22, 2025, 12:43:58 PM
In a comment on my cover of "Where do the children play" BerryPatch said

Quote[Good to know Ted, Father And Son especially is an all-time great song!
I'd kind of forgotten about this song, which appeared on the 1970 album "Tea for the Tillerman".

So here's a cover
3take guitars, 1 take Uke Bass, Rhode keyboard in soundfont and drums soundfont

Title: Re: FATHER AND SON Cat (Yussuf Islam) Stevens cover JP
Post by: Jean Pierre on March 23, 2025, 01:57:30 AM
hé hé petite correction, ma guitare nylon qui fait le lead etait très legerement dessacordée...quelques centieme de ton ...mais cela s'entend

correction dans cette version, merci melodyne! 
Title: Re: FATHER AND SON Cat (Yussuf Islam) Stevens cover JP
Post by: StephenM on March 23, 2025, 08:26:26 AM
this is real nice JP

c'est vraiment sympa JP
Title: Re: FATHER AND SON Cat (Yussuf Islam) Stevens cover JP
Post by: TPB on March 23, 2025, 10:33:28 AM
One of my favorites from Cat Steven's well done
Title: Re: FATHER AND SON Cat (Yussuf Islam) Stevens cover JP
Post by: BerryPatch on March 23, 2025, 02:44:29 PM
When I saw this in the jukebox I thought I may have inspired your choice of cover ;D. This sounds fantastic JP, I really love your vocal here. You do this song a great justice (great solo as well!)