In a comment on my cover of "Where do the children play" BerryPatch said
Quote[Good to know Ted, Father And Son especially is an all-time great song!
I'd kind of forgotten about this song, which appeared on the 1970 album "Tea for the Tillerman".
So here's a cover
3take guitars, 1 take Uke Bass, Rhode keyboard in soundfont and drums soundfont
hé hé petite correction, ma guitare nylon qui fait le lead etait très legerement dessacordée...quelques centieme de ton ...mais cela s'entend
correction dans cette version, merci melodyne!
this is real nice JP
c'est vraiment sympa JP
One of my favorites from Cat Steven's well done
When I saw this in the jukebox I thought I may have inspired your choice of cover ;D. This sounds fantastic JP, I really love your vocal here. You do this song a great justice (great solo as well!)