It's better to die an innocent sheep
than be guilty of the work of the deadly wolf
trying to save his pride
You might want to break all ties with me
I am sold out to the light
I have made my decision to stand and fight.
Cuz my battle started on my knees.
Are you a pretender?
Just an underdog contender?
Will you just render?
Your work is due!
The time of trouble is just ahead,
and the darkest times we have faced yet.
But the warrior will stand by the grace of the
great I Am!
The spirits battle front where faith is won.
You ask who will win? It's already known. The question is
what side you are on.
And no one can answer that for you. No one determines
that except you.
It isn't flags, it isn't politics.
It's in the spiritual realm
our battle is won.
It isn't flags, it isn't politics.
It's in the spiritual realm
our battles are won.
You gotta seek the son.
You might want to break all ties with me
I am sold out to the light
I have made my decision I will kneel and fight.
You might want to break all ties with me
I am sold out to the light
I have made my decision I will kneel down and do my fighting.
And that is where the battle is won.
The battle is between your ears.
Look at Jericho. Look at Gideon.
Trust in the Lion. The deliverer will come.
He will roar.