Something a little different music wise
I like the way you had just the kick drum through the first verses and chorus and bought the rest of trap set in later, which is a cool production technique. Your soft vocal is excellent and is supported well by the synths and bass. The acoustic guitar strumming and picking is perfect...nicely done Trist!
You have a style all of your own Trist. The way you deliver your vocals is instantly recognisable. Soft, rasping but emotional. Cool track bro.
Loving the peaceful atmosphere. The vocal and synth complement each other nicely.
:) John B
yeah, what Ron said... ...
a style all your own.
pulsing, mesmerizing.. healing... drawing me into it...
all the intelligence and emotion pulling me in...
I won't try and stop the vacuum that draws me close...
it is like a wonderful long hug that I never want to escape..
I feel part of me wanting to run but I don't... instead I lean in with tears
streaming down my face and enjoying the embrace.
I really like this one
Cool track , excellent vocals and I really liked the beat and atmosphere
Well done.
This sounds brilliant musically and your vocals and lyrics are always great. I like the synths too. They mix really well with the rest of the insrruments. Nicely produced. Great song Trist.
I could imagine Dave gilmour singing this. Love that glitchy effect, step flanger?
Great vocal loving the atmosphere you've created
A very soothing composition and well produced and performed! 8)
I'm with Bruno on this sound like Dave gilmour vibe.
Great clarity in this production.
Vocals sound great.
Love that acoustic sound.
such a lovely emotive song mate. the use of those synths works perfectly and i love the laid back vocal.
As Ron says above - you have your own unique vocal style, Tris. Nice song and well produced with that kick driving the song along. Nice touches on the guitar too and the synths sound great.