General Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: alfstone on January 06, 2021, 01:38:29 PM

Title: Washington
Post by: alfstone on January 06, 2021, 01:38:29 PM
Looking right now at what is happening in Capitol Hill...I cannot believe believe my it true? How is it possible something like that in the biggest democracy in the world? I'm shocked...

Title: Re: Washington
Post by: cuthbert on January 06, 2021, 01:54:57 PM
It is true. And terrifying.
Title: Re: Washington
Post by: Mike_S on January 06, 2021, 04:19:32 PM
Yes, unbelievable, scary for sure. Really hope the US gets back to something like normailty soon and nothing else sparks on from this.
Title: Re: Washington
Post by: alfstone on January 06, 2021, 04:32:16 PM
The same situation as in 1926 in Italy with Mussolini. It reminded Allende' Chile, and Spain's Tejero too.

Just few considerations.

It's incredible that, even if everybody knew what could happen since days, there was such a *light* security service. Some doubts arise, obviously.

What's the role of Republican Party?

Most of rioting people had no mask. Like they live in a parallel world. With no Covid at all.

Today USA has much less credibility as world's democracy leader.

A terrible day for the whole world.
Title: Re: Washington
Post by: cuthbert on January 06, 2021, 05:03:38 PM
Quote from: alfstone on January 06, 2021, 04:32:16 PMIt's incredible that, even if everybody knew what could happen since days, there was such a *light* security service. Some doubts arise, obviously.

DC has their own police force, but it's a city-sized police force. They had requested the presence of the National Guard, but this request was initially denied by the US Dept of Defense. It wasn't until several hours after the Capitol building had been invaded by these domestic terrorists that they activated the National Guard. Trump, in addition to being president of the USA is also commander-in-chief of its armed forces.

Coincidence that the initial request for National Guard troops was denied? It should be investigated...
Title: Re: Washington
Post by: Jean Pierre on January 06, 2021, 10:37:29 PM
It is currently 6:30 am in France and I see the images on BFM TV, it's terrifying, impressive ... and somewhere predictable.
This chaos in the world's largest democracy is absolutely saddening.
How could we let this guy do what he's been doing for years?
Title: Re: Washington
Post by: StephenM on January 07, 2021, 05:47:59 AM
we are all getting played....good luck going forward....we are going to need it!
Title: Re: Washington
Post by: Ray Brookes on January 07, 2021, 11:10:41 AM
A week or so ago I posted a song about how I'd like to see the USA. I'd still like to see the USA but not like this .....
Title: Re: Washington
Post by: WarpCanada on January 08, 2021, 02:21:33 PM
Well I posted a song (Workin Song) in which I ranted about the dude, but that was before this.  Everything I said in there goes double now.

His name is mud, he's history.  The giant raging toddler has now cost hundreds of thousands of American lives because of his botched handling of the pandemic, and his active obstruction to the institutions that ought to have protected innocent American lives.  Dismantling the pandemic readiness and response organizations, crippling the CDC,  and playing politics while people die.  Before this seditious act of fomenting insurrection, he was merely guilty of dozens of other heinous things.  After he's gone, his enablers like Ted Cruz remain around for a while.   His cronies need to go.

Apparently political conservatives in America are glad they rammed a last minute supreme court pick through, and some conservatives are pleased about the outgoing administration's work in middle east peace negotiations.  By my calculations he's easily the worst american president, ever.

I am a Canadian, not a democrat or a republican, but I'm sure glad to see a grownup in the whitehouse this coming January 20th.
Title: Re: Washington
Post by: Boognish on January 08, 2021, 09:44:20 PM
I first want to apologize to everyone over seas.
I'd say this is not America, but it is.
There is a real problem with these idiots not having the comprehensive ability to understand when they are being lied to.
Twitter weaponized to its limits, Trump's voice has been in every ear in America for 4 years daily.
It was funny before he ran. He'll never win, right?
The Republican Party can't figure out that the idiots that did this represent .0001% of this great country, and within that .0001% is Trump, their de-facto leader who can't bring himself to deny that because they adore him, and NOW he can't break from them or they're after his head. So we have about 12 days left to sit and wait and see how he squirms out of this one........for the love of God
Remove the #$%#$^%#$^$%^#$%^ Cancer PLEASE for all of us just remove him at all costs ASAP NOW remove him.

In all this I keep finding some small bit of solace in the fact that our democracy is still in action and Jan. 20th will arrive and we will have a new President who is an adult.

Title: Re: Washington
Post by: WarpCanada on January 11, 2021, 08:48:42 PM
Certainly a lot of those actual thugs are ignorant, but then there's folks like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. They aren't gone Jan 20th, and they're a big part of the problem. Thank goodness that the orange face toddler is gone then.
Title: Re: Washington
Post by: kenny mac on January 12, 2021, 05:55:48 AM
Its amazing how one crazy guy in office can wreck and cause so much disorder world wide.
Absolutely disgusting.