Messing about with my new Harley Benton Bass guitar and disappeared up my backside.
It is what it is.
In The City
Garageband Drums
Harley Benton Jazz Bass
Harley Benton Tele copy
Great one ORH! Always like your style, lyrics and vocals! Is that phaser on the guitar? cool!
There was four guitar parts, the guitars to the extreme left and right used an effect in garageband called cascade, which i think uses multiple delay effects, they are quite low in the mix but i don't think i used any phaser effects. the other two guitars used a studio echo effect.
oops i just realised there was five guitar parts. the lead guitar used an effect called starlit cavern wich i think again just uses multiple delay effects. as far as i am aware.
Nice work Jim, although personally I could do with more bass in the mix..... ;) Lovely dreamy guitars and great lyrics, you always create a compelling atmosphere with this style of music. I really enjoy having this kind of music looping away for ages.
Glad you are enjoying the new bass.
a remix for Nigel. I deleted original bass and redid it from scratch. Imported vocals from my microbr into garageband and remixed on the MacBook.
Now I hear it! Nice bass work Jim, really liking that. Hopefully many more in this vein to follow.....
Oh yeah. Nice one. I like both versions, but I think I lean towards the first one myself - glad you left it up.
I prefer the first version (sorry!). I really like the song though. It's one that grabs my attention and makes me what to cover it, lol. Feels lighter and poppier than your 'usual' style, but in a good way. I love the balance of all the guitars. Just sounds so good.
Amazing atmosphere on this! The music has a bit Church vibe, imo. Great songwriting and performance!
Bravo James,like that vibe youve created there.
Fabulous stuff, just a lovely late night vibe. Those dreamy guitars sound great. I also use that Starlight Cavern setting sometimes, GarageBand has some decent sounds available. Love this.