I recorded the brief guitar improv on my old National and then passed it to a friend to mess with. I didn't know what direction he'd take it. He took it to another planet LOL!
Space Blues
Geo Ballentine - guitar
J. B. Beverley - synths n final mix
1930 National Duolian, various synth plug-ins
Zoom H2, Audacity, Audition
Wow, the old National sounds fantastic, but that's because it's in the hands of a master. Love that lugubrious slide
I really like where your friend took that track.
A second listen...
Great to see you in a virtual sort of way. Hope you're in fine spirits.
jings crivvens and help ma boab! that is something. blown away. i'm seriously tempted to try put a lyric to this but am afraid i'd spoil it. brilliant.
Thank you gentlemen! Much appreciated. It did turn out pretty trippy. JB n I live in eastern North Carolina about 100 mi from the coast but on the edge of the Great Dismal Swamp, so that swampy feel is authentic LOL.
Flash, It feels good to have my hands on the National again. I'd taken a yearlong break to focus on regular acoustic guitar. I'm happy to report I'm in good spirits.
James, I trust your instincts regarding lyrics and voice, but it's an awfully brief piece- unless you looped it....
Nice to hear you play again well done as to your usual standard
The National really sings out Geo! Great playing and your friend's embellishments are truly out of this world in a fantastic way !
Wow class playing,that slide work is excellent.
Great to hear you back on here and to see you contributing to other songcrafters work by taking the time to comment.
Great track well done also to your friend.
Wow - this is masterful stuff. Dobro, synths and great playing. Absolutely love it.
This is really, really good. Great playing and absolutely inspired treatments by your friend to (literally) take this to another level. I was expecting Tom Waits to start singing at any moment.....
Not what I expected at all and great work by you both, well done!!!
EEEXXXXCCCEEELLLLEEEENNNT! (sorry translation excellent , it's in the Allied language)
It reminds me a little bit of the movie and the music of Allien and Cowboys...
Quotei'm seriously tempted to try put a lyric to this
Yeah, it'd be good to expand on that a little bit and put some lyrics in.
if you develop the idea, I'm willing to participate by adding a few instruments!
George , quel plaisir de vous entendre à nouveau et reposer vos doigts sur le National
Thank you all so much! Really appreciate your encouraging comments. I shared your comments w JB and he thanks you as well.
A really fine bluesy vibe and so well perfromed! Nice to hear you're back!
What a treat to see you back around here brother, sounds marvelous. Love your playing and the additions are stellar.
Rock on!
This is a really cool sound, pure Americana, loved the listen!!!
Ended up here and listening to the original after listening to James take and that he shared with me in Facebook ~~~ downloaded both as they will make great road tripping music ~~~
More great comments [and greetings], thank you!!
Diego, Glad you downloaded both versions. Gonna have to be a short road trip unless you put them on repeat ;D
Quote from: dobrodaddy on January 11, 2020, 06:47:28 AMMore great comments [and greetings], thank you!!
Diego, Glad you downloaded both versions. Gonna have to be a short road trip unless you put them on repeat ;D
Yeah, the two versions would be tripping to my daughters ~ about 8 minutes : )_~~~; for longer trips then rely on burned CD's with Songcrafters music have compiled since about June 2009 ~~~ there is a ton of great music here...
I meant to comment on this earlier (got reminded by James' vocal take over it) - that's some fine slide tones, and it goes otherwordly with the synth backing. Love them space-blues.
Great playing and production - really digging the sound.
That sounds like a great way of doing it: building on an improv. beautiful!