Post Your Work => Original Songs => Topic started by: thetworegs on February 11, 2018, 09:51:22 AM

Title: Still you want us to believe
Post by: thetworegs on February 11, 2018, 09:51:22 AM
A little bit of politics!!...why not!!..i can't say i believe in any of them.....
You say you govern with concerned ,but is that true
You say you work for the common man
But don't you dip your hand in that till a  little bit too much
And give us nothing in return
Each election is so full of promise
From that honest face on our TV
But you give nothing , you just take from us
Still you want us to believe
Still you want us to believe
The mp with his good plated pension
Try's to tell us his main concern is social care
That he'll look after us in our old age
Do you believe him or even think he cares
I just see him dipping his hand in that little bit too much
and giving us nothing in return
Each election is so full of promise
But slowly they are taking us to the place of no return
But Still they want us all  to believe

They rob us of our pensions
big business seem to do it everyday
The companies seem to collapse over nothing
And all the money has just disappeared away
They'll have that independent inquiry
They say,They'll do their best to find out why
But we'll never hear from them again
still want us to believe
they still want us to believe

They call it democracy , because we have  choices who to believe
The fool or the liar the unscrupulous man to lead
All of them out for their own need
Too few of them are out there  for us
They dip their hand in the till a little too much
But still they want us to believe 
Still they want to believe
I'm afraid
I'm afraid
I don't believe 
Still you want us to believe
Musiic & Lyrics Reg
Title: Re: Still you want us to believe
Post by: Groundy on February 23, 2018, 11:24:55 PM
I must be getting old, (I am getting Old) :D  I listened to this over a week ago and thought I had commented.

Nice one Trev, so well written and performed.

