So a week or so ago, debate was raging in a thread called Should we further divide our categories? ( I made a comment which included the phrase 'If it ain't broke don't fix it', or words to that effect.
Later that same evening I picked my guitar without any intent and began absent-mindedly picking out the phrase which became this song, and before the end of that session the 'If it ain't broke...' line had found a place in it.
Then the next day I transcribed it into GarageBand and then fleshed out the first two stanzas. The third stanza came about a couple of days later as a result of something happening at work, so it's a little personal (and a little passive-aggressive).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy. I will post the lyrics when I get a chance.
Excellent songwriting Nick! I hear the personal flavor in this. Good words to live by. Well done!
Nice one Nick... this definitely needs no fixing.😉
Nice tickling of the ivories.
GreatI idea. I do not recall hearing this age old advice applied to relationships before.
Sounding good Nick,
Love the piano...
Well done Pal....
This is sooo simply beautiful!!
Personal with the touching use of voice and spoken parts.
I love the simplicity and beauty of the piano and the background that comes there with style!!
I like this analogy right now cause things have been breaking
down around here and my wallet is getting tired of fixing things LOL.
Yes a personal touch and some nice piano Nick.
A few words and you have a brilliant song with a personal touch. Great writing. Willie
Very nice - loved the vocals, piano, and strings. With the subject matter and spoken word part, it reminded me a bit of Momus. Nice one, man.
Damn this a good song! In fact it falls into the category of songs I wish I had written myself.
Rock on!
Amazing songwriting and arranging!
I liked the beautiful vocal melodies. Fine to hear a song without guitars - this works nicely!
Loving that piano refrain and the plaintive flute that echoes the vocal melody. This is really good stuff. The warmth of those strings as they well up is lovely.
The way the music turns colder and more discordant on the spoken section is really clever.
Thanks for listening and commenting everyone.
For fun I went back and listened to the recording of the original noodle that grew into this. The mic was obviously closer to the cat than the guitar
I think a cat purr is a lucky thing to have in a recording. This has happened to me inadvertently more than once.
Like a lot those words. Very nice song and performance. It´s wonderful how you have your very own style. Sounds good!
Wow this is really good Nick - Very brooding (Is that the right term?) Anyway it is deep and draws me in.
Yes, I love it!