Posting this recording i did of my Dad today. He is retired a long time, but he did gig for many, many years as a drummer in many bands. He is a Jazz man through and through, so thought i would post this up on his behalf... I hope he is ok with that... I will tell him later!! ;D ;D
This is superb - I don't know a lot of the drumming lingo, but those rolls sound fantastic! Your dad has a lot of energy, and this piece really drives right along.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Class Mike
Congrats to your Dad.
I think you owe it to you and your dad to do a collab ---
What do you think ?????????
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
That is some fine drumming there Mike! Bravo to Mr Stewart!
Your Dad has got it! Most definitely try for a collab.
Awesome drumming!!
Well recorded, too! With which gear this was recorded?
wOw,,What drumming, As Tommy said I think you should do a collab with him.....
Alex...... o0O0o
Stunning playing! Like listening to Gene Krupa or Buddy Rich. You have a very talented Dad!
Blimey - your dad can thump thoses tubs! Well done Doug! Huge respect here.
I'm intrigued to know how you miced the kit. Great recording.
WOW !!
This sounds soooooooo coool !!!
Excellent drumming !
Do you think it would be ok to add something to this?
I don't know if I will be able to, but it sure would be cool to try !!
Thanks guys for listening... I really should have made a songcrafters account on his behalf and posted there. Just not sure if he will ever use it. Sort of a spur of the moment thing.
Thanks for the positive comments all.
Geir: IT WOULD BE BRILLIANT IF YOU COULD DO SOMETHING! But i understand if you don't get to it. I had thought about it myself but I don't think my chops are up to it frankly!!
Redler / Paul: It was a bit of a fluke it came out ok. Fisrtly I know absolutely zero about live, mic'ed recording, so i basically just plonked a cheap - and i mean cheap - mic in front of the drums and pressed record on the laptop (Garageband). The Mic was a Shengyue BM 800. I think it was not much more than a tenner, but amazingly it seems not too bad at all. We dampened the bass drum a bit with an old cushion. It was recorded in a garden shed, but again luckily seems the acoustics were not too bad! Drums are my daughters - a very inexpensive kit - really just for learning on, but with a bit of added reverb and tweaking in Garageband managed to sound ok. All in all its amazing what you can get away with with inexpensive kit, at least for having a bit of fun with.
Guys, yes it has put me in mind of doing another track with him, if I can think of something. Lets see!!
Wow, super playing. I'm of the opinion that drums are really at the heart of this genre and your dad clearly has the knack, in spades. Fabulous.
Hey, great drummer, your papa....
Your pa is an awesome drummer, no question. You should get him to record some beats, and see what the Songcrafter's community can come up with - that would be cool!
Love it Mike.
I wanted to be a drummer but sadly my parents made me get rid of my kit after 8 weeks. Something to do with the neighbors wanting to set fire to me and myself insisting playing along to ELP's Brain Salad Surgery.Loved that album. But I've grown up now and learned to love 2 chords.
Fabulous playing, I would love to be able to play like that, but that jazz drumming has never been something I could master. I'm to heavy. The drums sound great, which prove what I always have said - you don't need expensive equipment if you know how to use it...
Excellent playing, there's obviously music in the blood. Yeah, now wouldn't a collab be something. Willie
Having heard that I am now thinking of putting a band together. Would your Dad like to join me? PS: He passed the audition right there!
Thanks for listening all...
Bruno... I was thinking to do exactly that. If i can get him to do something before the end of the Jazz fest I will, not sure if I will have time tho. But might do this anyway even if its after the fest.
Jarle... I was the same, i learnt to play a bit but i think you have to really love Jazz and have it in the blood to play like that. My heart always lay in rock and blues
Super 8... I will tell him your offer. I have a feeling though he might sadly decline your kind offer though - he really has retired from playing about 15 years ago, so getting him to the garden shed to record this was just a bit of fun really. He will be very flattered with offer tho I would say. But I might try to get him to do another few minutes of a beat, something with a bit more space for other instruments. Maybe I will make an account and post something for him on the collab forum so if folk wanna play around it would be cool. :) :)
Cheers all
PS: Here is a very old (Super 8!!!) bit of film of Dad - silent sadly, as was the format. But there he is doing his thing, no idea of the year but its early 70's!