Post Your Work => Original Songs => Topic started by: Oldrottenhead on January 06, 2015, 06:03:08 AM

Title: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Oldrottenhead on January 06, 2015, 06:03:08 AM
ReplayFest (banner image missing)

Dedicated to Robert D Burns. Sail on brother.

Alfredo and I started work on this over the new year for the replayfest the original version is here

at the time of recording the song still seemed relevant today,what with the cargo ship of refugees stranded off the coast of Italy.

We were ready to post it, when the sad news of Robert's passing came through.

as a result i held off from posting it. of late every song i listen to  brings Robert to mind. as does this song.

so for Robert: Taking us over to the other side.

there's a boat that's sailing on the morning tide
and it's hold is deep and it's deck is wide
and it's taking us to the other side
i just hope to god that we all survive
and it's taking us over to the other side
well we've paid the piper and the captain too
and we're sharing quarters with the cabin crew
and we'll step on shore in a week or two
if we don't drop dead with the spanish flu
and it's taking us over to the other side
where all men are equal in the eyes of god
where men are free to live their dreams
a place where we can live in peace
where we can hold our heads up high
and it's taking us over to the other side
well we're crosing over the deep blue sea
and the fog's so thick that i cannot see
and i'm stood in bilge up to my knees
and i hope to god that we'll soon be free
taking us over to the other side
music and arrangement
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: IanR on January 06, 2015, 06:30:07 AM
You guys have done a brilliant job on this.

It is so good that I nearly cried (it takes a lot to make me cry).

Everything about this is perfect.  The song has great meaning. Its really well constructed. The guitar and the drum(?) sound great together and are well played. Its well recorded and mixed.  It is top notch. 

I'm going to put this in my mp3 player for sure.

BTW. I do feel very deeply for the plight of refugees. There are so many fucked up places that need escaping from at the moment.  I think the Australian government may be the World champions of insensitive refugee policies at the moment, where we treat refugees like illegal immigrants and send them off to camps on remote pacific islands for processing and resettlement. There has to be a better way.


Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Geir on January 06, 2015, 06:56:30 AM
One of your best songs have now become even better with the help from the good doctor !!

Stunning piece of music !!

Love it !
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: chunk on January 06, 2015, 08:09:10 AM
A fine dedication guys. Everything about it is pure quality.
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: fenderbender on January 06, 2015, 08:45:42 AM
What a beautiful recording
super lyrics and vocals and instruments
A great meaningful tribute to Rob
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Groundy on January 06, 2015, 09:01:20 AM
A beautiful tribute to a great guy.....
Well done lads.......

Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Mike_S on January 06, 2015, 10:22:30 AM
Beautiful stuff.
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Jarle on January 06, 2015, 11:20:18 AM
I had to listen to the original version first, and I loved it. Then I listened to this and found you had taken it to a new level. This is just brilliant.
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Hook on January 06, 2015, 11:55:37 AM
Well done gentleman, wonderful arrangement/production.
Rock On!
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: dobrodaddy on January 09, 2015, 03:27:53 PM
A great song made even better!
The lyrics are so well crafted and the instrumentation is delightful.  Love Alf's additions.
A song of hope in the face of so many troubles in the world and friends passing on.
Thanks for lifting my heart.  DD
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Redler on January 10, 2015, 01:23:04 AM
Stunning song, guys!! Fine lyrics and beautiful vocal melody! I wish I'd achieve that good tone on my guitar - it sounds so sweet and bright! WOW!
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: bruno on January 10, 2015, 01:59:25 AM
Wow - this is fabulous. This is a super song, super production and great performance. Excellent musically, it captures a real folk style, but the vocals are wonderful. Low key and perfect.
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Ella on January 13, 2015, 01:18:40 PM
Beautiful lyrics and great performance. Everything so well-balanced. Very nice!
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: A K on January 13, 2015, 03:58:28 PM
My feet were tapping along with this, and now I am humming the chorus.
The crisp jingling guitar and slapping Cajon-style drum beat just motors on with your catchy lyrics.
Superbly done.
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: kenny mac on January 14, 2015, 06:35:15 PM
This is one of my favorite old rotten head songs and although I love the original this takes it to a totally new place.
The music is amazing and you slipped in there nicely James like a hand into a glove.
You two work well together.
Great stuff.
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Gnasty on January 22, 2015, 04:02:53 PM

Wow I really love this. Great celtic feel behind. I love the beats. An amazing song is more amazing!

You two are a great pair.
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: Oldrottenhead on January 06, 2019, 06:34:26 AM
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: A K on January 06, 2019, 03:42:40 PM
Always enjoyed this song.
It livened me up, at that sad time.

Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: SE on January 06, 2019, 06:42:57 PM
Well done on the OTD bump ORH cause I have somehow missed one of your best collabs.
A great vocal with a great track too, just loved it so much.
Big respect!!
Title: Re: taking us over to the other side by alfstone and orh : Dedicated to Facemask
Post by: cuthbert on January 07, 2019, 12:04:44 PM
Somehow, I missed this one. Glad I finally caught up with it - it's a stunner. Well done, James & Alfredo!