Heres an accoustic song I recorded,
I'm having a little trouble with the volumes though
any advice?
You should add the MP3 Player gadget to your posts so that others can hear your songs easily. Read this message to learn how to edit your existing messages and add the MP3 Player gadget to them: (
It's really very easy to do.
Im having a bit of trouble here, im not good with computers
so what link exactly am i supposed to put in between ] here [?
the one at the top of the screen;num_replies=1 ????
The link is the one you originally added for your song. You'll find it at the bottom of your original message:
When you right-click on "head over heels.MP3", you'll get a context menu that looks something like this (depending on which web browser you use):
Select "Copy Link Location" (or "Copy Shortcut" if you're using Internet Explorer). This puts the link in the Windows clipboard.
When you click the icon for the MP3 Player, it will insert the following into your message:
Paste the link right after the first "]".
So, for this particular song it should look like this:
That's it. Just click the Save button to save the changes to your message, then try the MP3 player.
Then do the same for the other songs you posted.
I hope that helps.
that helps alot, thanks man
Love this song, antisocialworker. Is it an original?
I also like your "Self Improvement" (
I really got into both songs when I put together the Golden Oldies Jukebox & Song Index ( back in August.
raw power, yes, very good stuff
yeah I wrote those when I first got my BR
thanks for the comments, I really cant stand the sound of my own voice, but I remember trying my darndest to give singing a shot
I love the vox - This is a great tune.
I don't think that anybody likes the sound of their own voice!
I also like your vox to this....
Great song AWS!
I know it's hard to get used to the sound of your voice, but you do have a very unique sound.
Your lyrics and vocal phrasing is great.
This song is very good. You have a quite a range of styles, and I think that is great!
On This Day bump.
Three years later I still love this song!
great bump 64
On This Day bump.
Great songwriting, and sung passionately. You should sing more often. You're a good singer.
Great bump 64.... agree'd... ASW can write some killer tunes. This one is definately sung from the heart. Great tune ASW.
Yes, I also suffer from "don't like my voice" syndrome but it seems it feels the same for most of us.
I actually thought you did very well here, Guns and Roses kinda song ;D
One from The Golden Oldies section.