Post Your Work => Original Songs => Topic started by: dragonshade on February 10, 2009, 12:09:56 PM

Title: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: dragonshade on February 10, 2009, 12:09:56 PM
Hiya guys, some GREAT work coming through the group!!! Wonderful stuff everyone!!

I wanted to share a new project, maybe get some input, and hopefully get a couple of you guys to have a go at this.

I have a guy I work with who lays down beats, and some synth. He is playing the hip-hop genre, but likes the heaviness that guitar brings to music, and has been recruiting me to make some music with him. I guess it kinda makes it a heavy metal/club/hiphop mix style of music. Now that I have my MBR (and have been sharing stuff at work), he has REALLY been on me lol.

Last night I took a break from another original I am brewing up, and listened closely to his disc (maybe 7 tracks). One track really jumped out at me, so I started recording.... loved the heavy feel of it. Had to finally get in bed after the melody (2 guitars panned), and a harmony part was done (1 guitar center channel). I'll be going back over this and working it more... BUT, I would love to hear bass on this (don't have a bass yet), and if a solo comes to anyone's mind I'd also love to hear your "take" on it.

Yes, I know it's a bit (ok maybe more than a bit) repetitive, but it is "club" music, and ya know how that can be. Still, I am REALLY digging this.

Please feel free to play with this, I have cleared it with my buddy, he would also like to see other peoples' take on it. Hope to hear from you guys.


***PLEASE NOTE: I have removed the orignal file from this to make room for later versions of it in this thread. You will find a recent more current copy on the last page. ***
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Greeny on February 10, 2009, 01:17:14 PM
This is an interesting clash of guitars and electro - could be a great song with some tasty bass thrown into the mix. I think you've caught the 'bug' here that makes you listen to music in a whole different way - i.e. thinking about what others could add to your songs to change the dynamic. It's all good.  ;)
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: guitarron on February 10, 2009, 01:19:46 PM
i'm game
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: RevHeadRaZ on February 10, 2009, 04:20:30 PM
cool man, sounds good
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: godinqc on February 10, 2009, 08:01:57 PM
I really like the hiphop and heavy guitar sound (tone) together.. very good and different ..
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Guitar-Maniac on February 11, 2009, 01:20:14 AM
haha, i woud'nt even know where to start :P
be kinda tricky adding other stuff unless its bass or keyboards.
nice guitar tone!

Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: dragonshade on February 11, 2009, 09:06:11 AM
Hey thanks Greeny.... yes the "bug" has got me bad lol. I have ALWAYS wanted to be able to record, now I just need to get to be a better player  :P

Guitarron.... AWESOME, can;t wait to see what you do!!!

Raz... Hey thanks man  ;), you rock dude.

godinqc... Cool, thanks for the opinion. I really want to hear peoples idea of this (trying to put it in front of as many as we can), I'm into it.

GM.... DAMMIT!!! lol  ;) I was hoping you'd have a go. That shredding you did was so strong man.

We had company over last night so I had precious little playing time. I had some ideas bouncing around for a solo for this. I personally am not the best soloist. My theory is too weak, especially to construct a solo. Still.... I shall try. I only managed the very beginning intro (about 10 seconds). I wanted an ascending run hitting the root, and following the end of the harmony, but higher. I have this much. I plan (tonight) to add a second very similiar run (you should hear where it will go) ending again at the harmony section ... from there it will spin off, ride alone... coming back to roll with the harmony in spots. Again, though everyone I would love to hear your solo or take on it.

Here is the beginning I mentioned, I edited the file as it fades in a few seconds before and fades out a few after. Damn, I wish I had better skills.

(file removed to make more room for later additions)
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Guitar-Maniac on February 11, 2009, 10:04:34 AM
you know, i think if i added a solo, it would just Destroy this fine piece of art!
So yea, i think all it really needs is a mean bass line and keyboards.
Sound pretty damn guud i reckon  ;D
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Ferryman on February 11, 2009, 11:49:06 AM
This is very cool. The crossover works fine and you should develop this further. Altho the beat's repetitive, you could introduce some variety with the guitar parts. Nothing complex, perhaps a few drop outs here and there. Doesn't need much more, just a bit of light and shade. It really works well, very imaginitaive - work more with your buddy.


Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Ferryman on February 11, 2009, 11:52:24 AM
Quote from: dragonshade on February 11, 2009, 09:06:11 AMWe had company over last night so I had precious little playing time. I had some ideas bouncing around for a solo for this. I personally am not the best soloist. My theory is too weak, especially to construct a solo. Still.... I shall try. I only managed the very beginning intro (about 10 seconds). I wanted an ascending run hitting the root, and following the end of the harmony, but higher. I have this much. I plan (tonight) to add a second very similiar run (you should hear where it will go) ending again at the harmony section ... from there it will spin off, ride alone... coming back to roll with the harmony in spots. Again, though everyone I would love to hear your solo or take on it.

Here is the beginning I mentioned, I edited the file as it fades in a few seconds before and fades out a few after. Damn, I wish I had better skills.

Should''ve listened to this before my previous post! This is just the kind of thing it needs to add some depth. Heavy soloing would be over the top IMO. Give us the updated full version soon, it sounds good.



Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Bluesberry on February 11, 2009, 12:42:18 PM
Yes sir, that sounds perfect the bit of solo playing you do there on that short sample. 
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: dragonshade on February 11, 2009, 04:03:26 PM
GM... Thanks man  ;)

Blues and Ferry...

Thanks guys, gotta love the support and encouragement. Listening back to this I think it sounds a little better than it actually is.... it sounds like a run, lol, but it's more like a jog... it is a little muddy, and sounds fast though. Hopefully this will hold in the parts to come. Also I realize that once I figure out what I want in the solo, and work with it, I'll speed up fairly quickly (hoping).

I do need help though.... please any of my "theory heavy" friends... building this solo.... what scale is it/should I use??? Major?? I mean the song is in D. Everything is straight D, except for the one strummed, held chord you hear that rings for a minute. (DAMN I love that one) It is a regular open D strum but with the G string open  instead of the second fret (A) fingered. What is that like a D minor or something?? Just trying to figure what scales/scale to build within. Thanks guys
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Guitar-Maniac on February 12, 2009, 03:10:40 AM
from what i can hear, i would personally go with a regular minor scale with a touch of harmonic minor, wholetone scale, and a little diminish just to add flavours.

with these scales, u can get an 'outside' sound, don't know if thats your taste tho :D
since i think the song is somewhat 'dark', think they would work well together.
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: The Reverend 48 on February 13, 2009, 11:05:18 AM
I've added a little dark nonsense :P
And left plenty of room a fret bending solo ;)......

Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: StevieM on February 13, 2009, 12:01:19 PM
Hey Mike, you've got a job for something I'm working on. It's mainly an intro bit, but after hearing that there'll probably be other bits too now!
Love the whole thing guys.
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: knniggits on February 13, 2009, 02:06:02 PM
Some guitar like Bucket Head would sound real cool.
Can't play that fast though  ???
I'm really keen to see what people come up with  8)
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Ferryman on February 14, 2009, 08:23:27 AM
I love this, and I realize it's quite similar to something I'm working on. I hope I haven't ripped you off, but you've definitely inspired me! Forte8, your vox are definitely headed in the right direction, you can carry off that low, almost spoken sound. You might want to try some effects on the vocals, as this has a very dark feel. Perhaps something wacky like phase or chorus would give it an "other worldly" quality to complement the imagery.


Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: dragonshade on February 14, 2009, 05:08:07 PM
MIKE.... SOLID job man!! I am so glad you decided to give it a go. Sorry I have not been around as much last few days... got a really bad cold...came down w/it hard Friday morning, and I am pretty much still miserable. Slept like 15 hours last night/today.

 I haven't made much progress on the solo (or solo-ish runs) at the end. As soon as I can get it, I'll put up a "clean" mastered copy for you. The weirdness in the background on your recording is from double-mastering (I mastered the orignal with effects, and you remastered). So your vocals are clear, but the music sounds "digitized". I REALLY like the vocals you have added to what you had. This REALLY works, thanks for your input. Will you work with the final?? If we get the music clear, leads done, and the clipping out of those 2 small places, this would be AWESOME.

Oh, and for any who have followed this... I made an error. The song is in D, but that rung-out strum chord is not a modded D, but an A power chord. Open A, open D, and 2cd fret A.
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: dragonshade on February 14, 2009, 06:22:25 PM
Nigel... Didn't mean to forget you  (;) Mike's vox got me sidetracked). Thanks man. Justin (CHROME), my buddy is full of em. Dude he goes to lunch (to his house) and comes back in an hour with 2 new awesome beats, and some keyboard melody, the kid has talent. No way I can keep up w/him lol. We will be doing more. Hey and glad to inspire, all you guys inspire me. As I mentioned before I have played more since my MBR and this group than I have in 10 years. What song are you talking about?? Is it posted... I want to hear.

As I am thinking about what I mentioned to Mike above I see what an idiot I am. I am asking you guys to play with this, add to it, etc. and I realize I have not supplied a "workable copy". The only thing in this thread is a full mastered copy. I am going back to the first post and deleting the original. I'm posting a "clean" (no effects) mastered copy in highest format MP3. (As Raz had me do with the one we did)

I am putting the solo beginning in it to give any lead players who want to get an idea of what my thoughts are. It comes in at 1:52 minutes (112 on the counter in the MP3 thing below), and I plan on going to the end (only a minute or so). Feel free to add. I am thinking some kind of second run... if you want to, add one, then time it and we can do a back forth thing (I'd hop in with a decending run I have in mind after a second ascending run, then trade back, etc.). 

Mike, if you, a lead player, or a bassist, use this.... master us a copy to hear, but save your original track, so the "final" clean copy (with whatever done solo-solos) can be loaded into your MBR and the same track layed in the final. I will do my best to keep one slot open in this thread (for uploading).

Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Ferryman on February 15, 2009, 03:18:55 AM
Quote from: dragonshade on February 14, 2009, 06:22:25 PMWhat song are you talking about?? Is it posted... I want to hear.

It's a "magnum opus" that's underway, not posted yet. The way things are going it'll be another couple of weeks before it's finished  :-[ The original idea was to do something ambient and beat-oriented while my hand was recovering from the carpal tunnel op (thus no guitar playing). But it's developed beyond that, and because I've been playing with it for so long I can now play some guitar and bass (but no bar chords yet).

I got lots of inspiration from this site. Greeny used sound effects on a track and TomH86 always has ambient sounds on his stuff, so I decided to create a "soundscape", mixing loads of sound effects together to give an eerie backing. I then had a hip hop beat going at a slow BPM and started to add some heavily processed guitar. While I was doing all of this, you posted your first version of this and it confirmed that everything I was thinking of really works, hence my original enthusiasm! However, I hadn't listened to your track for a while and when I played the version with vox I realised the guitar I had put down has a very similar feel to yours. So I hope you like it when it's done!

Here's an offer - if no one does bass, I'd happily do some for you. I'll also do a mix for you with some effects on the vocals, as I've been playing around with that sort of stuff. If you like the idea, sadly I won't be able to get to it for a couple of weeks, because I need to work on my stuff and I am also away on a business trip for a week from next Friday. Just let me know though.


Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: The Reverend 48 on February 15, 2009, 04:07:41 AM
glad you liked my vibe..........being a simple old bluesman  ;)
all this mixing and mastering stuff is losing me.........what do l need to do next to help?
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: dragonshade on February 15, 2009, 11:22:03 PM
Ferryman....  Very cool. I am now looking forward to your creation, sounds different, and yet similiar in some ways. I may take you up on the bass, and I'm very interested in the vox effects... curious.

Mike... Hell yeah man. Just sit tight for now. I want to see what Ferryman has got in mind  ;). Though I will call on ya to do the vocals one more time probably. Do you still have the vocal track (just your vocals) from the one you posted?

Here things are a little further along. The 3 main runs are done, and now I have to figure out what I want for the last 25 seconds or so...

(Again, this is a "clean" copy that be added to and remastered)

Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Ferryman on February 16, 2009, 03:41:06 PM
If Mike can extract the vocals from his version I may be able to add them to this new version you posted. I've been playing around with adding effects and using the mastering effects to change the vocals, and could envisage doubling Mike's vocal and using a processesd vocal against his original to create an eerie effect.

Just let me know if you'd like me to do some bass as well. It'll have to be after my business trip next week though.


Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: RevHeadRaZ on February 16, 2009, 05:40:32 PM
Quote from: forte8 on February 13, 2009, 11:05:18 AMI've added a little dark nonsense :P
And left plenty of room a fret bending solo ;)......

cool  8) That really fits well!
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: dragonshade on February 23, 2009, 06:44:49 AM
I have really taken a break from this recently, but am coming back to it. Never having written a solo, and being so weak on theory I've been more studying leads and cramming scale theory than anything else. I have laid down a basic idea of what I want at the end. I'm going to have to go over and work it, but this will be close to the final. I think I'll add one more decending run at the end to finish it... a lower one, and some other small changes. I've clipped this to right before the solo stuff to save those poor souls who have heard this track a million times. I'll post the final when it's ready, thanks for riding along.


Nigel.... I would love to hear what you add, when you can of course my friend. Let me know when you're ready and I'll shoot you a "clean" copy.

Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: The Reverend 48 on February 23, 2009, 06:49:52 AM
Great Solo it fits well......Well Done 8)
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: guitarron on February 23, 2009, 06:51:14 AM
really like the direction this went-nice work to all
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: dragonshade on February 23, 2009, 07:03:57 AM
Lol.. you guys are fast  ;)

Hey thanks, caught me as I was downloading Audacity to shorten the clip.  ;D
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: RevHeadRaZ on February 23, 2009, 10:54:04 AM
this is comin along nicely dude, it's got a great overall sound.
Title: Re: New project, new song.... anyone want to add?
Post by: Ferryman on February 23, 2009, 07:07:35 PM
Quote from: dragonshade on February 23, 2009, 06:44:49 AMNigel.... I would love to hear what you add, when you can of course my friend. Let me know when you're ready and I'll shoot you a "clean" copy.


This is sounding really good. It doesn't want an OTT solo IMO - keep it melodic, this is working well. Can you post the WAV files on something like SkyDrive? See here for info on how to do this:

I can access these when I get back from my travels at the weekend and have a play with them.

I have a grandiose concept album underway (well my current project would be the first track) based on "The King In Yellow" by Robert W Chambers. This might fit quite nicely into that if you and Chrome would be up for it....

