Post Your Work => Original Songs => Topic started by: galestermusic on February 07, 2008, 08:54:13 PM

Title: My first one: Untitled Blues Jam.
Post by: galestermusic on February 07, 2008, 08:54:13 PM
Ok I did it. WoW, I haven't really messed with a guitar for about 15 years and I started driving a truck. So I picked up an EP LPS II and MICRO BR to play with while I'm on the road.

Don't laugh too hard, I'm a 40 year old who gets easily stuck in the "blues box." I don't know how to do chord progressions, scales, or modes.

Ok practice makes perfect, now I know how to do it.

Title: Re: My first one
Post by: Pedro on February 08, 2008, 04:40:24 PM
It's pretty cool! Nice bluesy jamming. And for someone that don't know a lot of theory you are pretty good.

The recording: I want to hear less drums and more guitars! Try to lower the Drums volume by pressing RHYTHM, then right cursor (>) and then lowering the RHY LEVEL. Another thing I've learned is that the rhythm guitars should always be in the middle right or left or in the center. The lead guitar or vocals should always be in the center. What you could do is double the rhythm guitar on the middle right channel and bring back the lead guitar to the center. The mix would be far more balanced this way.

Let me just say I find it awesome the way you use Micro BR on the road. I mean, that is the whole idea behind Micro BR.

Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: My first one
Post by: Pedro on February 08, 2008, 04:45:46 PM
Added the MP3 player to your post, hope you don't mind.
Title: Re: My first one
Post by: galestermusic on February 08, 2008, 07:35:16 PM
Thank you for your feedback! And thank you for having those videos up. Back in the "boozing days" while I was in the military, I sat in and made some extra money. When I quit drinking I quit playing. I found out about micro br and I though this would be cool to have on my truck with me, I just couldn't figure out how to use it. I'm a visual person meaning that I need examples along with instruction when it comes to something like this.

So again thank you and I'll continue to practice and figure this thing out. This is really a great community and I'm happy to be apart of it.
Rock on all!

Title: Re: My first one
Post by: Pedro on February 08, 2008, 08:50:21 PM
Yes, keep praticing.

I will try to upload some new videos soon!
Title: Re: My first one
Post by: antisocialworker on February 14, 2008, 01:12:07 AM
Very Cool man,
Loved it
keep up the good work!