My cat is on her second beer.
How are ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love beer, and peanut butter cups, and marinated grilled flank steak, and more beer...
where's my PEPPERONI!!
Yeah that might be my next meal. The guy who owns the overly priced corner store up the street just dropped his price to a dollar a slice. I think I'm going to get four or five.
And a bag of peanut butter cups...
You found the fishheads song!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't heard that in a while..........sweeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!
eat em up yum! yeah baby
i took a fishead out to see a movie .........
... didn't have to pay to get it in.
My best friend is a fishhead
I was just thinking the other day about conditions in which other types of learning, like perceptual, response-based, and response-effect learning, were unaffected, sequence learning was better with an incompatible than with a compatible stimulus-response mapping. Stimulus discriminability, on the other hand, had no influence on the amount of sequence learning. This indicates that the compatibility effects cannot be accounted for by a different level of task difficulty. Relating our results to the dimensional overlap model, which assumes that incompatible stimulus-response mappings require more controlled response selection than do compatible stimulus-response mapping, we suggest that sequence learning in the SRT task is particularly effective when response selection occurs in a controlled way.
You know what I mean? In a controlled way, thats the key here.
Quote from: Bluesberry the hairless monkey on June 21, 2011, 03:36:45 PMI was just thinking the other day about conditions in which other types of learning, like perceptual, response-based, and response-effect learning, were unaffected, sequence learning was better with an incompatible than with a compatible stimulus-response mapping. Stimulus discriminability, on the other hand, had no influence on the amount of sequence learning. This indicates that the compatibility effects cannot be accounted for by a different level of task difficulty. Relating our results to the dimensional overlap model, which assumes that incompatible stimulus-response mappings require more controlled response selection than do compatible stimulus-response mapping, we suggest that sequence learning in the SRT task is particularly effective when response selection occurs in a controlled way.
You know what I mean?
I know it makes me want to head out and get that pizza. And the cups too, don't forget those. And now I want those fish heads candies...
Its all about the control Hungryman. Use you powers of hunger for good, only for good.
Quote from: Bluesberry the hairless monkey on June 21, 2011, 03:40:11 PMIts all about the control Hungryman. Use you powers of hunger for good, only for good.
I might go evil on you, bro. Sorry - I'm going to point my cheddarblaster at the next person I see. Turns them into a huge hunk of cheddar with cracker feet and hands...
You bet - I plan to patent that gun. It's going to feed the planet, baby!
if you made the barrel out of pineapples you could be onto a weinner.
I'm trying to find a video of a big fat guy stalking a buffet with a Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom type of commentary, like he's a lion trying to take down a gazelle or something.
Quote from: oldmariahcareyhead on June 21, 2011, 03:45:49 PMif you made the barrel out of pineapples you could be onto a weinner.
Naw, Weiner just resigned (
Quote from: oldmariahcareyhead on June 21, 2011, 03:45:49 PMif you made the barrel out of pineapples you could be onto a weinner.
Too sweet bro, too sweet...
If somebody could find me a video like I'm looking for that would be cool. I can't find anything. Maybe I should make one. I'll be the star!
You are a star Mark
Quote from: Bluesberry the hairless monkey on June 21, 2011, 03:47:15 PMQuote from: oldmariahcareyhead on June 21, 2011, 03:45:49 PMif you made the barrel out of pineapples you could be onto a weinner.
That whole deal was quite entertaining!
Naw, Weiner just resigned (
Quote from: Bluesberry the hairless monkey on June 21, 2011, 03:49:18 PMYou are a star Mark
In the voice of Sly Stone "Everybody is a staaaaaaaarrrrrr!!!"
Oh, no! I touched the button of the mouse that touched the mouse on the mouth...
Who sent it to you?
Dedicated to our own resident Hungryman:
QuoteWho sent it to you?
come on who else do you know with photoshop and other obssessions.
not sir harry
Couldn't have been 64. Had to have been T then...
Quote from: oldmariahcareyhead on June 21, 2011, 03:56:39 PMQuoteWho sent it to you?
come on who else do you know with photoshop and other obssessions.
What a bunch of jackasses!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
correct mr grit
Come on guys we're getting ON topic here!!!
and correct alsomondo mr hungryman
Quote from: Gritter on June 21, 2011, 03:23:57 PMMy cat is on her second beer.
nothing like drunk p- ohh a never mind
I met the cartoonist David Boswell on Sunday. Got a Reid Fleming t-shirt and signed comic book. Reid looks a lot like his creator.
Quote from: Saijinn Maas on June 21, 2011, 04:01:06 PMLOL
What a bunch of jackasses!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Worlds toughest milkman.... Now Oreos are going on the list...
Love this!
Yes, that is cool!
oh, and the Yankees suck.
I`m touching myself right now
^ Almost the same pose as Randy in your avatar!
I skimmed this thread and am dumber as a result.
Quote from: Tony W on June 21, 2011, 04:38:58 PMI skimmed this thread and am dumber as a result.
I don't think I could get any dummah
I couldn't get any smartah eithah
I just finished my bag of mini peanutbutter cups...going out for some real junk food now...corn dogs with mustard.
:D ;D :D ;D
Great one Tony! Well played my friend.
man it just keeps getting better-lol
Quote from: Gritter on June 21, 2011, 05:06:04 PM:D ;D :D ;D
Great one Tony! You play well my friend.
I'm as slow as a fat kid on a unicycle. That picture was for Mark about 12 posts ago.
it's beer'o'clock and I'm out ..... g'nite
I'm all confused now. But I'm laughing my ass of in the process!!
Quote from: Geir the scruffy Viking on June 21, 2011, 05:07:56 PMit's beer'o'clock and I'm out ..... g'nite
sleep well you old scruffy Viking, dream of meade and conquest
is cheddar blaster code for rectum? What kind of film is it?
Nite Gman!
Warning: strong language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh man
That Dave Chappell is one funny dude.
Quote from: Bluesberry the hairless monkey on June 21, 2011, 06:11:35 PMThat Dave Chappell is one funny dude.
Look up the Black White Supremacist Dave Chappelle on Youtube.
I wouldn`t post it here but just damn too funny!! ;D
Yeah, Dave Chappell is one of my faves. Too bad he wigged out like he did...
Where's Tony?
Alaska called, I had to answer.......
Quote from: Tony W on June 21, 2011, 07:14:24 PMAlaska called, I had to answer.......
I dedicate this thread to Charlie Sheen!!!!
I share a birthday with 'Mad' Charlie Sheen! He was born 2 years before me though.
Hey, that was Andre the Giant, who initially played the role of Big Foot on the Six Million Dollar Man.
Ted Cassidy, who wasn't as pretty as Andre, played subsequent roles.
Great pic - I didn't know that was Andre the Giant (nor Lurch later)!
Ted Cassidy looks more like Gino Vanelli with a beard than Big Foot!
If only 'The Six Million Dollar Man' had held out for a few seasons longer... :D
He could have had an MBR built into his arm - missed opportunity :D
Quote from: cuthbert on June 22, 2011, 08:39:17 AMGreat pic - I didn't know that was Andre the Giant (nor Lurch later)!
Ted Cassidy looks more like Gino Vanelli with a beard than Big Foot!
If only 'The Six Million Dollar Man' had held out for a few seasons longer... :D
Don't you mean Ted Cassidy looks more like Eugene Levy as Gino Vanelli?
Ahahaha! I stand corrected. ;D
....and that brings us back full circle to the beginning ...............a closed circular loop that will never be broken..............we are all trapped this swirling vortex of Eugene Levy-ness......we are all becomming a little more Eugene Levy with each incarnation of this are ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah..that bionic man big foot episode was the best as a kid and probably even better now to watch the funny cheese!!
Eugene Levy and cheese seem to be dominating this thread.
This should help make sense of it all:
You did it Sandy, you broke the code, we have been freed from this nightmare....I see the light now
at this moment in time i am eating hobnobs and brie mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
no hob nobs left so its brie and choc chip cookies num num num num
my real prference is cambazola and hovis bread shaped digestives but im all out of both
almost posted this in the wrong thread:
Quote from: Bluesberry on June 22, 2011, 05:52:37 PMQuote from: Geir the scruffy Viking on June 22, 2011, 05:22:21 PMPS. a little more statistics for you Saijinn: about 25% of the comments on backers was made by the 5 most active posters (and we're mostly originals and some covers guys ;) )
interesting stat Geir........what does it all mean.
I guess it means we need more Lobster songs ;)
QuoteOh, yeah on the songs vs recordings idea, when I come on here I like to listen to recordings of songs, but conversely, if I went out in my city to listen to music I would much rather listen to songs that are not recorded. In this way I think that recordings are good in one sense and songs good in another. Then there are recordings made of people performing songs, like the latest JK basement tapes, so that gives us another category, performance. Why not create threads for songs, recordings and performances, this gives a lot of variation. Then the member performed songs, or the member recorded performance....wait, what about songs about recording, I have done one of two of those, and I even recorded them, so that is recordings about songs about recordings.....I like the ring of that. This is really cool when you look at all the ways we can break this all pathological need for categories is starting to rear its ugly head here.....
we need a category for Lobster songs .....
and one for cowbell songs
and the very popular monkey song board ;D ;D
Quote from: Geir the scruffy Viking on June 22, 2011, 06:01:44 PMalmost posted this in the wrong thread:
Quote from: Bluesberry on June 22, 2011, 05:52:37 PMQuote from: Geir the scruffy Viking on June 22, 2011, 05:22:21 PMPS. a little more statistics for you Saijinn: about 25% of the comments on backers was made by the 5 most active posters (and we're mostly originals and some covers guys ;) )
interesting stat Geir........what does it all mean.
I guess it means we need more Lobster songs ;)
QuoteOh, yeah on the songs vs recordings idea, when I come on here I like to listen to recordings of songs, but conversely, if I went out in my city to listen to music I would much rather listen to songs that are not recorded. In this way I think that recordings are good in one sense and songs good in another. Then there are recordings made of people performing songs, like the latest JK basement tapes, so that gives us another category, performance. Why not create threads for songs, recordings and performances, this gives a lot of variation. Then the member performed songs, or the member recorded performance....wait, what about songs about recording, I have done one of two of those, and I even recorded them, so that is recordings about songs about recordings.....I like the ring of that. This is really cool when you look at all the ways we can break this all pathological need for categories is starting to rear its ugly head here.....
we need a category for Lobster songs .....
and one for cowbell songs
and the very popular monkey song board ;D ;D
Hahaha, I guess I posted in the wrong thread too, its getting harder to keep this all separate......threads are collapsing into themselves.......worlds are about to end in a mighty bang.........I hope somebody has the presence of mind to record it
your off topic geir we are talking cheese here
cambazola mmmmmm
old and foosty stilton mmm
good scottish cabot mmmmmmmm
Don't tell Mike, but I just had some Geitost !!!
thats not cheese its rubber
i think we should have a cheese board
And we should write some cheese songs. Mine's gonna be called "Cheddarblaster"
see cheese board it can be an aperitif or a starter or even a main course
cheese board
cheese board
cheese board
cheese board
cheese board
cheese board
throw in some quince and cranberries and you have all a man needs to live
I just shot you with my Cheddarblaster, Jim. Now you're a big tasty hunk of cheese.
And now ahm gonna eetcha!!
ooooooooooh squeeze some cranberries and im all yours
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet crannnnnnberrrrrrries!!!!!!!!!!
Alright, I just started drinkin', so watch out!
im ging to bed i have been drinking and eating cheese
sure i will have some nightmares
i will wake up from my dream thinking last night i posted cheese
Then we did our job, bro!
Ok, I got one. Live in the living room. Wait...
Quote from: launched on June 22, 2011, 06:09:11 PMAnd we should write some cheese songs. Mine's gonna be called "Cheddarblaster"
I know there's at least two cheese songs here ... ... three ...
Henny has at least one ... and I have a couple mentioning cheese ... one repeatedly in the chorus !!
ok leats make this into a bumpbait quiz .... which three songs am I talking about ??? First one to bump get a free goatcheese when thay visit me at my cabin ;D
a song for my friend is that the cheesy one lol
Quote from: oldmariahcareyhead on June 22, 2011, 06:36:43 PMa song for my friend is that the cheesy one lol
close but not close enough !! I use the word cheese in at least two songs, and Henny in at least one.
hennys was the grater one
is there a monkey cheese one?
it was hallelujah
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but mozarella
Quote from: oldmariahcareyhead on June 22, 2011, 06:39:42 PMhennys was the grater one
is there a monkey cheese one?
that's close indeed !! Not the same that Dave was close on but the two of you have soon got the two I made .... ... And yeah you're right about Henny's too !
Quote from: launched on June 22, 2011, 06:40:02 PMHere ya go.
WOW WOW WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LitLR ???? that's fab Mark !!!!
Quote from: oldmariahcareyhead on June 22, 2011, 06:42:40 PMit was hallelujah
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but mozarella
Well, live in the jam room. I gotta pull it because my friends would be mad, but what's a tune between friends? Three of us. I played bass and did the gay background vox.
I also produced it. Always have a hard time with the drums.
Wow just caught this thread... now I have to eat my Doritos behind the television.
i just wanna wanna piece of cheese great lyric mark
backing vox should be gay !!!
So live in the living room or "Performed" would also be cool.
you sussed me out when i did backing vox for tim in otley
I'm listening to "Hole in the Moon" right now. F*cking A that is awesome!!! Can't believe I missed it.
What does "sussed" mean?
found out, understood,
I thought it was "You pulled my skivvies over my head and gave me a noogie" or something.
whats skivvies
and noogies
A noogie is when someone lovingly grinds their knuckles into your forehead while the have you pinned down.
you got noogies from tony didnt you, those ex forces guys
soggy biscuits thats another ex forces favourite
Ok, songs getting pulled. Hope everyone got a chance to listen.
I just want to make a statement before I hit the sack !
"I apologise to all noobies who must think we're a bunch of lunatics. We're normally a frindly gang who devote our time to make music, but sometimes things get a bit outta hand. Normallity will be restored when James sober up ;D"
im going to bed now, or am i already in bed and this is all jus a beautiful dream
Quote from: oldmariahcareyhead on June 22, 2011, 07:07:02 PMyou got noogies from tony didnt you, those ex forces guys
soggy biscuits thats another ex forces favourite
Beef chips and gravy. Shit on a shingle.
Nitey nite Jimmy boy! ;D
good night all good people ... where ever you are !!!
Nitey nite Gman!!
kala nichta
Quote from: Rata-tat-tat on June 22, 2011, 06:48:52 PMWow just caught this thread... now I have to eat my Doritos behind the television.
glad you could join the other lunatics rata.......its a crazy time around here.
I've got a terrible stomachache. Gas pains I think. who cut the cheese board?
That's a nice guitar in your signature, Tony. I want to play that.
Quote from: launched on June 22, 2011, 09:01:23 PMThat's a nice guitar in your signature, Tony. I want to play that.
Yeah i want to play that too!
The picture didn't show. :(
Ok, stinky cheese - I saw it!
Quote from: launched on June 22, 2011, 09:05:19 PMThe picture didn't show. :(
Damn...haven`t done it in a while ..forgot how? That`s cheezy
Ha, that is the ultimate form of cheese!!!
Can we please stop with comments that have nothing to do with the conversation except ....
Is she being pushed or helped into that car? ;D
This morning I got up and climbed a feather'd telephone pole only to find there were no eggs. Bummer!!!
So then I went to work on an empty stomach.
Quote from: oldbaldeaglehead on June 22, 2011, 07:08:34 PMim going to bed now, or am i already in bed and this is all jus a beautiful dream
was it all a dream?
Quote from: Rata-tat-tat on June 23, 2011, 01:32:55 PMThis morning I got up and climbed a feather'd telephone pole only to find there were no eggs. Bummer!!!
was it all a dream..........where have I heard that phrase this all a dream...........
Quote from: Bluesberry on June 23, 2011, 02:42:40 PMQuote from: Rata-tat-tat on June 23, 2011, 01:32:55 PMThis morning I got up and climbed a feather'd telephone pole only to find there were no eggs. Bummer!!!
was it all a dream..........where have I heard that phrase this all a dream...........
Mmmmmm - Egg Foo Yong. That's what I'm getting now. "And a couple a quarts of beer!"
Hygenically speaking, goose down pillows are the best you can get.
i know i spelt it wrong
do you not have speelchekker
I tried to shave a goose and make a pillow once.
i goosed a pillow once.
I'm away to my bed. Goodnight :-*
next time i goose a pillow im gonna have that pic in my thoughts.
They friggin baited me Jim. I couldn't control it
deep breaths tony, its working for me.
I'm panting
get a brown paper bag make it airtight round your lips and breath slowly into it then out.
in out
in out
in out
in out
that's what the hooker said.....
did she give you a penguin
Shhh...quiet he`s back now! ;D
who...the boss?
Damn that was only like an hour?? Quick visit
I only need about 7 minutes. I ain't chatting it up for 53 more.
I keep getting these posts mixed up...This is all Sai`s fault :D
Gansty and Tony, you are bad men, very bad.....I can't participate in this frivolous activity......I have given my promise.......I am doing my deep breathing........serenity now..........bad men, very bad
Serenity now!
I did really well in the legit thread. A few times I was as anxious as a fat kid with a bucket full of Halloween Candy just out of reach. I wanted to go off topic so damn bad.
I just urinated in my wifes sock drawer... thought it was the lou!!!! Wow the sun is bright today.
we've all done that.
Rata-tat-tat's wife's sock drawer must stink, I've not personally had the pleasure yet, but it appears Jim has.
wardrobes, laundry baskets, out windows, is it not common practice at least once every quarter.
it's just me isnt it?
One of my roommates in the Army liked to piss in the refrigerator whenever he got ripped. It's a good thing we usually drank all the beer by then. He was always embarrassed the next morning, took extra time to clean it good. But he still always did it. :/
She paid me back with ice cold water bucket... to wake me. She loves me... she loves me not...she Ok she loves me. Damn im stuck in fupid
Quote from: Saijinn on June 23, 2011, 07:52:05 PMOne of my roommates in the Army liked to piss in the refrigerator whenever he got ripped. It's a good thing we usually drank all the beer by then. He was always embarrassed the next morning, took extra time to clean it good. But he still always did it. :/
Ok, now I'll have to admit it. I've pissed in a plant pot before. But in my defense it was dark and I really had to go after waking up in the middle of the night at a huge house party - The shit you do when you're 17...
Quote from: Rata-tat-tat on June 23, 2011, 08:08:34 PMShe paid me back with ice cold water bucket... to wake me. She loves me... she loves me not...she Ok she loves me. Damn im stuck in fupid
Ha, that is love, bro!
Quote from: Geir the scruffy Viking on June 22, 2011, 06:07:15 PMDon't tell Mike, but I just had some Geitost !!!
I found out.
I nearly had some but a mate of mine neglected to bring me some.
Quote from: Tony W on June 23, 2011, 05:41:45 PMthat's what the hooker said.....
Hookers Tony? she's only been gone a few days! Sheesh!
Quote from: launched on June 23, 2011, 08:11:31 PMQuote from: Saijinn on June 23, 2011, 07:52:05 PMOne of my roommates in the Army liked to piss in the refrigerator whenever he got ripped. It's a good thing we usually drank all the beer by then. He was always embarrassed the next morning, took extra time to clean it good. But he still always did it. :/
Ok, now I'll have to admit it. I've pissed in a plant pot before. But in my defense it was dark and I really had to go after waking up in the middle of the night at a huge house party - The shit you do when you're 17...
Ok...honestly.... it's a true story but it happened a long time ago. Just trying to stay with the subject.
Is it just me or is it hot in here???
I refuse to grow old.
Frogs eat peanut butter.... before they go to bed.
Look... a bunny rabbit.
Scots deep fry everything
OP - Yeah, let's. 8)
i was watching a prog on tv about the future of books, are they dead what with kindles and i pads et al?
i think amazon should publish this thread, it is a very good read and interactive tae boot, the future of boks.
Nope, the book will never be dead. Discuss.
Quote from: SteveB on December 15, 2011, 03:51:00 PMNope, the book will never be dead. Discuss.
Nah, the Hampstead lot can go f*ck themselves.
They think they set the agenda. I'd like to see them on a desert island.
Er, form a committee, or what?
ah! tonight i am not the only one drinking. lol.
i love books, but the booksv2 have so much potential.
hic burp fart
start a fire on the desert island with a kindle
Quote from: oldrottenhead on December 15, 2011, 04:17:46 PMQuote from: SteveB on December 15, 2011, 03:51:00 PMNope, the book will never be dead. Discuss.
I totally believe there will be no more books. And not just that! Eventually kids won`t be writing anymore.
I bet they will have no idea what a pencil or pen is in 10 years. Heck i just got the Iphone 4s and don`t even have to type anymore. I just have to command Siri to do it all for me. The Star Trek revolution has begun!!
Quote from: oldrottenhead on December 15, 2011, 04:28:05 PMah! tonight i am not the only one drinking. lol.
i love books, but the booksv2 have so much potential.
hic burp fart
ORH - Ha, ha. Haven't imbibed in over a decade, and I'm not against technology, but oh, it's just these smug c*nts that I have issues with. Remember D. Cameron hugging a hoodie? And what the hoodie did has DC walked away?
Quote from: Gnasty on December 15, 2011, 04:32:52 PMQuote from: oldrottenhead on December 15, 2011, 04:17:46 PMQuote from: SteveB on December 15, 2011, 03:51:00 PMNope, the book will never be dead. Discuss.
I totally believe there will be no more books. And not just that! Eventually kids won`t be writing anymore.
I bet they will have no idea what a pencil or pen is in 10 years. Heck i just got the Iphone 4s and don`t even have to type anymore. I just have to command Siri to do it all for me. The Star Trek revolution has begun!!
Well if that's true, whatever God exists, help us all. 'Cos we're heading back to the cave.
dc i wanna vomit. wrote the lyric to this a long time ago and it is even stronger the feeling i have about him now
Quote from: SteveB on December 15, 2011, 04:38:37 PMWell if that's true, whatever God exists, help us all. 'Cos we're heading back to the cave.
Yup! I agree!
god doesnt exist. does the cave?
Quote from: oldrottenhead on December 15, 2011, 05:06:47 PMgod doesnt exist. does the cave?
You can't confirm the first point. The 2nd certainly did.
yup i have been in a cave, 2nd point confirmed
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Just spent the last -gaaawd I dunno how long reading thru this
best fun Ive had with me guitar off in a long time ::) ::) ::) ::)
to get back on topic whats the update on the cat ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: launched on June 21, 2011, 03:27:11 PMI love beer, and peanut butter cups, and marinated grilled flank steak, and more beer...
And I'm still going with that..
Box from a stove or box from a refrigerator, which is preferable ?
Quote from: peterp on December 15, 2011, 09:04:34 PMBox from a stove or box from a refrigerator, which is preferable ?
depends who's box!
Quote from: Gritter on March 15, 2012, 04:29:05 PMQuote from: peterp on December 15, 2011, 09:04:34 PMBox from a stove or box from a refrigerator, which is preferable ?
depends who's box!
It's my what's the answer?
Would you, could you, in a box?
the meat n eggs on that plate are green
define a box
i am confused
my normal state
Quote from: oldrottenhead on September 07, 2012, 12:50:32 PMthe meat n eggs on that plate are green
define a box
i am confused
my normal state
You're just kidding right, Jim?? ;D
Quote from: launched on September 07, 2012, 01:01:45 PMQuote from: oldrottenhead on September 07, 2012, 12:50:32 PMthe meat n eggs on that plate are green
define a box
i am confused
my normal state
You're just kidding right, Jim?? ;D
I know of 2 interpretations!!!
naw they are green
green box?
meat n eggs in the box
pay attention
It int in tin it's in box
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
nutter ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Ok "Jim I am"!
shit am upside doon again
Sam I clam.
Sam the clam I am. (I'm getting worried now in case it's a euphemism I'm unaware of - I know what you boys are like - well Mark anyways!)
It's all straight, baby! I've turned over a new leaf! ;D
I'm wearing a leaf.
Quote from: Tony W on September 07, 2012, 01:53:02 PMI'm wearing a leaf.
Darn it, I try to be good, but that kind of post might bring me to the dark side again...
I've been saving this one for something special . . .
Now that, is a 'ting of beauty - Love it!!!
takes one to know one
in the middle of a new song one chord stuff it's gonna be awesome
till i sober up
Quote from: Hilary on September 07, 2012, 02:23:40 PMI've been saving this one for something special . . .
Finally a guitar you want to throw in the fire!
It took me ages to do!
Is that mosaic...
It's art man.
the dream guitar, ..... made for Mark!
mmmmmmmmm ....
Quote from: Gnasty on September 08, 2012, 09:02:09 AMQuote from: Hilary on September 07, 2012, 02:23:40 PMI've been saving this one for something special . . .
Finally a guitar you want to throw in the fire!
You need Hamburger Halfstack to go with it.
Quote from: suburban behemoth on September 09, 2012, 03:51:41 PMQuote from: Gnasty on September 08, 2012, 09:02:09 AMQuote from: Hilary on September 07, 2012, 02:23:40 PMI've been saving this one for something special . . .
Finally a guitar you want to throw in the fire!
You need Hamburger Halfstack to go with it.
chips (err french fries across the pond - I'm bilingual in food)
Quote from: launched on September 09, 2012, 04:50:32 PMQuote from: Hilary on September 09, 2012, 12:41:45 PMIt's art man.
And that, gave me a huge chuckle!!!!
yeah but I bet your mouth's watering (I'm typing this whilst holding my geetar)
Quote from: Hilary on September 09, 2012, 04:28:53 PMQuote from: suburban behemoth on September 09, 2012, 03:51:41 PMQuote from: Gnasty on September 08, 2012, 09:02:09 AMQuote from: Hilary on September 07, 2012, 02:23:40 PMI've been saving this one for something special . . .
Finally a guitar you want to throw in the fire!
You need Hamburger Halfstack to go with it.
chips (err french fries across the pond - I'm bilingual in food)
If you can finish it in twenty minutes, you get it for free!
Quote from: suburban behemoth on September 09, 2012, 05:27:12 PMQuote from: Hilary on September 09, 2012, 04:28:53 PMQuote from: suburban behemoth on September 09, 2012, 03:51:41 PMQuote from: Gnasty on September 08, 2012, 09:02:09 AMQuote from: Hilary on September 07, 2012, 02:23:40 PMI've been saving this one for something special . . .
Finally a guitar you want to throw in the fire!
You need Hamburger Halfstack to go with it.
chips (err french fries across the pond - I'm bilingual in food)
If you can finish it in twenty minutes, you get it for free!
not in bloody England you don't! - I'm up for the challenge nevertheless - (still typing whilst holding the geeter - god I wish I could actually play it - keep hoping for a stunt guitarist (lucky no typo!) but then we'd have to share the 3 free drinks between us)
Can we just cook it, peel the bacon off and then throw the guitar away? That's what we do when cooking the pheasant, partridge, duck and woodcock we hunt around here! ;D
You hunt pheasant with bacon covered guitars?
2 eggs sunny side up for volume and tone control would make this already engenious work of art over the top of any IHOP restaraunt... This is killer
Quote from: Rata-tat-tat on September 09, 2012, 09:06:15 PM2 eggs sunny side up for volume and tone control would make this already engenious work of art over the top of any IHOP restaraunt... This is killer
Two McDonalds Egg Mc Muffin rounds!
kinda cool, I'm now at Altitude: 8 229 m and with ground speed: 859 km/h ....... space next ? ....
Ground control to major Geir???
Quote from: suburban behemoth on September 09, 2012, 09:11:50 PMQuote from: Rata-tat-tat on September 09, 2012, 09:06:15 PM2 eggs sunny side up for volume and tone control would make this already engenious work of art over the top of any IHOP restaraunt... This is killer
Two McDonalds Egg Mc Muffin rounds!
I'm liking your style but only 2 - lightweight pah! - oh come on boys it's obvious what it needs - K E T C H U P.
(sorry went to bed for an early night - how rude!)
I've invented a new genre - edible art - someone will pay £1M for it and then eat the bacon - genius :)
Any ideas what to do with half a guitar?
QuoteI'm liking your style but only 2 - lightweight pah! - oh come on boys it's obvious what it needs - K E T C H U P.QuoteIs that a new tuning?
can we please stop with comments that have nothing to do with the conversation.
cambazola on hob nobs mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnuummmnumnumnnnnnnummm
Quote from: oldrottenhead on September 10, 2012, 05:04:56 PMcan we please stop with comments that have nothing to do with the conversation.
cambazola on hob nobs mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnuummmnumnumnnnnnnummm
But Jim.... Eggs dont squeel...
Eggs have no tonal pitch, either.
eggs are smooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth !!
poaching some eggs now. numm numm numm
Quote from: suburban behemoth on September 10, 2012, 06:17:46 PMEggs have no tonal pitch, either.
they pop if you try and cook them in the microwave :)
Why do they call it a Talk Box??? Mine don't say a damn thang!!!!
It never ceases to amaze me when I am awarded a 5 lb bag of gummi bears and suddenly there aren't any left.
Its nice to see this thread getting the attention it deserves. Keep on rocking on.
I think that we should have one moment, maybe 3o seconds, where all those that rock simultaneously cease to rock. Perhaps then those who don't rock, yet depend upon those who do, will no longer take the rock we offer for granted!
Rock On!
never take the rock for granted, thats wise words indeed Hook.
roast potatoes with a hint of pesto and drizzled with honey....mmmmmmmm
An entire sleeve of Fig Newtons does not a meal make... :-X*Groan*
What was the original conversation about?
Not gummi bears, I'd guess.
An allusion is a direct or implied reference to a well-known person or thing.
For the love of god...Before you head outside... make sure you're inside first!!!
Dam I seem to be out of Hot Sauce again!
One tequila...
Too quetila...
Fwee letiqua...
Honest, ossifer, I can't possibly be under the affluence of incahol. I only had tee martoonies.
Vodka is the only solution!!!!!!!!
Jaeger is effective.
In space no one can hear you fart...
...Sleeping-bag is a completely different story; apparently.
When taking a bath, fart in the water then bite the bubbles.
don't take a bubblebath at the same time
My name is Melvin Squamish and I approve this comment.
Quote from: Hook on October 01, 2012, 11:15:04 AMI think that we should have one moment, maybe 3o seconds, where all those that rock simultaneously cease to rock. Perhaps then those who don't rock, yet depend upon those who do, will no longer take the rock we offer for granted!
Rock On!
Yer 30 seconds is up... get back to it!!!
Quote from: Rata-tat-tat on October 16, 2012, 12:31:35 PMQuote from: Hook on October 01, 2012, 11:15:04 AMI think that we should have one moment, maybe 3o seconds, where all those that rock simultaneously cease to rock. Perhaps then those who don't rock, yet depend upon those who do, will no longer take the rock we offer for granted!
Rock On!
Yer 30 seconds is up... get back to it!!!
Yeah ... I agree ... you need 2 or 3 verses now!!!
They have an app for that, to0, don't they?
I said to my wife....If I ask you for some sweet lovin tonight will your answer be the same as the answer to this question?
Quote from: Rata-tat-tat on January 29, 2013, 12:55:06 AMI said to my wife....If I ask you for some sweet lovin tonight will your answer be the same as the answer to this question?
"Phallatio? Me sing opera! You've got more chance of a blow job!" - Mrs Brown's Boys :)
Hickory dickory dock, ten mice ran up the clock
The clock struck six, the other four escaped with minor injuries
Film at eleven.