got home from work this morning, excited to see an email from kenneth and his reworking of my old bunkbeds song and a day.
i was close to tears on hearing the music, it is a very special song, one i wrote shortly after meeting my wife (20 odd years ago) and the sentiments in the song are as true today as they where when i wrote it.
i immediately stuck it on my mbr and vox was done in one take about 5 minutes later.
i will probably redo it as my vocals peak at times, but i need to rest my vocal chords cos there are some realy high notes on this one, that at my age are harder to reach.
anyway i cant thank kenneth enough for doing this, i have always tried to imagine my old songs being done properly an imho what ken has done is beyond perfection.
ken i am forever in your debt.

and a day
words and music written by oldrottenhead
arrangement and music performed by that genuis known as kenneth
vocals by oldrottenhead
this is the original from around 1990
and a day
words and music by oldrottenhead aka the bunkbeds
Ken is reaching new heights with your old songs Jim. What a team. I am practically crying here myself from how beautiful this sounds. You two are like superstars. Your old music was outstanding Jim. I could def hear this one on the radio 20 some odd years ago. Bravo Ken.......bravo Jim..........this one is a world wide hit.
Terrific collab, Jim & Ken - and a wonderful tribute for the missus. I appreciated getting to hear both versions, too!
I'm glad you liked it Jim!
Question: you did the original guitars right? What did you use on the delay guitar, it sounds very "Edge"- like, almost like a cranked AC30 (with the little bottles glowing)?
I tried to get similar sounds, but am finding it impossible to replicate the sound with what I have.
And yea, I agree, the original is a good enough song to be played on radio , you are a terrific songwriter Jim.
oh... and you have a beautiful family! The littlest looks just like her Dad!!!
i used my old washburn wd-700 digital delay on that one. i googled it a while back and the only reference i found was that the edge uses one in his set up.
Ken is a fucking genius.
Jim is a wizard and they make one hell of a dynamic duo.
This is indeed a tear jerker, guy.
Absolutely stunning, from the brilliant performance and musical arrangement by Ken.
To the wonderful vocals and lyrics by Jim.... who by the way did a damn fine job on those high notes. :)
Amazing collab!!
Love it!!
Nice one Jim!!!!
Wow!! I love both versions but Ken really knows how to spice up your old tunes Jim. What a great musician Ken is and this song amazing Jim. Beautiful family you have. All the money in the world doesn`t compare to that.
Awesome job guys!
I cant find words...very beautiful... Ken has done absolutely fantastic job again! I loved the original version as well!! Great tune and lyrics, James!!
I noticed the reference the the 'Edge', and I too hear alot of U2 in this....
Ken you did a Spectacular job of this'n.....OH yeah.
Jim, you can re-do the vox if you wanna, but I for one would leave it be....
i love ken and vox stays as
Beautiful song guys! Stellar songwriting Jim, and you channeled and interpreted it so well Ken!
Way to go!!
WOW!!! This is beautiful in every way. Great song ORH. And great
work Kenneth. A wonderful song of love and happiness ... that's
all I hear ... And I really dig those high notes you hit Jim ... fantastic!!!
Vox delivered perfectly.
Playing is superb.
The song is wonderful.
I've been a fan of this song since the first listen. The remake however is exquisite. The Music is what it always should have been, and the vocal was the icing on the cake. Absolutely fantastic gents.
Powerful, emotional vocal - good job nailing the falsetto! I love the big, ringing guitars - a U2/Smiths sound I miss hearing these days. Expressive, memorable song.
on this day goosebump.
Stunning! I'm speechless ... The vocals are superb, lyrics too, and the song is a gem! I like the old version too , it has an U2 vibe ... brilliant!
this still gives me goosebumps, and gawd i look so young in that pic ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D OTDB