Post Your Work => Original Songs => Topic started by: Oldrottenhead on March 12, 2011, 04:34:46 PM

Title: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Oldrottenhead on March 12, 2011, 04:34:46 PM
FaBFest (banner image missing)

this could almost go in the localfest as the author of the novel iain m banks is scottish, some of you may know him as iain banks, but as iain m banks he writes science fiction, not a genre i am overly fond of, but when iain banks is the author thats a different story. consider phlebas is the first novel in the culture series. but i recommend anything written by the man. without the m i recommend the wasp factory, the bridge, crow road och everything.

anyway i don't know why i even attempted this but i did.

a mind
for help
taking refuge
with the dead
afore arrival
of the shifter

o you who turn the wheel
and look to windward
o you who turn the wheel
consider phlebas

the search
are the foes
and our actions
what do we know

o you who turn the wheel
and look to windward
o you who turn the wheel
consider phlebas
consider phlebas

consider phlebas
written and performed by oldrottenhead
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: SE on March 12, 2011, 04:46:19 PM
Terrific track, Peter Gabriel, Blue Nile and all that good stuff, have never read the author, but can remember a thing on telly, Crow Road, don,t know if it is by the same guy but that was excellent, loved the track!!
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Oldrottenhead on March 12, 2011, 04:48:38 PM
yeah crow road was one of his telly wisnea a patch oan the boak tho
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Kenneth on March 12, 2011, 04:58:15 PM
Well Jim, when you do your solo music, with your juno, it's always a worthwhile listen.
I can't try to interpret meanings ( I should stop trying) but it is , as always, intense and begs another listen.
Nice work.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Oldrottenhead on March 12, 2011, 05:01:26 PM
its quite a complex book but this is a rough try at a synopsis and feel for the book. not read it for years but its one of those books that stays with you, if you where to write a proper synopsis it would be longer than the book.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Geir on March 12, 2011, 05:07:35 PM
aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  !!!

I'll bring this one with me in my dreams tonight !!!
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Flash Harry on March 12, 2011, 06:13:45 PM
Sort and check. make mental notes. look behind when signalling. It will be alright.

It makes no sense at all to me. It's still pretty FAB.

Thunderbirds are GO!
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: lg on March 12, 2011, 09:51:55 PM
I like this one alot Jim....
It is going to my mp3 player as a new home!
Love your Juno stuff....So spacey & transcendental....
Excuse me, but I am gonna put this on loop and go lay down a bit....

Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: AndyR on March 13, 2011, 06:50:46 AM
Just found this over on alonetone.

Wow... this is an utter stunner... unbelievably good.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Oldrottenhead on March 13, 2011, 06:58:01 AM
cheers andy, i finally took the plunge and joined alonetone looks a cool place. so far have only posted the first 11 tracks from my 2nd solo album as oldrottenhead surprisingly called second solo.

one more song should complete it.

it can be got here
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Bluesberry on March 13, 2011, 07:04:43 AM
Here we have it......I missed this, but have found it now.......fantastic song, those drums sound very good.  I really like this song man.  The more of us soundcrafters over at alonetone the better as far as I am concerned, lets take them by storm (maybe we can encourage a few to come over our side to check things out) hahahaha.  I am not so sure they will know what hit them when they get the full ORH experience......all joking aside, it is a good site to host songs from, some good folks, a little less interactive due to the site layout.  Having a site "forum" based like this one fosters a better interaction.  Over there you have to leave comments to somebody on of their songs and there is less back and forth like we have here, because all comments are in a kind of vacuum as it were, you can't see the comments as part of an ongoing conversation with each comment flowing from the one before, etc.  Still a good site and a nice companion site to this one.  The only two music sites I visit now are here (#1) and alonetone (#2).  This site will always be the top dog due to the great interaction we get on here.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Oldrottenhead on March 13, 2011, 07:56:54 AM
cheers dave i joined a few other sites but never really got into them in the same way as here. but my initial impressions of alonetone are very positive and it looks like a place i will visit regularly. for now i'm just gonna post the solo stuff there, so they wont get the full orh experience yet lmao.

it was very cool seeing our collab of black widow up there too. (am still stunned at what you did there dave).

and flash harry i see has joined too and posted another collab. so maybe they will get the full orh experience after all. anyone over there that has collabed with me, stick em on and gie thum a wee fright lol.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: AndyR on March 13, 2011, 09:45:53 AM
Quote from: oldrottenhead on March 13, 2011, 07:56:54 AMand flash harry i see has joined too

Ah, found him - I was looking for "Flash" ::)
But really, you can't miss him on there... he's the one with the bass and the flowing locks... :D

Yep, I agree with everything BB says. The forum-based approach here gives a lot more interraction and "in-depth" feel to what's going on. But I'm finding the vibe at alonetone, though completely different, very satisfying as well (it helps that right at the moment I seem to be at the top of the "kicking ass list" - a most gratifying but, I suspect, somewhat transitory experience :D)

What I get from both sites, though, is fabulous music across styles that I wouldn't usually cross the street to listen to. I'm finding it a mind expanding experience.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: tom r on March 13, 2011, 12:27:56 PM
This is such a chilled out tune. I am sitting watcing the sun set over Durham as i listen to this beauty

Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Ferryman_1957 on March 14, 2011, 03:08:55 AM
Jim, I am a huge Iain (both _ and M) Banks fan, I was stunned by The Wasp Factory when it came out and I have read everything he has written ever since (apart from the whisky stuff). So you needed to tread carefully here as far as I am concerned.............................................and you did really well. I love the atmosphere here and the lyrics (nice look to windward reference), it really does conjure up images of the worlds he creates. You 've made me want to go and read the book again!

Great job.


Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Oldrottenhead on March 14, 2011, 03:36:17 AM
QuoteI was stunned by The Wasp Factory when it came out and I have read everything he has written ever since (apart from the whisky stuff).
the exact same impact the wasp factory had on me.

the look to windward is a straight take from t s eliots the wasteland, (O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.)
which i believe inspired banks  (certainly for the book titles)both consider phlebas and look to windward.

i maybe should read his whisky books tho.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: henwrench on March 14, 2011, 04:40:26 AM
Lovin' the drums and the way the snare picks up... What can I say? Wasp Factory is one of the best books ever written and has stayed in my head ever since I read it.

Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Oldrottenhead on August 28, 2013, 05:58:07 PM
spidebump for Iain RIP ye wur a guid guy.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Oldrottenhead on February 21, 2018, 03:07:43 PM
i am wet with excitement , Iain Banks' book Consider Phlebas is being made into a tv series.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Satchwood on February 22, 2018, 10:38:11 AM
Love the dreamy floating nature of this, and your heart felt vocals!
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: kenny mac on February 23, 2018, 01:54:15 PM
2011.........? These things keep cropping up and I think they are new :P
Nice song,didn't realise it was so old until I checked the date.
Peter gabrialised stuff.
Title: Re: FaBfest consider phlebas by oldrottenhead
Post by: Oldrottenhead on June 29, 2019, 04:13:46 PM
just got round to reading "raw Spirit (the search for the perfect dram)" By Mr Banks or as Ferryman calls it, "the whisky book". Is his only non-fiction book but reading it makes me miss having one of his books to look forward to, as when i complete reading this i will have read all his books. I think i might dig out the wasp factory when i finish this one and start from the beginning of his bibliography and read them all again.