Christmas in London :with video(OsCKilO, Keith Landry and Reefwalker)

Started by OsCKilO, November 18, 2010, 06:33:08 PM


Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........

The Reverend 48

Commented over the way...
It is simply perfect
Way to go Guys!


Very well done, guys!

I love Christmas songs (not the religious ones though) as they create such a warm and comfy atmosphere. Christmas also is the time when I usually watch one or two films on TV - while the TV stays off for the whole rest of the year.

Anyway - this is a very nice song. Keep them coming! :)

I think I'll post my Christmas song on Dec 1st. :)



Beautiful job, Tharek and friends - what a fantastic kick-off for the Yulefest! Really love your guitar work, man.

Every day should be like Christmas.  :)
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


Its hard to comment properly on something so have turned my sour cynical world-weary outlook to one of joy and peace, if only for the duration of the song.  I guess I'll just have to listen to it a bunch to keep this giddy feeling going.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand

Tony W

I find it hard to believe, as rough as I am around the edges, that I could inspire something so beautiful. It's been 5 years since I have last seen my brother we're separated by 1400 miles and a few hard feelings. I made every effort imaginable, efforts which upset loved ones, co-workers, and most importantly my girlfriend of 8 years. It turns out that seeing my brother just wasn't in the cards for this year. I suppose next year it may happen.

Needless to say, I'm emotionally vested in this piece, and Tharek it is a beauty. Thanks to a few minutes on skype with Tharek, and a recent gas attack, I can nearly play the classical piece in its entirety :) Thank you my friend. 

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


geez guys - I love it.

Everything just works so well together. That guitar, string, and especially the bells.
Really has a traditional Christmas flavour. After one listen, this song feels like a classic I've known all my life.
I think you hit your goal boys!

Tharek - Thank you very much for that awesome insight into your family Christmas. I'm sorry about your dad.
That's what it's all about.

Thanks for posting this one - it's gonna get a lot of plays at my house!
It ain't pretty being easy.

Okay to Cover


I am such an atheist that I make Richard Dawkins look like the Pope. But I too LOVE Christmas, because it's a magical time to spend with my wonderful family. I loved Christmas as a kid and I still love it as a big kid. And this song had the tears welling up just making me think about it. A truly beautiful piece of music that really did touch my soul.

Got to go now, i have listened to so much good music here that I need a lie down.



PS love it that a Muslim can like Christmas too! You got any festivals that involve partying rather than abstaining that we can hijack as well? I spread my atheism equally across all religions you know.....

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR


That guitar work and melody is  one of the most beautiful I have heard on this site.
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


Osck this is extradinary beautiful  wonderful lyrics silky guitar work  .
very touching song for the holiday season . i hope uhave this copyrighted
as this could b a very good commercial hit . on radio .or tv. simly
loved it  very touching congrats. and may your holliday wishes all come
true to all who were involved with this great song TC NEIL