You're Still With Me

Started by j.g., February 05, 2010, 09:45:52 AM


Good job, nicely played and well constructed. What did you record it on? Inquiring minds want to know....



Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR


Thanks for comments, glad you like it. I used a Roland keyboard, (major doctoring to patterns and sounds to my liking) and did it all playing live onto a Mini disk. When I received the Boss Micro a couple of weeks ago I transferred it onto that. I then sung the vocals through the built in mic onto the Boss. This is then the finished article.
I have got another version that i did through my Peavey PA onto the mini disc and then did a vocal direct over the top onto another mini disc. This has now been remastered by a friend of mine. It is longer than the one on this site and in a higher key. I will try to upload this to the site for you to compare. Isn't the Boss a fantastic machine!!!