Things Im meaning to write about...

Started by Davo, July 02, 2009, 11:30:36 PM


Betty Paige.  Michael Jackson, and his death.  The turmoil in Iran.  Obama.  Politics in general. My last long term girlfriend, who I havent seen for a few years.  The recent marriges of so many dear friends. Some things ive seen at work of late.

Ive always enjoyed musicians who can give a voice to those that dont have one...without getting overtly political.  Seems like a good goal to aim for.

What are you all thinking about writing?
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


A ghost/love story that spans 300 years. I'm too escapist to write about real world issues, and as a relatively comfortably off family man with no major troubles somehow it seems a bit odd for me to be writing deep or political songs. I do have a song that I wrote 30 years ago about a failed relationship that I plan to record, that's about as personal as I have ever gotten.

I tend to write more escapist/fantasist type stuff and get inspired a lot by books films and lietrature. Greeny pointed me at the poem "Christabel" by Coleridge and that will make a great song.



Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR


I'm working on a song about an old ice cream man looking back at the 1970's. I can't get it right at the moment, but it will come. It's all about memories of ice cream vans and their sun-faded menus, and the sound of 'greensleeves' heralding their arrival. Shameless nostalgia.

Apart from that, I never really have any fixed plans. I just write about what's important to me at that moment. My latest mp3 post is about my girlfriend going on holiday. She's only been gone 2 days, and I'm already miserable. So I wrote and recorded a song about it last night.