Maybe waiting was wrong

Started by TPB, March 17, 2024, 05:13:09 PM


Wonderful song .. great vocals and great playing..
I agree you need more rainy days in the studio  ;D
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800


Nice brooding feel. The bass sounds great, but... as a bass player it's hard to say this... I almost feel it would be better with fewer notes: More long whole notes; less of a shuffle. Follow the piano. Turn the broody knob up to 11.

I like slow breakdown at the end.

Lyrically, this touches a theme I discuss with my 11-year-old daughter vis-a-vis the songs she chooses. Just this morning I was discussing with her four songs she asked me to steal from YouTube (convert to MP3). One of them was "Love is BS" by Lala Sadii. I said, "Yes!" I waived the rule of "no bad language" because the song is such an effective counterweight to the ultra-romantic Cinderella songs she asked for. I looked her in the eyes and said, "Listen to me. Love is hard. Love is work. These other songs are about infatuation and lust – not about love. Infatuation will fade away, and then the work begins."

I especially like the "maybe" in the song. Because maybe waiting was right. You never know. This song is the flip-side to falling in love too fast, when maybe waiting would have been better. Your song leaves it at a maybe. Life isn't going to tell you.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac