That Little Piece Of Gold

Started by Ray Brookes, October 27, 2023, 02:33:59 PM

Ray Brookes

ERROR: No MP3 file found.

All topics in the Post Your Work boards must have either an mp3 file attached or include a link to an external mp3 file ([singlemp3] tags) in the message body.

A little piece of gold
Always slipping from your hands
And now the shifting sands
You starting to get old
Grasping for that little piece of gold.

A little piece of gold
Looking for that point of reference
Ride the punches; ride the malevolence
You know you're bought and sold
For that little piece of gold.

That little piece of gold
What exactly would you do
It's never up to you
Just do what you are told
For that little piece of gold.
Ray Brookes

Ray Brookes

Dunno why but the song wouldn't load up. I'll try again later.
Ray Brookes