The World Needs Love - a tworegs chapperz original

Started by chapperz66, July 22, 2022, 08:58:01 AM


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Another important message from the regs.

The album is nearly done.  Get ready to open the "Box of Frogs"!

Pete C

Sounds so professional in both the playing and mixing. Great vocal by Trev too.

Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800

Rene Asologuitar

Hi Paul,
Very nice quality recording.
Your vocals is lovely, and the message is great.
Love is really the answer to all our troubles, and we need to show it to others.
Thanks for this beauty.


You're letting it rip! This was not the easy listening song i signed up for. This isn't even lounge. If i'd hear this in an elevator i would have pushed all the buttons!

The Trevs vocals have so much chutzpah that it sounds like you're giving two options: Walk the plank, or love!

This song is the equivalent of the whole of Sergeant Pepper album condensed into something that is influenced by the 80s, sounds like the early 90's, and makes Captain Beefheart to choke on his trousers.
Boss BR-80

Ron D Bowes

Great rocking track. Top quality production and great vocals. All round just a great track!