GAS is real -- and it's insidious: My 2022 slow GAS leak

Started by Ted, June 03, 2022, 05:50:26 AM


Stephen, You've got it all wrong. The pedals are for simpletons.

For all that time time it takes for the multifx guy to get a decent sound, the guy with the pedals has already managed to mangle the audio beyond repair, blow the speakers and cause permanent damage to this hearing!

Overall there are just three kinds of pedals. The ones that don't have any buttons, those that have two and lastly those that have several buttons and nobody knows what they're supposed to do.

But you do have a point. My wife keeps on buying knitting yarn all the time and it just seems to mysteriously disappear. I've often wondered if there's a somekind of a vacuum that sucks the yarn and she's actually holding the fort... Otherwise the world would collapse. There must be, otherwise we'd be living in yarn.

Perhaps your wife has an another purpose for all that kitched gadgetry. To take her mind out from hearing you bang on them bongos, she'll be doing a solo on her own Tupperware.

There are so many things we don't know, or understand. The questions about Bigfoot and Nessie are the easy ones.

Boss BR-80