Mon vieux (cover Daniel Guichard)

Started by Janpol1953, August 29, 2018, 09:38:53 PM


Mon vieux
Author Michelle Senlis, Composer Jean Ferrat (1962)
Performed by Daniel Guichard

"Mon vieux" is a french slang expression but affectionate which means "My father".
It is the story of an adult man who realizes that in his youth he was not close enough to his father. It's a very sad song.

Song: Janpol1953
Acoustic guitar: Janpol1953
Other instruments: "Band in a box" software
Web site with chords and lyrics :

Have a look on my personal video (A lot of work):   !@014

In his old grated overcoat
He'd go away in the winter, in the summer.
In the chilly early morning
My father...

There was only one Sunday a week
The other days, it was the seed
That he was going to win as best we could
My father...

In the summer, we went to see the sea
See, it wasn't the misery
It wasn't heaven either.
Yes, never mind.

In his old grated overcoat
He's been taking for years
The same suburban bus
My father...

At night on the way home from work
He would sit without saying a word
He was the silent type.
My father...

Sundays were monotonous
We never received anyone
It didn't make him unhappy.
I think so, my father...

In his old grated overcoat
The pay days when he'd come home
You could hear him yelling a little.
My father...

We knew the song
Everything went by, bourgeois, bosses,
The left, the right, even the good Lord
With my my father...

We didn't have the TV at home.
It was outside that I went to look for
For a few hours the escape
You know, that's stupid!

I can't believe I spent years
Next to him without keeping him
We barely opened our eyes
Both of us.

I could've been smart.
Going a long way with him
It might've made him happy.
My father...

But when you're just 15 years old
We don't have the heart big enough
To house all these things
You see.

Now that he's far from here
When I think about all this, I think to myself.
"I like it that he's close to me"

Translated with
Rien ne sert d'espérer pour entreprendre... Ni de réussir pour persévérer!

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