It's very quiet on here !

Started by Pete C, July 08, 2018, 01:07:16 AM

kenny mac

It's good this thread has got everyone talking about it and also reassuring that we are not giving up on it.
I'm much like jim just now but it's a new shift pattern not a new job so I'm trying to get my head around that.
I'm sure it will kick back to life.


Hi guys....Well, this thread has prompted me to crawl from under my rock  from where I lurk and add to the comments. I can relate SO WELL to almost all of them. Lack of time isn't one for me tho. I have that in spades... but lack of motivation, inspiration, and enthusiasm are my main culprits. Another big issue for me is playing alone all the time. I only have two close friends that are musicians and both work FT and seem to have also lost a lot of their former interest in music. I get out one of my instruments and think.. "ok, now what?" Sick of the same old songs, too lazy I guess to learn anything new, and to sing, I gotta feel kinda upbeat and happy and I haven't been there in quite awhile. My bone on bone knee, which has dogged me for 7 years now, has undergone every therapy there is to avoid a TKR (total knee replacement) but limping about, unable to go up or down hills or kneel, and limping about finally pushed me into surgery. Had the TKR on 6/18. I did my homework. Found a good surgeon who did over 350 TKR's last year and a top shelf hospital. I knew it would be painful and the recovery time lengthy... but underestimated both. The pain, swelling, and unbelievable stiffness was , in a word, awful. Thought I was tuff guy. I guess maybe not so much. Still using a walker but slowly transitioning to a cane. Few things scare me more than a loss of independence and the feeling of vulnerability when you have to depend on others. So anyway, Monday will be 1 month since the bone saws sang. Doing PT 2x daily here at home and making progress... but man I have a looong way to go. The homestead is demanding and my wife has been a saint. Meanwhile, I feel frustrated and useless and it's a son of a bitch trying to "be patient" and have a positive attitude. They all say "You'll be so glad you you did this".... well, let me tell ya...I am so effin' ready to "be glad" !!!
I'll try to post a pic but I doubt I can remember how. Getting older AND dumber I guess.

Apologies as usual for lack of participation in this great site.


Boss BR-1200


Hi Pine,

That looks very sore but it should be worth while when it all heals.
Best of luck for a full recovery, stay positive.



I wish you well on your recovery - that is some photo, but i am sure you will come through all the stronger.

The one thing that worries me is the lack of new members to Songcrafters. It would be great if newer member could come on board. If we stand still then participation will get less and less as the years progress and members lose interest, etc and nobody new joins.

Is there any way we can get new members to join... i for one do not know know how to help unfortunately??!!

iPad GarageBand


Crikey that looks painful Pine - a love the way a photo of your knee has been downloaded 19 times - this site rocks!

Don't forget this site is oozing with musicians that'd love to do a collab with you sometime :D
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Hey Pine, you know that you have to consider it  in terms of "long time", and with this perspective, for sure you will not be disappointed.


Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800
Tascam DP-24
Logic Pro
Adobe Audition

Farrell Jackson

Ouch buddy!!!!! Damn Charlie that is a lot of stitches. It has to hurt a lot...just looking at it makes my knees hurt. I do hope it all heals fine (no infections) and that you have as speedy of a recovery as possible. You're still early in so just take it day by day for now. I'm sending some healing vibes your way and I know other songcrafters will or are doing the same.

I really feel for you brother. I had a laminectomy,  L3 through L5, on my lower back almost three months ago and the first month was pure hell but since then things have gotten way better. I hope it goes the same for you. Get better soon friend because there's music waiting for you.

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


Keep up with the PT Pine, like the good doctor Alfstone says it will all be worthwhile in the end. A good friend of mine had both knees replaced, he is a very fit seventy year old ex rugby player, and can be seen jogging most days round our village.

Thinking of you brother, stay strong young and fit.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Oh wow Pine! Hoping you heal quickly, just wow!

I hope all you will get back to making music, it sure is different here since my return.
One thing I feel is that I just don't care  about getting things perfect. My life is way too busy to perfect my songcrafting or instrument playing. I guess it's always been about just having fun and not being a perfectionist  about any of this.
I hope you guys will return and just find enjoyment in creating.

All the best to you guys.
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


Damn. Don't like seeing any of our little community suffer. Thinking of you.
Boss BR-1600