Another Bass Player

Started by LCB, April 28, 2009, 03:41:48 PM


Hi, thanks for the warm welcome.
The ashbory is indeed a very strange instrument, and since it is my first fretless my intonation is atrotious, but working on that. HOever, it does invite you to groove and play with a lot of "air" as the rubber strings are a bit "slow" and keep you fingers from running.

Flash Harry

That looks like a whacky thing!

I've recently bought a Scheckter Hellraiser 5, so I won't be spending any cash on another bass anytime soon, but I did play a really nice 5 string fretless Aria.  That might be the next purchase....

Welcome to the board LCB. I'm looking forward to listening to your stuff.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


You are gonna be wanted in the collab threat!

Hop aboard! It's great fun!
If you loose track over a chord progression, play as fast as you possibly can. Nobody will know. Thats how they invented bebop.


Yes  IT is a strange looking thing. LOL  I learned to play fretless.  ON an upright string bass.  Or bass fiddle  bigger than a cello. Ha Ha.  That is a far cry from that!!  Welcome again.


Shouts from New Hampshire - Used to play a little bass. Make sure you post something with that thing - dying to hear it.

Later and welcome,

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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