Started by Psychonaut, June 16, 2015, 10:34:38 AM


I just want to thank everyone for their contributions on Songcrafters. I've listened to A LOT of what everyone has done in the original and covers categories, and everybody has some REALLY GREAT stuff! It's SO inspiring to me each time I hear something new someone has performed. It gives me the drive and inspiration I need to continue to produce pieces of my own art. Thank you to whomever created this page, and gave us all a platform where we can express our creative abilities. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
The right vibrations can create life, or decimate an entire planet. Share your vibrations of love and creation...


Well thank you for your kind comments from all of us - I'm sure that we all appreciate it. We are all just doing our thing, and pushing our own little boundaries :-) Keep on doing what you are doing, the only person you have to satisfy is yourself, and if anyone likes what you do - well that's a bonus :-)
Boss BR-1600

kenny mac

I've noticed all video posts have gone?
Is it just me?