Navigating this forum ?

Started by 11RANGER413, March 19, 2009, 06:01:25 AM


I am new to this forum site and I have to say, it is one of the hardest forums to figure out how to use anything that I have ever been involved with ! I am a member on You Tube, Myspace and Facebook and they are a cakewalk compared to this. The terminology alone on this forum is hard enough to understand not to mention trying to figure out how to do anything on it ! Its enough to make you say to hell with it ! I am lost and becoming increasingly frustrated ! Why couldn't they have used simpler terms so you could pick things up easier and quicker ? I can't figure out how to e-mail members, set up my own e-mail and any of the things you need to know to function on here ! Everything is like its in some coded language or something ! I even noticed initials that stand for some unknown meaning. I'm sorry but I'm just being honest about it ! I'm going to click post this but I have no idea where this message is going to endup ! Ranger


Reply is not a good word for this ! Mark unread ? These terms are misleading ! Must have been set up by, oh I better not go there !Forget it . Send this topic ? Send it where ? Print ?


Do I have to be on here for a year straight in order to understand anything ? I see some of the same names on here a hundred times and think " they must know what their doing cause I keep seeing their names over and over, I wonder how long they've been members on here, so I click on their names to see and behold, they've been on here quite a while ? " I'm going to give someone a chance to help me. Any volunteers ????


Hey, how the hell did that little yellow head thing get on the above message if I didn't click on it ? This board is a mystery to me !


I recieved an e-mail from one of the fellas' on here in my actual internet e-mail account, I have no idea how that happened either ? You would think I could log onto this forum and access that e-mail with relative ease as to respond to this gracious gentleman, hell I can't even find the damn thing or instructions that clearly state " Access E-mail here " ! Go figure ??????


Its ironic that the only reason I joined this site was to learn more about the MBR and post a few songs and I end up with more issues to deal with before I can do that !!!!


Wow... that's a lot of points to cover. I'll try to deal with a few...

Your 'outside' email address must appear on your profile. If you click your own name on one of your posts, you'll be able to see what information appears to the outside world. You can amend this by going to the blue 'profile' tab at the top of the page. If he emailed you on an external email address, you can only reply externally.

The blue 'My messages' tab (also at the top of the page) shows incoming messages. If you click 'reply' you can choose to reply to them if you wish.

The 'quote' function is pretty common to most forums - it just allows you to post another members comment in your reply so that everyone can see what you're replying to.

Stick around a while - it'll all make sense if you do.

At least you're posting ok!!!


I see your email isn't on your profile. Therefore, you must have got a notification email to your private address telling you you have a message waiting on here. Have a look on the 'my messages' tab above - the message will be there waiting for you. Just click on 'reply' if you want to respond.


I'm posting okay ? I'm replying to my own dang messages !!!!!


Mr. greeny, I really appreciate all you've done honestly, but I think I'm just gonna cut out ! I don't need this horseshit, I've got enough stuff going on as it is. I don't have time to relearn new words and phrases because the administrator is an Arab who can't understand English without someone's help ! Thanks buddy, Ranger