Is it me ...

Started by bruno, June 08, 2013, 11:31:27 AM


I hear ya, not much encouraging one can do, if they don't like the song. sure I could make comments short and sweet, even if I do not like the song, style, but why fake it just so I can make my comments quota???

it is a community and a platform, in one. each of us has our own platform which in it's entirety is the site, made of a bunch of platforms as a group. but when you are almost ridiculed indirectly to comment, on songs posted, something weird about that. especially when I see many who NEVER comment on my music, so?? they do not have to! maybe they just do not like me. let alone my style. so what? we still get along!

far as growing, I do not need to listen to banjo to grow, I hate it always have, always will. enjoy that you like a variety of music, but trying to force it upon others just isn't right. again
I do not see where it is anyone's right to try and make anyone to like what they do not like, if you cannot understand it fine! your trip is different than mine.

and by there comments here, there is a force, things being said negatively about saying thanks, or by not commenting to everyone, as if everyone comments to me, come on! and I only bring this up cause there are subtle but strong comments about people not commenting enough as if everyone comments on all my work. but till this time, i never mention it, let alone complain about it. there are many top posters who rarely or never comment on me, but so what???

it is fine you decided a long time ago not to let some metal music effect how you feel about other metal music. most all my dislikes have been life long, and I still do not like such styles. but as it seems, it is being asserted to comment anyways and say anything positive, even if you do not like it. to me that's worse than posting thanks, cause then it is posting just to meet an expected quota!

and hey if you think my music is the same sound over and over, maybe, maybe not. but music I do not like, brings me down, that's no inspiration for me, even after a few more listens, it either grabs me or it doesn't. and I do listen, I just do not always comment to prove it. which happens to me a lot too! so?

I  prefer to give a real comment and not make up some BS just so some would quite complaining about not enough comments! they are allowed to like and to comment on what they like or not, just as I am! but the insisiting of commenting whether you like what you hear or not, is really astounding! that's like buying an lp - cd just cause everyone else likes it! that has NEVER been me!


Going back to the original question........... a few months ago, when I thought that this forum was about to die, I looked around the web for a better alternative.  Now, I may not have "auditioned" every one of them but I still could not find anything that was better structured  with the kinds of topics that interested me more.  So, I decided that until things got really bad, I would continue to read this forum and when motivated, send in my comments. 

That being said, I still worry that a lot of the old posters have gone.  They were the ones who made lots of interesting comments and gave the site its life.  These were people like Gritter, Flash Harry, Ferryman, Greeny, Cuthbert, Bluesberry, the Reverend 48, and Glenn M, etc (sorry if I've forgotten any other stalwarts) who really enlivened the place.   There only seems to be ORH and 64 Guitars that post regularly any more.   I do miss the old crew.  There are some newer posters like Haylie that have a lot of personality but its not the same as it used to be.

And BTW, the debate about commenting on other people's songs and saying thanks seems to have been done about fifty times over the years.  I doesn't go anywhere.   Don't get too upset if people express their preferences for posting.  You don't have to follow their directions.  I never have.  But equally, I have never been too upset with not getting many comments on my songs either. 

keep your chin up


PreSonus Studio 1824
PreSonus FaderPort 8
PreSonus Studio One


excellent reply ian!
since march I've had a sprained finger, or so I thought, it is still fucked up. I've had some type of virus, haven't been too well!
i've had a lot of shit to do where not only could I not comment, I wasn't even here at all much, nor online much to post much of anything. and my song production was way down as compared to what I would have posted normally.

and like you, you will not hear me make a topic complaining about me not getting enough comments, don't really care, though I do like that it seems at least a few give a listen, even if i am not commenting as much as some people want. I listen way more than I comment, but you cannot get credit for that cause it is unseen by most anyone.

I never thought this forum was dieing but I did notice the reduction, but people have lives, ya know! and especially in the summer, we've got more things to do whereas in colder months you're inside more and perhaps can get online more and to this site.

actually cause I have not commented much lately, I am happily surprised that some do comment to my stuff, and yet many do not. I do not expect it anymore, especially after all this, which has been bantered about before more than once on here. so I even expect revenge non comments back to me but that's ok.

if you come into this knowing that you might not get as many comments if you do not comment back enough, and you are ok with it, why does anyone else care? I seek no quotas, and some peoples examples of a comment, is a joke here. but I won't elaborate on that! to each their own, they're doing nothing technically illegal.

I concur with ian, he makes a lot of sense to me!


Wow - not expecting this. My original comment was this ..
Quote from: bruno on June 08, 2013, 11:31:27 AMOr has the activity on this site on a big downturn. May be just my perception, however there seems to be a lack of activity, posts seem to be hanging around for ages?

My comment is this, a community without any community in no community. My observation is that activity is down (backed up by 64Guitars stats), and that means general posts including music. Mrs B writes, when I joined Songcrafters, she joined a similar writing site, nobody commented, nobody read and ultimately nobody posted - the site closed. And that's my point.

A site like this takes energy, commitment and time. Each of us have higher and lower levels of involvement - we get busy in personal and at work, or simply become un-inspired (it happens!) - I think we all understand that. There is a wide spectrum of people on this site, all in a different stage in their musical journey. I find very few tracks that I cannot pass an honest and hopefully constructive comment on. Actually sometimes the track is so good, I cannot say anything other than great track - because it is what it is, and I have nothing more to add to what has already been said.

This is a great community. It is made up of many people across the globe with a passion for music. I love getting comments on the stuff that I do - and we all have fragile ego's (I sulk when I get a no-commenter - but I get over it), but I'd miss this place if it were gone. Having been on this site a year and a bit, I would like to think that I've made some real friends who share my passion for music - and I hope to meet Hook in person in August and share a beer, which I'm soo looking forward to. I have recorded possibly 100 tracks - some good, some not so :-). But hey, I wouldn't have done it without Songcrafters, I simply wouldn't have bothered (that also includes spending out shit loads on money on gear - opps). That back catalogue will live with me for as long as I live - and perhaps longer!

So be active, whatever than means to you. To quote Rainbow (showing my age) - "Long Live Rock n Roll" - and long may Songcrafters be here. Peace and Music to ya all.

Boss BR-1600


For myself, the stuff I post here is a small fraction of what I produce during a week. I spend most of my time on the microtonal Xenharmonic Alliance II on facebook and the alternate tuning list on Yahoo because I'm heavy into microtonal music, classical, rock, ambient, and Heaven knows what.

Honestly, some of the stuff posted here is kind of boring from the point of view of the alternate tunings I listen to every day. Then again there are performances I have loved so much I've posted elsewhere - like that vocal / acoustic cover of Strawberry Fields I posted everywhere like Reddit and Facebook because I simply loved it. (yeah, you guys didn't know I do that did ya?)

I don't see this site as having any problem at all because it has a core of devoted members. But posts like these make it seem like there are hidden rules - like the no Thank You comment rule.... and elite status. Nothing can kill a site more dead than that. I've seen it happen 3 times now.

Thinking back I remember a previous discussion like this where I was told about how great this or that SC artist is. <shakes head> People figure that stuff out. The public isn't stupid. And as Frank says tastes differ.

kenny mac

Had a great day in the sun today,just missed jim,he was walking the dog and I was on my bike.


Crikey this has been a bit of a read . . .

Frank and Chris - we love you xxx

I like saying thanks to comments but am mindful, from previous discussions on the issue, that my thanks are when the song is already at the top (ish) of the board (which is a bit of a shame to have to think of such things). No-one seems to moan though, when people just 'bump' their own songs up the board.

Comments on my songs, it's great to have comments but I would far rather they were honest - if I've posted a stinker, let's face it, who else is gonna tell me.

As far as a platform for work goes - I've had this criticism before on here via pm - and so I deliberately try to keep my own comedy stuff off here but surely everyone is posting their work on SC to be heard and appreciated, otherwise they wouldn't post anything and just comment on everyone else's work.

I also think that postings are down at the moment because the Voicefest (it's not the most popular of festivals in that not many people have taken part)

I really enjoy listening to other people's posts.

I absolutely hate being told what to do!

I agree with Bruno - if it wasn't for Songcrafters I wouldn't have done a fraction of the songs I have over the past year. I've learnt such a lot from you guys and been lucky enough to be involved in some great collabs. I find you are all very generous giving your time and expertise to help me and others.

I'm very pleased I joined Songcrafters. I'm not great at sticking around when things aren't going great but I'm pleased I'm still here. Thank you for listening and your encouragement. Thank you for sharing your music, knowledge and expertise.

I am a Songcrafter :D

Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça

kenny mac

This is a great site and I applaude mr 64 for the great work he has done,he has personally boosted my recording output by 100 percent and my global friendship with other songwriters by the same ,and although he has in a personal way nailed me to the wall for my own stupidity on some things(lol) I think he's one cool dude,my name is kenny mac,,,,,,,and I am a songcrafter  ;D


Damn it Bruno... You done got everyones panties all wadded up!!! IM KIDDING... IM KIDDING!!! Actually these kinda of posts bring out some good perspectives from everyone... So it's probably a good tool for 64 to gage how the site is doing... how to improve it... how to keep members comming back. I've been an off and on member pretty much since the site started... wasn't heavily involved at first due to life and responsibilities... but gradually I started posting and interacting more heavily as I grew to know some of the folks on here.

I agree with Bruno without the community there is no community. I'm sure 64 is looking at all comments on this thread and handling the site as diplomatically as possible. It's no easy job for anyone to do... for that I applaud 64. He took on an already tough job and kept the site going as promised. Some folks may disagree with decisions that are being made and they have every right to say what's on their mind so long as they handle themselves in a somewhat professional and courteous manner. I think 64 at a minimum deserves that amount of respect.

I'm very proud to say I'm a songcrafter.... To me being a songcrafter is not about any one person on here or their abilities... it's about musicianship and comming together to play music from anywhere in the world. It's about sharing musical experiences and a vast knowledge base that you would be hard pressed to find anywhere else on the WWW. I can't end without mentioning the collaboration outlet this site provides... try any other site out there. I bet you won't have near the success collaborating with fellow musicians. 

I don't think Bruno actually intended for this thread to get all tangled up in the whole posting etiquette subject... but since it did ... I thought I would add my thoughts. Bruno is a hero of mine... as well as many others on this site. It would be a shame to see this site get all jacked up with politics for sure... but I agree some folks just need a little reminder now and again why we are here and do what we do!!! 64 is doing a great job in Shepherding the site... It'll pick back up when the snow starts flyin... it always does.
Tascam DP-02

kenny mac

Here,here mr rat a tat ,you've hit the nail on the head