New Song "The Crossing" By MrBud

Started by MrBud, May 18, 2013, 07:53:41 PM


The crossing
It's a tune about the otherside of the coin as far as Mexican immigration is viewed in the USA.
America is THE DREAM !  They hide in the day,,,and walk all night........ Hope you like !
Up And Adam


As the sun lays low in the sky,,,
On a darkened Mexican road.....

We will make it through this day..We can make it through the night.
We can make it all right....

It boils down to faith,and a willingness to fight, and your gonna make it right.

Through the cross and over mountains..Cross the rivers wide they will ebb and they will flow..
There we seek our magic fountain,,where there's work,and we will work to provide.

I was born on the Mexican side,with a feeling i must go..
Now is it what they say,,is it so bright ?
We will walk all night..........!
Up And Adam


Interesting tune, I really like that saloon sounding piano.
Rock On!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


HI there really a nice tune. great lyrics and vox..well played
instruments. great production   enjoyed NEIL