Learning To Fly

Started by Tramway, February 17, 2009, 07:36:51 AM


Tramway... I really like this one... Has a great feel to it. I'm curious, did you lay all of the tracks??? The bass line on this one is awesome. The guitars are really distinct and cut through very nicely. I agree with Whiley... the vocals kind of lay in the background on some parts... maybe lay another vocal track with some harmony's might do the trick. I can also hear another bridge maybe. Just food for thought. I really like... please keep em comming.


Tascam DP-02


Thank you for all the positive feedback.  Yes I did lay all the tracks down myself, using an acoustic guitar and base for rythm, telecaster (type) guitar for lead with MicroBR SuperCln effect and own voice, which still needs working on.


Your voice sounds fine.  When I first started playing I wasn't even called a singer.  Was lucky to do 2 songs a night.  Made me mad and now I am much better.  You just hang in there.


Man, what a great guitar tone... How did you get it?