Full Lyrics to "Rise with me " Thank's all.. MrBud

Started by MrBud, March 04, 2013, 04:46:03 PM


"Rise with me,we have yet to see,the meaning of it all..
And if the time should abandon me,i'd rather stand up than fall...
Rise with me we've yet to see the meaning of this song,
And if my time abandons me,i'd rather stand up than fall,,,,i'll give it all,,,i'm a thousand feel tall.
Let's make us some money,Let's spend us some time...
Let's never give up until we've tried..
There's no good reason for taking your life,,You may alone,but we're intertwined.  Rise with me we've yet too see,the meaning of this song.
Diamonds Gleam,and voices stream,Imagine how high we'll soar !
Don't leave behind some tragedy-just grab your horse and be gone...and give it all...I'm a thousnd feet tall...In spite of it all ...! "     G.Hendrickson
Up And Adam