Clock is Ticking - DrZiggy pens a darker song! Oh my...

Started by DrZiggy, February 15, 2013, 02:03:45 AM


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Hi Folks,

Well this is my darkest song so far and weirdly it has had the least plays.

'The Clock is Ticking'

Think people are trying to tell me to stick with the light hearted stuff?

Do we care? No! we write what we want to, most of the time it works, but it is not always very accessible if it is about difficult subjects or subjects that are either taboo, or usually hidden under the carpet.

Not that this song is, but it is about mental health I guess.

DrZiggy, give it a listen you never know - it isn't really THAT dark.

Boss BR-1180
Follow me and I'll follow you!
Facebook:Tony Joyce Twitter @MargaretMJoyce


This 'aint dark! Well, lyrically it goes down a darker path, but that breezy flamenco-tinged guitar definitely adds a lighter touch. I like the way the song moves and the subtle additions you've made all work very nicely. Fine work.


I think your right Greeny, some of the stuff on this site (wonderful though it is) is darker than a piece of coal in a coal cellar in a power cut at midnight!

Flamenco? I was of course stamping my feet and playing the castanette's whilst dancing with an ebony haired 6 foot beauty, with legs all the way up.

Boss BR-1180
Follow me and I'll follow you!
Facebook:Tony Joyce Twitter @MargaretMJoyce