How to overcome nerves

Started by banjaxed, January 30, 2013, 05:23:44 AM


As the ladies in question were at least 75 I don't think I would have had any problems.
Just had a thought, I wonder if their enthusiasm was because the were partially deaf  ;D


Oh I'm so glad it went well - I bet you were awesome and blew them away. The last gig I did, I made eye contact with a bloke at the bar and he put me right off (and I really like interacting with the audience it makes a gig for me) - but I do comedy to a get away with blue murder - so I just made a joke about it and carried on. I have to accept it's never going to be perfect and I actually plan 'ad libs' for my cock-ups on the guitar (which I won't mention here as they're a bit rude!) but I guess the point I'm trying to make is, it's never going to be perfect live - you need to accept that and work with it.

I'm looking forward to hearing a recording.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


You are so right about having banter with the audience as it does wonders for the nerves.
You don't get over the nerves completely but it sure helps.


I bet you are an awesome guitar player - how about recording an instrumental to start with?
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I have just read through the whole lot
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
ggreat everything went well for you on the night
loved all the advise youm were given  ;D ;D ;D
pity I missed this topic -or maybe just as well  ;D ;D ;D ;D
but as someone who has been around since Adam was a boy and put a piece of cat gut on a bit of stick
plucked it and said hey not bad and if Ugg had that jawbone and blew through it we could a start a band ;D
No I
old folks-if its a dance you better play some waltzes
some old fashioned rock and roll
Van Halen or whatever -dont think so ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
your granny did'nt bop to them  ;D ;D ;D
with the oldie gang learn a couple of 50s songs and put them into medley
you wont go wrong and they will sing along with you
that is the name of the game

if I can remember hint No.2 2 I will get back to you  ;D ;D ;D ;D
great everything went well

Boss BR-800
Boss BR-600


Good idea about posting an instrumental Hilary, now I am getting to grips with my BR900CD
it seems like a good time to have a go, might need help with posting sound files but will ask
for assistance when ready. Watch this space  :)


Just a little bump to say I enjoyed reading this thread
hou hou ha ha