Some samples of my Live sound

Started by Dmann, October 24, 2012, 07:26:27 PM


 Hey all,

 Been a while, I know, been real busy, but I thought I'd share a clip with you all.

 Recorded with a Boss MicroBR onboard condenser mic, no effects except Limiter only. The room is a 15x20 room with hardwood floor, we put a carpet under the drums. The MicroBR was placed on a table at waist height beside the bass players rig on the opposite side of the room from the drums and guitar amps. I didn't set the limiter properly though so thats why there is some distortion.

 The Amp is my Marshall JVM210H with a 1960BV cab, and I'm using my G-Major II for Delay and Reverb and EQ
 Guitars are my LTD M1000 Deluxe, LTD EC-CZ (EC500), BC Rich Jr V Deluxe. All have EMG 81/60's
 The Wah is my Dimebag Crybaby from Hell, and Phaser is an MXR Phase 100.
 Oh yea, I also made my own 3/4 inch Plexi-glass baffle which goes in front of my cab to tame the cone of deaf

 Also, I know it's not the greatest recording, and we were just jamming, as we were trying out a new singer, but I thought it represents how well the JVM210 sounds and cuts through for solos.


Some great playing going on - nice live and open sound, captures you playing live!
Boss BR-1600