Posting habbits on Songcrafters

Started by Geir, October 06, 2012, 05:00:44 AM


Quoteif everyone can live with each other NOT doing - thank you's, and not be offended by not being thanked, perhaps that's the way to go.

I think Frank makes a good point and it would be nice to have a general rule of thumb on this. I didn't quite know what to do as a newbie and am guilty of thanking most of my commentors, probably individually, on the basis of - if I get in quick and it's already at the top of the board then it shouldn't be a problem.

It great to get support and know that others don't think your songs, covers suck but it never bothers me if I don't get much of a reaction - there are so many wonderful songs on here that are miles better than mine and spare time is limited for everyone. The fact that anyone bothers to listen is good enough for me.

I am really proud of my 'body of work' since I've joined Songcrafters and I know I wouldn't have bothered to do a fraction of the stuff I've done if I hadn't joined - you are all such as inspiration xxx
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


i can't argue with ya on most your points haylie! i think listening is the main point more than if you left a comment about what you felt about it.the best thing you can get is a listen even if they don't like it. at least they gave you a chance to perhaps capture thier tastes in some way!


Quote from: phantasm777 on October 06, 2012, 04:03:42 PMpersonally i think if you remove post counts it would help a lot. why do we need to see how many times people posted?

Actually i`m not posting comments anymore because i like how it flashes in red and i don`t want to wait another 1000 posts till it happens again so stop making me comment!

Is it still flashing?? :)

Quote from: phantasm777 on October 06, 2012, 08:53:47 PMi think listening is the main point more than if you left a comment about what you felt about it.the best thing you can get is a listen even if they don't like it. at least they gave you a chance to perhaps capture thier tastes in some way!

No seriously Frank you made some good points as well, but I do disagree with what you said about the listening to a song but not to comment though, because how do i know that you listened to my song? This site can only thrive with comments.
When an artist makes an album he doesn`t know who`s really listening till he plays live shows on how many people show up. We don`t do that here so we need to know who our fans are and the only way is to comment.

One thing that some people don`t know is that downloads on your songplayer doesn`t mean actual downloads. It means how many times the song is played. However i noticed when i listen to a song on my phone it raises that count 3 times listened instead of 1 so your song could actually be played less than you think not that it matters to me in general.

I was truthfully here for the music at the beginning but now it`s more than that to me. i`ve made friends along the way and how can i not go off in little comedic rants with a guy that lives in Scotland or England and lives closer to me.. It`s fucking awesome to me to be able to do that.

I hope to meet a lot of these people one day. I tell people i`m in an internet band with 2 guys stretched from one side of North America to the other and it amazes people. One day Stepping Stone will meet and play in front of thousands. It could be 10 people and thousands of ants but i don`t care, as long as we play a few tunes and party later it`ll be a dream come true and a check mark off my bucket list!

That`s all!



Boss BR-80


Boss BR-80


Quote from: Gnasty on October 06, 2012, 10:45:34 PM. One day Stepping Stone will meet and play in front of thousands. It could be 10 people and thousands of ants but i don`t care, as long as we play a few tunes and party later it`ll be a dream come true and a check mark off my bucket list!
............Theres a great  little theatre the Picturedome in Holmfirth  that you could play you can have a holiday to boot in Gods country of Yorkshire...there would be one fan there for sure.....well 4 including the band would be a great start for the world tour although a touch expensive .....what I'm awake!! .....I thought I was a sleep and dreaming.......arh the beauty of being woken from your dreams by a screaming child.......oh yeah!! The thread.....  :-\  the fun is in the making and knowing it's out there in the world, it's a great bonus if it touches someone enough to comment but I don't really want a comment just because I've commented on there's it feels a bit empty like those Christmas cards my mother used to send every year because they had sent one the year before not because she was thinking of them at Christmas .....but a shelf with no cards isn't really Christmas is it what's the was a bad Christmas........ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Well considering Geir didn't want to start a discussion, this thread is coming on a treat! ;D

Just a point I didn't mention before, I probably disagree with Frank too on not posting on stuff that isn't your bag, I try to listen to things I feel might not be my thing because often the song suprises you and you find you like it, a phrasing, a lyric, a recording technique and so on.

It's good to be open minded on music if you can, there is a lot to gain from doing so.

I often find I listen and like a track but the previous comments have said all there is to say before me but leaving a simple comment is just an acknoledgment of the listen which is all most of us ever wanted in the first place.......isn't it??

Boss BR-800


       I've personally discovered many gems that are not necessarily 'overlooked', but have nonetheless been popular and old posts, due to 'On this Day' bumps and the members who indulge in the practice of 'pearl diving'.

       It's hard not post in your own songs if another member asks you a direct question (How did you....?, Are you using...?, Why do you persist in raping my ears?, etc.).

       I appreciate the Vikings comments but think that only a culture of personal posting etiquette will improve the polite and beautiful infrastructure we are all accustomed to.

       But I think that Bilbo, Frodo, Sam and.....what? Oh, I thought we were discussing hobbits??? ???

The job of the artist is to deepen the mystery - Francis Bacon

English by birth, Brummie by the Grace of God

Boss Micro BR


I agree with everything the brummie said ....

And thank you all for being so polite not pointing out my obvious misspelling(s) ;D
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


There have been threads in the past that remind me of this.  I recall several "Sorry I have been absent" or "i feel guilty because..." threads.  I have written things like this many times. The whole gestalt of the original post in this thread is something that reverberates with me often, especially now that I can't invest the sheer hours I used to in this site and music in general.

I have been wrestling with a series of posts a while back that basically said that if you respond to a bunch of songs at once (because you don't comment frequently), you are hijacking (my words) the site, pushing new songs down. I am not sure how to approach this because I only have a block of time once every couple weeks (usually on a Saturday or Sunday morning) to try and catch up on listening.  Then-and I hate saying this-I tend to focus in on the names I recognize.  I know I miss some great music this way, which is pretty poopie.

A good discussion (even though you didn't want to start one) from an excellent original post.
