rocksmith grows up a bit, now does bass

Started by peterp, September 05, 2012, 10:08:20 PM


The Rocksmith learning game  released an update (1.2Gb update and about 29$cdn)
It adds Bass as an option to the game, and adds a bass track to all the songs it came with or you bought in the past. All new DLC songs will also come with a bass track.

Nice going, now two of my fingers hurt (I ran through a couple of the initial sessions and a few of the skills building tutorials & mini games.)

As far as I can see new full version disk purchases appear to come with both guitar and bass capability.

Not sure how much it can teach you to actually play if you don't already have some knowledge but is is fun to bash away at it!

Now if they would only add a vocal module!

Game is available for xbox360 and playstation3 now, PC version supposedly coming in mid October

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

Quote from: - Newton Minow, head of FCC 1961"Television, America's vast wasteland"