
Started by MrBud, June 27, 2012, 06:42:46 PM


Oh it's lovely MrBud - you've got a real nice tone on your vox and I loved the piano runs. Mighty fine :)
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Hey - nice one Mr Bud. Reminds me a bit of the band Styx - that kind of era of 70's tunes!
Note confidence comes with the more you post on this site - we are all on a journey of learning on this site!
Boss BR-1600


Thank you,and yes,the 70's are still alive and well and growing with me in my tunes...
We/They [songwriters] were always seeking for new original tunes,just the right combinations,and who knows..?!
Seems these days,it's more crystallized-no evolving [with the exception of very few..]
I've always held on to the idea,that if i keep on seeking,,maybe just one of those songs will take flight...
And usually in the past,the simplest tunes[classics written by others] were always there just waiting to be found...and i know there's still many "out there" So,it keeps me writing,,maybe in time..?
Thank's once again,
Up And Adam