highway's calling

Started by maxit, May 08, 2012, 09:15:38 AM


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Here's a little song by me and mike leblanc, who's lyricist and singing too - both comping and solo guitar is all programmed with Band In A Box software (yea, Franco is making a fool of me saying as a guitarist I'm sitting on a desk: but I'll be back LOL)


HI Maxit another wonderful song loved it
sounding like a Bob dylan style that a compliment
that s  a singing style id want to try eventually
cnt other wise sing worth a darn. lo. great job
u r an inspiration for me. i also have band in the box
the 2012 edition the whole nine yards. welll put together
that software. ive not had time to do much with it lo
again thanks for sharing cheers and keep rockin NEIL..!