Tips and tricks - the blindly obvious

Started by bruno, March 04, 2012, 12:35:31 PM


So - someone will probably say that this already exists - but thought it would be useful to have a space to share our little findings - the kind of thing that you say that was bloody obvious, why have I been doing it any other way all these years.

Tip no 1 : So - to get the ball rolling, here's my starter for 10. So, under duress, my drummer friend was showing me YouTube drumming videos, and the video was talking about non-standard time-signatures (7/8, 11/8) - and how to count them. Break them into simpler forms - so 7/8 becomes 1-2-3-4-1-2-3 etc. Its bleedin obvious - but so much simpler than counting in 7's

So - unless some says - this exists, and here's the link - I will add to as and when I think of them - else I'll rip the post down. :-)

Boss BR-1600
