New amphead

Started by Bro, November 18, 2011, 11:51:29 AM


Hi guys

Every little once in a while i stop by this site

Here is my main investment since my last visit; it's a 1969 fender bandmaster, along with it i bought a harley beton g212 vintage cabinet. I know how it sounds, a fender top through a harley benton cabinet? ridicules right? Well.. not really. as a matter of fact it sounds amazing! Anyway, here's some pictures and i'll be posting sound sampels soon too! :)
The amp is silverface, i'm not sure wether it has the AA1069 or the AB763 circut, but it sure as hell sounds amazing.. Sound sampels coming up!
If you loose track over a chord progression, play as fast as you possibly can. Nobody will know. Thats how they invented bebop.


If you loose track over a chord progression, play as fast as you possibly can. Nobody will know. Thats how they invented bebop.


Looks pretty damn sweet!

So where are the sound samples???
